I work at University College London, and we're currently holding exams at the ExCel in London.
A few days ago, there were guys from Salesforce here setting up for a conference they have on the 17th May (see salesforce.com/uk/events/london/)
Anyway, being a stinky Linky, I decided to approach them and ask a few questions about the conference. I eventually got pretty friendly with them, and asked if they knew anything about blockchain tech and smart contract - specifically mentioning Chain Link as an example Salesforce would probably use. They suddenly looked very intrigued, and sarcastically joked "you seem to know more than most people should know?", before telling me they can't really tel me anything specific due to an NDA, but that I'd be very interested to watch the sessions starting at 10:30-11:40, as there will be a guest speaker in attendance talking about smart contracts (hint hint wink wink).
Looks like we could have only 5 days of accumulation left lads
A larper some days ago claimed there will be a conference in which an important 3rd company would speak and mention by name Chainlink Network, this could be it. Or OP is the same larp, I don't know for sure
Jacob Campbell
The guest speaker is the Bogdanoffs.
Robert Wilson
How exciting, thanks OP :)
Liam Carter
Sure thing lads :^)
Obviously you'll move the goalposts further, but whatever.
And of course proof we are doing exams at the ExCel:
Also I believe you, it's not like you claimed to be an insider, I've been many years in a public university and I'm aware of the connections you can make being an extrovert person
Sebastian Russell
Rhanks I believe you user, my linky stays super stinky $1k EOY
Robert Collins
this week is gonna be huge, no-linkers have only a few days of life left OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Those guys don't even know what blockchain is, left alone anything only insiders would know.
I had LINK from ICO, sold all in January. Move on, get over it. This coin won't do anything anymore, it's dead - well no, it was never alive.
Charles Lopez
That's dust... I just cleaned it though, thanks for reminding me
Easton Garcia
I feel sorry for you. Selling before everything falls into place, just lol. I get why you say this though, you NEED it to be true. Otherwise you'll be buying rope
William Lee
Oi mate, where's your Jow Forums license?
Joseph Thompson
"We Are All Trailblazers" intredasting are you able to attend?
Aaron Bennett
FUD is pathetic at this point.
Hunter Morris
>Be corporate drone >25 year old boomer asks if we're using some random crypto shitcoin >"yeah sure kid it's super important!" >Kek
t. low iq sociopath who still hasn't finished accumulating
Charles Kelly
>but that I'd be very interested to watch the sessions starting at 10:30-11:40 >"We Are All Trailblazers" with Simon Mulcahy, Global Chief Marketing Officer >10:30 - 11:45 >We’re in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - an incredible wave of technological innovation that’s transforming our daily lives
>"We Are All AssBlasters" with Simon Mulcahy, Global Chief Marketing Officer :30 - 11:45
Lucas Walker
>We’re in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution — an incredible wave of technological innovation that’s transforming our daily lives. Behind these new technologies are customers demanding smarter, faster, and more personalised experiences. Today, you’ll hear how Trailblazers can use the Customer Success Platform to create connected experiences, learn new skills, innovate at their companies, and shape the future. In the keynote, “We Are All Trailblazers,” Simon Mulcahy, Global Chief Marketing Officer, will share how brands like Ulster Bank and adidas are using the latest Salesforce innovations — including Trailhead, Einstein AI, and Lightning — to blaze new trails to customer success.
Chainlink isnt mentioned once. Calm down retards.
Eli Bennett
Going all in on LINK. If we go parabolic then I owe you. Post wallet so I can thank you when it really takes off.
OP says there will be a guest speaker talking about smart contracts user mad the speaker announcement doesn't contain his entire talk I love my competition
John Mitchell
>linking a video that pre-dates Ropsten launch
Weakest FUD
Brody Perez
bought some more links today
William Reed
Fresh metamask wallet to avoid hackers on steroids
Connor Flores
Guest speaker here. AMA.
Wyatt Hernandez
Don't be embarrassed about being a linklet user. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER
Cameron Long
I own link but you both sre strecthing this. Its not going to be anything. Chainlink may be used by salesforce but they arent gonna mention it this year esepecially at some faggy Convention in London.
Jaxson Murphy
>"We Are All AssBlasters" with Simon Mulcahy, Global Chief Marketing Officer Brutal fun.
Putting 25 grand into a Jow Forums meme coin puts you *firmly* into deluded territory. 10k LINK is the borderline for delusion.
Leo Barnes
20k is the new cutoff for making it now. So thats also the cutoff for linklet status.
Robert Reed
i'm wondering the same thing. why is this such a big deal? sure it might make all of you gather in a circle and jack-off in unison, but do you really think the rest of the crypto market is going to give two shits in the mouth about this?
Connor Rogers
>Tfw no one cares about this larp
Asher Foster
Wrong 50k is the new cutoff linklet
Evan Perez
Nice incoming dump when there is no mention of link . Keep it up goys, doing gods work
Imagine being so deluded that you put over 100k of your own money.... your life savings basically into a Jow Forums meme token. Because you think it'll be 1000 each end of year even tho there are no sure signs of that and you could be basing it all off a larp.
If Link ever makes it you guys deserve the funds for being so deluded....and dumb...yet smart
As for me, I can't get anymore than 1k. Poorfag here and I have other coins as well. I just don't trust others like you Autists do.
Eli Turner
DYOR faggot
Colton Butler
The thing is, it's not just a Jow Forums meme coin. For some reason last year we all decided to latch onto LINK and turn it into a meme. In reality the concept is vital for mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency in general. I have no idea if Sergey or the rest of the ChainLink team are actually up to the task however.
Jayden Hughes
I believe the OP... I know people will say oh but nobody ha said anything about chainlink... but gosner retweeted that link shill account. What more proof do we need?
I mean.... if you fuck an HIV infected hooker in the ass... while her anus is bleeding... you don't exactly need an HIV test as confirmation to know that you are going to die of AIDS.
Connor Foster
t. 23k link. Thank hashem, I'll barely make it
Eli Bailey
It doesn't matter how big your bag is. If you have iron hands, you will see through to the end and live a better life (financially speaking).
Ayden Harris
This is actually a very good analogy to buying ChainLink.
Leo Wilson
>in London >in the fintech capital
Ok user.
Gabriel Sanders
You HIV status in this situation depends highly on whether you're circumcised or not If circumcised you are highly unlikely to have caught something Which is why betaboy foreskin fags don't fuck your moms gaping bleeding asshole And I do
William Moore
Let's get real, whatever this ends doing from here, there is an opportunity cost attached. And shit's hard to time and maybe THE EVENT is here or after mainnet or in 2025 or never. And not everyone who wants to drop bags before never arrives is a weakhanded faggot.
Aaron Bell
gosner is docusign, not salesforce so that's not a good point, but I agree in principle there's other stuff out there.
Parker Bailey
>being this mad the jews made you mutilate your genitals Classic cutfag cope
Nathaniel Parker
Fuck off asslarper. I hate using this board on my phone cause all my link filters are gone so I’m forced to skim through the dozens and dozens of link threads clogging up this board. And yes literally 90+% of my holdings are in LINK (used to be 100% but these bags and these larp threads made by 19yr old jobless virgins are getting tiring and tedious).
Matthew Baker
Let's be honest, the price won't moon in 5 days or even 5 months until they release mainnet and announce partnerships. It's still interesting regardless, $1000 might start getting realistic
Mason Smith
>tfw could literally change your marks / classification if I wanted :^)
Could someone explain me howd you will withdrawal all your billions when Link will peak in price? What you gonna do especially if you live in country where some problems with crypto n shit?
Noah Garcia
holy fuck i wish this thread would stay alive until that speech so that i can laugh at all of you for being so deluded
Ryan Green
You are probably the biggest link holder in this thread
Landon Fisher
I actually no a kid who's worth 20 mil from crypto.
Once I make 2 million I'll transfer him 2 million and he gives me 1.8 million in cash. Then I can go buy lots of gold and silver with that 1.8 milly.
Lucas Perry
You never cash out. We all do this for fun, nobody needs the money they put in crypto.
Levi Hall
If Salesforce mentions Link, it will leak out and cause major moonage...but if Salesforce members are really bound by NDA, seems improbable they will outright mention ChainLink at this stage of development.
Joseph Cruz
This is one of the most brainlet replies I’ve read here. Congrats.
Alexander Torres
Why is it a brainlet response?????
Gavin Myers
Why is everyone bound by an NDA??? Who the fuck cares??? Why can't they just say something??
NDA is just a meme. Nobody actually cares about Chainlink. It's Occam's razor you fucking deluded idiots
A) using “no” instead of “know.” B) precious metals are a dumb investment for anything greater than 2% of one’s net worth.
Anthony Richardson
Don’t listen to them, you’re a legend.
Wyatt Campbell
NDA isn’t a meme. If you didn’t bind people with NDAs, there is nothing preventing anyone from saying “thanks for this brilliant idea and wealth of valuable info...I am going to go capitalize off of it myself now.”
Caleb White
That's not what NDA means. What you're describing is intellectual property. NDA is an agreement not to disclose the details of a deal.
Elijah Martin
Precious metals AREN'T and "investment" you brainlet.
The REASON you buy gold is because fiat is a scam and you want money and wealth for when fiat dies. That's the ENTIRE point you brainlet.
Nobody buys gold to get back more worthless fiat. If you bought gold at $1300 and tomorrow it's worth $2600. You didn't make a profit...all that happened is the dollar became more worthless. You made a phantom profit.
A gold ounce 900 years ago is exactly the same gold ounce today. Doesn't matter if the fucking dollar exists or not.
Ryan Martinez
>10k LINK is the borderline for delusion.
This. 5K link is the most any sane person should be holding.
Levi Clark
Gold is REAL money. Not an investment.
Dylan Collins
Non disclosure agreement. An NDA includes whatever your attorney writes in the document. I’m very familiar with NDAs and have used them prior to meetings with manufacturers, endorsing doctors (for a product), graphics design people, marketers, etc.
They can be one page, or hundreds of pages depending on how strict you want to make them.
Benjamin Bell
Anything you buy is an investment.
You have a terrible understanding of economics.
Robert Thompson
Have you ever actually researched the history of money? I’m not trying to be mean even anymore, you just clearly have a poor understanding of “money” in general. There’s a great documentary you should watch to develop a basic understanding, let me see if I can remember the name.