France, please

France, please.

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But you're in the same situation


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What film?

Pulp Fiction

pulp fiction, it's an edit btw



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pretty based

True, but France is bottom of the barrel. They have the worst of any European nation. Feel bad for them.

God dammit the Frenchman made me lose it completely

Attached: british and french athletes.jpg (727x666, 68K)

wrong pic

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That's a big wog.

for you

Pour vous

He's a 10 time Judo heavyweight world champion and hasnt lost since 2010, he's an outstanding athlete.

kek isn't that the jew and the arab during 2016?

Holy fucking shit, I would crap my pants if this dude was out to get me. He looks like a fucking giant.

Big if true


It is yeah.
That was where the arab refused to shake the other guys hand.

Jesus fucking Christ, I hope that whitoid is just a manlet.

The jews have won, it's ogre, it's done.

Love you guys, it's been real

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And in a hundred years from now on
they will say

we done fucked up with France

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6'8 and 309 lb, a monster

>brit being an asshole

As usual

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Peter Sutherland was Irish and Catholic by upbringing.
Remember we can be subversive too.

Weren't like 90% of US Presidents part Irish or something?

Just Paris

No, Hernandez, when you get around to learning the history of your adopted land you will learn that most US presidents were Protestant Anglos, with some having Ulster Scots ancestry (not really Irish)