Mexico vs Spain

Which is a better place to visit/live? Which cunt has a better future in general?

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Spain is fucking awesome but it has demographics problem and therefore going to decline

Mexico is fucked in many ways, but it has very noice locantion and going to grow

What’s the demographics problem? I’m a brainlet sorry

Very low birth rate, even lower compared to the rest of the Europe


Spain has no future
t. Spanish

Mexico is a shithole with good culture.
Spain is not so bad but their culture is mainly muslim and african

Lots of old people . We aren't going extinct like idiots like to imply, but it's going to be hard paying for boomer diapers for a few decades.

When learning Spanish, how do I go about learning specifically Spain’s Spanish? Is there even a difference between Mexican and Spain Spanish or what?

Learn Argentinian Spanish, it will help you get the ladies, at least in Spain.

Fuck off to Spain and die in there

Mostly accent and some slang, nothing important.

Mexicans I've met in Spain talked with spaniard accent though.

> Visit

> Live

> Better Future
Mexico of course

Isn't Mexico one of those countries like Brazil, India and China that always has the brightest future ahead but never manages to escape shithole-tier?

What do you prefer?
British english with cockney accent or American English?

Same case for spanish.
Spain spanish comes with a terrible retarded accent while Mexico and some parts of South America are neutral.

China has improved its standard of living by leaps and bounds.

All of the countries he listed have.

Mexican spanish should be more useful for you
And it's pretty much the same

Do Mexicans hate Spaniards? And vice versa?

There is this butthurt mexican that posts shit about Spain whenever he can.

In the real world we don't give a shit about each other.

i like a spain and would like to visit mexico too but too much potential for violence

as an addendum to :
it's more likely that spaniards hate ecuatorians and colombians than mexicans
the reason is that there's a lot more of the first as low-class immigrants than the latter

Yes, but I think in 50 years time Mexico will actually be a developed country.

>Americans have to ask themselves this question


you'd fit in in galicia
>ecuatorians and colombians
i dont see those much
venezuelans are more common
they are treated well as long as they are not too brown/amerindian

> Live

lol what how is this "depends".Once is a thirds world ridden crime shithole and another one is a first world country with one of the lowest crime rates,one of the highest life expectancies and the 3rd most visited country in the world

my ba--
nah until a madrilenian says it i won't believe it

Mexico should become spain

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I want to visit spain for pic related, where is the best place to go and what part of the year is the best for it?

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madrid has lots of southamericans yes
theres this stereotype of colombian women working as either prostitutes or cleaning services,
puerto ricans and dominicans are usually in charge of violent crime according to policia nacional

You won't be dissappointed. I'm poor and only went a couple of times despite living next to a plaza (w/e they're called). They only do bullfights once a year, during the town's festivities, which ended a couple of days ago. I was sunbathing in the balcony and getting chills to the bone just listening to the cheers and the band playing. The only recommendations I can give you is to find a place that has a music band, when they play the classics it's very special, and to go with someone who knows about it, to tell you what is what as a guide, because it's a whole world with tons of details that will fly over your head otherwise, people join in peñas to go watch it so maybe you can find one that will let you go with them if you invite them to some beers.
I thought you guys had them as well desu.

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Thanks for the advice, what part is it?
Yes we have, I've been to some and they were really good but I want to see the original before your protesters destroy that great piece of culture

Just curious, how common is it to see Puerto Ricans in Spain? Are they mostly associated with negative stereotypes?
t.puerto rican

Mexico by far. Spain is a dangerous shithole full of poverty and pollution.

>how common is it to see Puerto Ricans in Spain?
not very common outside madrid
>Are they mostly associated with negative stereotypes?
yes, the stereotypes of reggeton and violent crime, both true to some extent

People think I'm mexican because my last name seems mexican. Then they see that I look european and they are confused.


My ancestors probably colonized central america 300 years ago.

The thing about developing countries is they may be poor right now but they’re absolutely skyrocketing up at record speeds compared to developed economies which are mainly stagnant. It’s the case for places like Africa and south america and China, it’s weird but gapitalism is an odd force

>yes, the stereotypes of reggeton and violent crime, both true to some extent
Damn, that's a shame.

Mexico has a better situation only because of its geographical position, it is a neighbor of the richest country in the world.

Spain has been in decline for 30 years, nobody wants to have children and there is a third world labor market

At least you guys dominate music, those Spaniards probably listen to Rican artists.

>Just curious, how common is it to see Puerto Ricans in Spain? Are they mostly associated with negative stereotypes
No and no

Pontevedra (Galicia), I'm obviously very biased towards this plaza so to me it's the best, even if purists don't like the roof. I heard that bullfighting is related to Sun worship and rites as an explanation for this dislike (Ortega wrote a book about it I believe, that I've had in my backlog for ages), to me, that ring of sun moving accross the audience like a sun clock only highlights the its presence, but again, I'm no a conossieur. The celebrations surrounding it are good if you like drunk underage thots and sangria, I'm feeling a bit too old for that.
I also heard that going to Ventas is the ultimate experience.

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Two of my uncles got BORICUAED and are living in PR now (both were/are rich kids and met their husbands in med school).

That's a really beautiful plaza, i hope I can go soon
Pic related also menttions what you say about the sun, one of my favorite books

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would a spanish women marry a mexican guy?
my uncle met a women in madrid and they got married and she is VERY qt and nice.

A couple of my childhood friends got Mexican qts, we just drank too much of the Kool Aid.
One of them brought back a corgi-type sheppherd dog, top pupper desu I might get one some day.

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thanks for the input man i appreciate it.

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I wonder from where we get the stereotype of being racist and xenophobic when we are probably the most tolerant people on the planet

Why are you asking if it already happened to your uncle?

>we are probably the most tolerant people on the planet

More like we lie the most in the polls.

What's the problem?

stop asking me questions amigo.

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No. Why don't you answer properly?

How do you know we lie the most? Spaniards for example suffer racist attacks in UK.

am i obligated to?

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shit, you're right!

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Yes. Now do it.

Mexico has the most beautiful women on Earth

literally just go to Tijuana

spanish toreros come here

I've yet to see a single opinion poll in which Spain or spaniards look bad or below the average.

It is like most people just say whatever they're expected to say and not the truth.

It almost sounds like you're unironically making the argument that victims of discrimination can't be racist, haha

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why does everyone hate grease tho

Yeah, I guess. It's just that even in Europe we're seen as criminals which fucking sucks.
That's cool user. Do they like it?

>nobody hates spain as a spaniard



idk man, i met some europeans who lived in Tulum and were pretty happy to live there.

Yeah that does not invalidate my point.

Being nationalistic in Spain is despised and considered a biggotry sign i.e. the good thing is the other extreme.

make me

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I'd say they like it very much, I've always looked up to that branch of the family, aside from being wealthy they're very decent and affable people. Some of their "mutt" girls are objectively bombshells too (no incest, objectively speaking).
*obviously I meant aunts

Fuck, that was meant for

why do spaniards get butthurt when hispanic americans speak english instead of spanish in thier country?

Literally never happens.