anime dab edition
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Is this turduni or another jordanian poster?
They say its me, but im telling them its not, they insists its me, literally autistic screeching.
I don't know how to photoshop though
i didn't use photoshop you mongrel, i used paint, which im sure you have, just admit you're shilling against me because you're butthurt, the pic you posted isn't me and you know it.
Why won't turd namefag the one time it would be convenient?
Really have a difficulty telling who's who
Why would you make another one of these? Haven't you learned your lesson yet?
Also I want to make a whatsapp group and will 100% ban al turduni from entry, anyone interested? (mossad need not apply_)
We are different people, you moron.
>whatsapp group
>>unironically giving your phone number to tjhe people on here
no thanks
No thanks
probably not, but still, you're just posting that picture claiming its me because you're assblasted and hate me, there is 0 proof its me and you're autistically screeching ITS YOU HURR ITS YOU HAHA ITS YOU BTFO
great idea, i suggest you go over to whatsapp and stay there you fucking retard.
what are you scard of you fucking betas
How about you count the number of posters here dumb salafist in the lower right
You will know if we are the same person
low IQ rat...
That would be dumb af to post your phone number here
Just get a discord account
>Just get a discord
go back
why would it be dumb? i was in a literal far right whatsapp Jow Forums group for ages (profile picture and all) for the memes and nothing happened, you betas take yourselves way too seriously
sorry you dingdog but I used 4ching before gaming Skype
Nah, I won't bother with Whatsapp. Sorry user.
i didnt know there were so many jordanians here :3 we should make a jordan general
Nah not a good idea
Most Jordanians are just shitposters
we can just ignore the fags desu, most shitposters are bedioun sandniggers with nothing to do but eat sand.
theres only the shobaki nigger that's actually grevious but he gets distracted easily and fucks off to Jow Forums when it gets slow
a jordan general would be awful desu, and i don't think there's enough of us for a general. theres only like 5 jordanian regulars on here.
most shobakis i know are chill and great people, they also grow the best apples in all of jordan, wtf is wrong with this faggot ?
/balt/ only has like 4/5 regular posters and it reaches 300 posts every day.
that's what I said yeterday, all the Shobakis I met were based as hell, i think he's unironically 14 years old
i doubt a 14yo jordanian would find his way to Jow Forums, hes probably just autistic.
You know what would be intresting?
A Jordanian meet up
fugg yeah lmao, i live in amman.
Same here
i live in tla3 al ali, what about you, also are you just shitposting or actually interested in a meetup ? cuz i have nothing to do and im down
>inb4 the Shobaki shows up with his cousins and kill us all with AK-47s
>inb4 it turns out we all know each other in real life
Oh a bit far
I live in al Rabia
kek, that autist probably isn't even shobaki, just a LARPing bedouin fag, but yeah we have to discuss the meetup in discord or something in case he decides to show up and do something.
I have a good feeling I know at least one of you irl. There can't be that many Jordanian posters on Jow Forums but I do agree with the discord idea, how will you weed out the shobaki cunt tho?
He lives far away from Amman
hes probably on pol right now so someone make a discord server or something
Nigga that's zoomer tier technology, way out of my league
Hey you you do it
stop tripfagging btw its kinda annoying
It's normal to tripfag in generals so we could know who is who since Jow Forums doesn't have ID
Never. I am a well-read, opinionated, erudite and I shall stand out from the herd, thank you very much.
You're right
>doffs my hat in your general direction
join it fags
fucking fags
lmao I think that Salafist nigger actually wanna kill someone
Guys, let this be a reminder to all that shobaki is an unironic, salafist, psycopath who was going to try and lure us and murder us for being libertines. I urge anyone not to do any meet ups in Jordan because that man is unironically dangerous.
Good night.
pussies, why are you so afraid, you seem tough here on Jow Forums, or is it all talk ? i promise not to bring anyone or any weapons, come on, lets meet up and solve our problems and differences without violence.
Didn't act like a tough guy
also, why should I trust you?
we can meet up in a busy area with a lot of people, you will never be left alone with me, i didn't actually want to kill him by the way its just a stupid joke to scare him a bit i would never kill a person im not a killer dumbass.
>without violence
>trusting niggers
That was the mistake of the Swedes. I will not make the same mistake. I will stay as far away from you and your ilk as possible.
You planted the idea, you created the discord group, but one slip up; the suggested place to meet up "Al Balad" gave you away. Because we will always be smarter than you you fucking savage. Fuck off.
>we smarter dan u heaha
>falls for easy bait
>almost gets himself killed
absolute fucking retard, even when i mentioned al balad u still had no idea, not until i admitted who i was you realized whats up, dumb atheist mongrel, i wouldve fucked you up man...
How does a salafist rat like you find Jow Forums anyway? Just fuck off I actually used to like you before today but you showed me that you have no problem spilling my blood when I did nothing to you. I'm pretty sure I can take you easily man to man but I could never trust you not to bring your entire tribe (which is what you do). Besides I have something to live for while you have your mosque and your tribe. Goodnight loser
>japan nearly became islamic in the meiji era
what would an islamic japan be like?
bad and awful
better than jewish controlled japan
That would be nice
god i fucking hate tripfags
>whatsapp group
are you that obsessed with everyone knowing who you are or something?
10/10 quality image