Why does Brazil require Americans to have visa to visit?

Why does Brazil require Americans to have visa to visit?

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because America requires Brazilians to have a visa to visit

thread/ OP you fucking retard, kys

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Brazilians don’t really have to worry about illegal immigration from the US.

lol my dad always has to go to Brazil for business and yeah always has to go pick up a visa in Chicago etc.
Probably I would guess they don't want a bunch of drugged out Americans going to party there. Mexico deals with enough of that crap Brazil don't want to too.

Better question is Venezuela, literal next door neighbor.....are they worried about refugees or what?

Really? Based as fuck.

This. Brazil has an official policy of treating others as we are treated, if you require us to have a visa, then we'll do the same to you.

What about Venezuela? They are your neighbors are you on bad terms?

Venezuela is worried about too many American tourists disrupting their authoritarian socialism bubble.

id think Americans dont have to worry about brazilian inmigration either
just considering how far away they are from each other

Your country isolates and sanctions Venezuela and tries to kill their president. Of course they're not going to like Americans, dumbass.

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it's mostly ceremonial, for example Jordan had a visa requirement for American citizens "equal treatment" and all that jazz but americans can just buy the visa at the airport for $30. Jordan has since waived that to boost tourism but Turkey and many others now does the same

unironically based. I wish our government would stop being such cocksuckers. Turkey and Georgia and South Africa gave us free access. Everyone else can go to hell

Of all important cunts, only US, Canada, Australia and Japan aren't VISA free for us.

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Wait, what? I thought you guys were all buddy buddy with them. We don't need a visa to travel to Japan, and the canadian visa is a formality.

Better question is why is Austarlia not visa free travel?

I mean, I’m not arguing that it isn’t fair, I’m arguing it’s kind of stupid. The US is worried specifically about South Americans using visa-free travel to illegally immigrate, while Brazil has no such worry and should probably be more concerned about potentially losing money from American tourism.

What did Japan mean by this?

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Meh, no idea desu.

Woops I thought the map was talking about Brazil's policies toward other countries, not where Americans can travel. My mistake.

Mexico for cars or some shit.
Germany/swiss/austria for obvious reasons.
and the UK because they actually have a alliance in the 1900 till after WW1? I think.

We do the same thing. A country must have visa free travel for US citizens to be eligible for our visa waiver program.

Most illegal immigration in the US nowadays comes from people overstaying visas. Imagine how bad it would be if we got rid of visa restrictions.

Immigrants create jobs

this has changed
for brazil and canada it's both evisas which are a lot easier to get

Attached: Visa_policy_of_Canada.png (1280x582, 165K)

Chōsen swine in Tokyo? Reeeee

So you’re saying if we invited every single person from a 3rd world country in to a 1st world country, global poverty would be solved? You’re brilliant.

Yeah, i remember reading something like that a few years back.

Idk about that but if we invited over every single person here we'd be a lot richer overall.



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>non-EU fags

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>tfw a literal whore

feels good man

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Because australia requires an evisa for everywhere other than new zealand

So far America is the least outright racist of the examples posted.

Based and Jordanpilled

>Philippines, Bangladesh and Laos
I think I know the reason why Iran and Afghanistan require one, but why these 3?


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How powerful is your passport Jow Forums?
The biggest let down is that we need a visa to travel to, or through, the US which sometimes is the cheapest route to travel to asian countries. Although the approval rate is around 98%. The canadian visa is a formality, it's more like "give us money, we give you a visa". If you already have an american tourist visa is way easier to obtain the canadian visa.

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you were saying?

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Shitload of housemaids come from these countries. if visas are waived we would have literal thousands flooding in

No we wouldn’t you massive retard. Sweden had to cut some social programs specifically because immigration was putting a strain on it.

isn't visa kind of a fun part of travel though?

>muh social programs
Good thing USA barely has social programs outside those offered to old people which will be cut as soon as they die

>isn't visa kind of a fun part of travel though?

it's easy if you're employed by a mulitnational company but it's hell on Earth if you're free lancer and impossible if you're unemployed

Canada put visa requirements on us but revoked it some few years ago.
After all, it's not like the wetbacks are crossing all of the US to reach Canada

Fuck Australia we give them visa free access and this is what they do to us?

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oh wow you guys have it so rough

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Ecuador awaits you, friend.

I know you’re knowledge is purely based on memes, but the US in fact spends a shitload of money on education and healthcare. People who can’t afford treatment aren’t left to die in the streets. At worst they are saddled with a huge unpayabld debt, and if they can’t pay it before they die, tax payers are the ones who have to eat that cost.

Any stats you see telling you recent immigrants pay more in to the system than they take out is pure 100% bullshit.

>tfw you can visit all the nice place of the world but are too lazy

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you do realise that for each impecunious wetback that crosses the border there are thousands of rich investors from across the globe who run (or want to run) businesses in America. I think you have a very narrow idea of what an "immigrant" is

We’re taking about illegal immigration. The guy I was talking to outright thinks if you just took every 3rd worlder and put them in a 1st world country, everyone would become richer.

You can still visit the country for God's sake.

We have a policy of requiring Visas from countries whose citizens overstay their visiting period/Visa. How many Americans are overstaying their time in Brazil?

>there are thousands of rich investors from across the globe who run (or want to run) businesses in America.
If they are white from white rich countries, the anglos call them "expat". Everybody else is an immigrant. A rich chinese, or a rich indian would be considered an immigrant.

pretty based desu

no, but hundreds of mexicans have been caught enterring the us illegally over the canadian border

ecuador is an easy passport to get, and very beneficial for westerners, gets them in russia china without a visa

Attached: Visa_requirements_for_Ecuadorian_citizens.png (800x351, 94K)

Here is your $500,000 Bolivars

>Your country isolates
Buying oil even as they seize American companies' property is now isolation?
> and sanctions Venezuela
Their shit head politicians not the people or their ability to trade in things like food.
>and tries to kill their president.
He's an idiot dictator and we don't need to do anything as he's ruining the country enough on his own. My grandfather was a bus driver, I loved him but he shouldn't run a fucking country.

>Meh, no idea desu.
They may have a law similar to ours about percentage of nationals who overstay visits.

Maybe, although never really heard cases of BRs overstaying there, Japs are usually pretty harsh on their immigration laws.

>Immigrants create jobs
If that means, "Driving down wages for unskilled labor and not pay taxes." Then yes and btw their follow country men are the biggest group taking advantage of them.

Fuck you Guyana reeeeeeeeeee

No bunda for you.

why would being stressed over having your trip plans ruined by the embassy be a fun part of the trip? it's one of the parts i loathe the most and i fucking hate my narco ass nigger ridden country for that