
/realautismhours/ eagrán

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First for Learn Ulster-Scots language

What about /realexplosionhours/?

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Second for learning the real Scots language


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I'd like to know if anyone's had a similar issue with imported phones and laptops

Surely they could just take the battery out? I imagine you're not the first person to order a laptop with a battery so you should be fine, but you should probably contact them to say you need it soon.

I paid like 20 spuds for 2 day shipping, but I'll have to wait an extra couple days and they won't get it out any faster if they're going by protocol.
If something about it is restricted, why won't ebay sellers specify "this item does not ship to Ireland" like Amazon does is what confuses me.

On the topic of amazon, I seriously hope brexit doesn't lead to a bump in delivery costs/tax for us. Amazon should look in to an Irish branch while the UK are at that whole Brexit thing anyways.

how do you say erin go brag in irish

And what does it mean

Éirinn go brách. Ireland forever.

I'm getting fat. I hate it.

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eat less, do more

I know. But that takes time, so even though I eat less and work out more, my body will stay fat for a while, and I hate having to see a fat man in the mirror.

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Cute fat or disgusting flab roles fat?

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I wouldn't consider any sort of fat "cute", but I'm not THAT fat. I can still look a decent weight if I pose just right.

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>I wouldn't consider any sort of fat "cute"

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Do garages sell shaving razors or razor blades? I shaved half my facial hair off but there's too much of it caught in the razor to continue.

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just wash the blade

I did, and I even used a towel too, the hair is just too thick and won't come off properly.

Why can't you just ones in a shop?

had the spare key and cant find it now

Shops aren't open at 3 AM
