
/fa/ edition

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>old /balk/


>aдcкия мaняк, лeк


Want to move to a warm country lads


Attached: Varengos.preview.jpg (527x640, 47K)

>not pictured, the rowing slaves

just larp as hors nigger, viking are super overrated


check dis

There were Russian varengians

Second for this but pls insure your kidneys before going

/brit is the best general prove me wrong

wew lad, rude af tbx. Xalbania is safe, they don't do that shit anymore. hollywood has indeed destroy the image of this country

Bulgaria :)

that shit is moving so fast that no one gets to reply to anyone

/brit/ is twitter for people who are too insecure to use real twitter

Should I spend 65 лв. on a Dualshock 4 controller or 100 лв. on an Xbox One controller?

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>Bulgaria’s government approved an action plan on Wednesday that envisages the country entering the “waiting room” for euro membership and also joining the European Union’s banking union by the end of June next year.

>the lev
>now THAT was a good currency

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Unironically a very good currency. Quite strong as well

>he visits other generals

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it's only good because we're pegged by the euro, entering will be good for tourism bad for consumers.

Yeah, it's gotten better but still feels dodgy a f and I'm from Moldova f f s

M8 pls

Fuck off animebey


>t. albanian drug trafficker

icsbocs 360 controller works fine af for me pham

wrong, u faggot

wew lad, bulgarians will force it on us too if that happens

are you gaining or for staying?

>бългapcкaтa млaдeж

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I like to eat pussy guys

The government is afraid that they will end up in tier-2 Europe if they don't do this with all the talk about multi-speed European integration.

are you one of the vietnamese workers?

>meanwhile in Kosovo, a non EU country

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Only faggots use meme currencies

Euro is the future

What do you mean by that
I'm full 101% romanian


it is to you

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Thanks to am*riscum pressure. Would have never EVER passed on a referendum. Fuck those drug smuggling organ harvesting mudslime terrorists.

Staying, been here for 12 years already


>Thanks to am*riscum pressure.
doesn't matter sweety
>Fuck those drug smuggling organ harvesting mudslime terrorists.
don't be rude to your neighbors

FACT: /balk/anites that don't understand English are not worth talking to

Seems like greeks have their own general now.
Good, I now declare /balk/ as an ISLAMIC general.
You have to know the Quran in order to post here.

Oh fuck
Where can a good ol' Orthodox brother can take refuge these days?


you should know the language, kek.

2 meters underground in a coffin



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wtf i love romanians now

why is pol the only place that actually likes us


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B-but I'm a Romaniaphile patriot pretending I don't speak Russian whenever I go visit back home
Were (You) calling me rude a couple of posts up?

>I'm from Moldova
moldovenii sunt o identitate de sine statatoare

No, why do you ask that?

Luckily am*riscum influence is on the decline in the region. It's no coincidence they are trying to force the name change here and finding a solution for k*sovo.

'Cause you're well rude m80

based and greenpilled

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>new bread
Where do you buy clothes from, user?

>am*riscum influence is on the decline in the region
>Macedonia to expel one Russian diplomat over nerve gas attack
be a good puppy now

>Would have never EVER passed on a referendum
Lmao yes it would have all Albanians and muslim minorities would have voted yes which is 40% of the country, all it would take 10 measly more percentage points from the Maqekars

>Luckily am*riscum influence is on the decline in the region
Which is why Montenegro joined NATO this year and why FYROM is in negotiations

Do you know that prices in Ohrid are 1000e/m2 in regular and old apartments? You can pay 100k for a decent apartment here


because i imagine Ohrid is the only decent place to live in fyrom

>autistic screeching of increasingly nervous turklets intensifies

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>every prediction he makes in 2 years comes wrong, literally every one
>laughing stock of the general, embarrasses even his fellow countrymen
>his country is joining NATO as we speak

Guys, can I have pet rock?

>Lmao yes it would have all Albanians and muslim minorities would have voted yes which is 40% of the country

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No. Are you a #rezist protester, ragalie? What do you want to do with that rock? Who sent you? Was it Soros?

Sure, why the fuck not. If that makes you feel loved and and bit more responsible, just like a normal pet does, I'm 100% for it.

My pet rock died last year :/

would you have a little brown kid with this woman?
me, an intellectual: yes

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>greek parliament

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everyone would agree balkans were better in ottoman empire

No, I'm a simple citizen.
Thank you, I'm thinking of buying some googly eyes and maybe draw a smile on my rock.
I'm sorry for your loss.

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uf, why do negresses got to be so lewd

Too white


>I'm a simple citizen.
I don't believe you, unless you are a member of our glorious social-democrat party

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It's in their nature. Breeding material.

god, I wish that I had a black gf. where in this cunt I can find them

at big universities. I have a fuck ton of asian and black grills at my uni. (Most of them coming from France)

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what are the chances I won't get mobbed down gypsy style by their senpaitachi

phams*. hiroshimoot is a fucking disgrace

Low. They're usually single and do one night stands if you look like you have money. Some of them are rich, tho and don't give a fuck about it.

will a 2002 audi impress them?

How the fuck should I know this?

Guys, I'm out of ideas. I want to play a video game that I can sink thounsand of hours of gameplay in. I tried FO3 + mods , Mount&Blade, EU4, etc. Nothing, I can't play them for more than 10 hours without getting bored as fuck and feel like I won't ever touch them again. Help me out, fellas.

No way

what do you mean?

>not bemveu
how embarrassing

>tfw I have a Peugeot 208
I'm a carlet.

FTL ofc

FO3 is bad as fuck and not even mods can save that shit. FONV is god tier while FO4 is still more decent than FO3.