What is it about China that makes Americans here so SEETHING?

what is it about China that makes Americans here so SEETHING?

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Because this guy

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They have shilled climate change hoax to destroy American industry.

I love China, not the party, but the food, culture and language. China's time in the spotlight has been very short, even shorter than America's. What's annoying is people who hate america and drumpf so much they'd rather see Xi stick his dick in the whole world rather than live under the American hegemony. We're in a multipolar world anyway today, germany especially is the lowkey-est power. Soon there won't be an American global hegemony, but you're an idiot if you want a chinese one


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Because it’s a commie hellhole which tries to spread its plague of an ideology


>We're in a multipolar world anyway today, germany especially is the lowkey-est power.
This concerns me more than China.


What ideology? Communism? Lmao dude
And it's your """democracy""" which destablizes countries. Some countries are better off in a dictatorship

Agreed. Especially since other euros like France and Britain aren't doing enough to offset Germany. France is a nuclear power with great influence in west africa (major counter terrorism site) and they're dominated by Germany and her satellites in the EU parliament

Everyone in Asia hates China.

Since when a country that has 50,000 american soldiers has sovereign?

Take off that proxy, Fyodor.

its not about military influence its about soft power and economic influence. The amount of young american leftists who praise germany and hope it succeeds against america is insane

What ideology is China spreading? Certainly not communism

can't wait until based xi finishes the silk road

>its about soft power
there's no such thing as soft power.

Spread? They aren't spreading their ideology around the world, imbecile.
The CCP is doing what's necessary to improve China's economy and standard of living

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a*ericans realize deep down that China is the new consumer nation and USA is no longer centre of attention. Go to /tv/ and see what they say about Chinese pandering in media, they can't stand not being the only people marketed to. The a*erican desires advertising and targeted entertainment like he desires food or water. Very sad.

One party states can never have the stability to be a world power because the state has to devote huge portions of its resources to preventing the population from rebelling.

this is a level of brainletism we didn't think possible

No surprise.

He was doing ok until the last part when he totally went off the rails.

Believe me when I say, the CCP has massive and extensive surveillance/internal security to keep their barely controlled volcano from erupting.

>a-any day now

I don't think the situation is as dire to the CCP as you make it sound, as long as China gets richer and more powerful the CCP will remain in power. Should the economy start to crash really badly that's when people will actually get off their asses, and by then surveillance might not be enough.

as much as I hate dumb amerisharts, I really prefer them over Ch*na as a number 1 country

Meanwhile, in the real world, Singapore exists.


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>Should the economy start to crash really badly
We're making it happen.

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Hopefully something comes of it, I'd love to see if the people could overthrow the "people's government", if only for the sake of irony.

Deep down Americans know China is the future.

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>Literally supporting the Independence claims of ISIS terrorists for the sake of being edgy

wew lads

Because zoomer Europeans who have no experience in life or history are edgelords who prefer China over the USA?

not even trying to be edgy china delenda est
Also, who the fuck cares if isis thinks east Turkestan should be free?

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westerners just expect china to lay down and take it with the trump aggression


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7% growth versus 2.2% in the USA?

One thing I'd like to understand is why people seem to cocksuck China so uber hard. They haven't done anything yet, but you'd think they're already the new Rome?

TIP is the most powerful Al-Qaeda and ISIS faction in Syria.

TIP is the “Turkestan Independence Party”, a registered terrorist organization in Europe, Russia, and Australia.

Idk about 2017 but we're already pushing like 3.5% average growth this year

There's a _lot_ of CCP paid shills and diaspora online, some in this very thread.

Its because Americans are indoctrinated into this believe that only democratic and liberal nation states can be prosperous and that a soft autocratic government that runs a state capitalistic economy can't be successful. Despite the fact that Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Japan are nominal democratic states where the same political dynasties and parties run a incredibly centralized government structure and state capitalist economic system.

>One thing I'd like to understand is why people seem to cocksuck China so uber hard.
Like who? These people are just like the pro-American shills who sell out there people in LatAm and the Middle East.

>Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and Japan are nominal democratic states

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Annual GDP growth as of June 2018 is 2.8% in the USA and 6.8% in China.

Taiwan and South Korea were dictatorships into the 1990s
Singapore is a dictatorship
Japan is a one party state

Absolutely nothing about economic success requires democracy.

They were also pumped full of US money and in the US sphere of influence. China is not.

Because their progress is admirable. They were dirt poor 30 years ago, now there's a huge middle class and the living standards have improved a LOT

This was from 1990, you can see most of China had Low or Medium human development

Attached: 1990nian_Zhongguo_Renlei_Fazhan_Zhishu.png (800x706, 196K)


China’s success despite the USA actively holding it back is quite stunning. It makes me very confident Chinese determine their own destiny, and not some boomers in DC.

This is from 2014, no more low HDI zones. Even this map is outdated because their improvements are happening everyday.

Attached: 中國一級行政區人類發展指數一覽(2014年數據).png (800x706, 207K)

>HDI maps
China is improving I'll give you that, but said maps can be highly misleading. Chile's HDI is around Western Europe tier but the average citizen lives a life nowhere near as good.

So the coast is East- Europe tier, the regions directly inland are Middle East/Caucasis tier, and the further inland regions are Pakistan/Afghanistan tier. So what's the big woop?

That's what happens when your economy quintuples unevenly in a 30 year period. You have people that gets left behind.

Of course they are still poor, but it's nowhere as bad as it was in 1990. The poverty level has descended.
Their govt. is doing the best to lower the poverty levels.

Attached: Asia-Page-6-graph-CS-Poverty-trend-1024x782.jpg (1024x782, 649K)

Point them out for us.

Woah anecdotes...

You sure showed what an entire country of 1.45 billion people looks like

Peppa Pig is now banned in China because some dissident group used it as a mascot. This means by posting it, we'll ensure the speedy removal and deletion of all CCPbots from this thread. :^)

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>The living standards within most African and Asian nations point to deep levels of impoverishment. In 18 of the 28 countries in Asia-South Pacific covered in the Pew Research study, nearly eight-in-ten people or more were either poor or low income in 2011. This group includes India, where 97% of the population is poor or low income, and China, where the share is 78%.
Don't delude yourself, most of China is insanely poor still, it's just not as bad as before.

Why are you so defensive about a country you don't even come from?

All Canadian flags ITT are CCP shills (goes without saying anyway) and the Argentina flag is a CCPbot with a proxy.

Some parts of the east coast are Spain/Italy/Portugal-tier

Or more accurately, much like South Korea.

>Some parts of the east coast are Spain/Italy/Portugal-tier
Mostly the tourist areas.

Yeah... no one here is claiming it is super rich like Germany or Japan

We are claiming that it has significantly outperformed all expectations and its peers in India/ASEAN/Brazil/Russia.

That's what I said user. China still has a lot to improve.
By the way that research is from 2011, many people have been lifted out of poverty since that year.
There are 30 million poor people in China, which is way more than the whole population of Chile. In 1981, 88% were poor, nowadays it's 2%.

>the tourist areas
What the fuck does that mean? You think China gives a fuck about tourism?
Oh it is the spammer bot again

Please spam your cherry-picked 1990s photos of Chinese slums now

China is at best Latin America/Eastern Europe level of HDI and Africa level at worst.

Why are you so certain you know everything about a country you’ve never even lived in?

Like that other user said, why are you and the Argentine flag so oddly defensive of a country you aren't from?

>many people have been lifted out of poverty
Define "being lifted out of poverty", how much money do you need to make to no longer be considered poor
>In 1981, 88% were poor, nowadays it's 2%.
Sorry I just don't buy that China's developed so quickly that poverty went from 88% to 2%. You'd see shit like that being discussed in Economy classrooms cause that is an absolute God-sent miracle if it has any truth to it.

Beijing Province is better and richer per capita than Italy


China's GDP per capita is $8123 while Italy's is $30,000.

Counter argument: Previous one party states have not had technology as sophisticated as today. Social engineering, around the clock universal surveillance and other wonders of computers have made modern populations more malleable and easy to control than ever before.

Why are you so autistically attacking a random country you know next to nothing about each and every fucking day on this cambodian fingerpaintint board?


Shenzen’s GDP per capita is $60,000 and the USA’s is $57,000.

Want to keep playing this stupid game?

The global poverty threshold is pretty bloody low. It only takes something like eight thousand dollars per head to be considered high income IIRC.

>Why are you so autistically attacking a random country you know next to nothing about each and every fucking day
Excuse me?

Literally evil empire 2.0
Deng should have been executed so these commie rats would have never become a super power

Beg pardon? People were 1000x dumber and easier to brainwash in Hitler and Stalin's time because one didn't have so much contact with the outside world to know there was a better life outside their shitholes.

Japan and Singapore proves you wrong buddy.

Isn't Singapore just a city state though?

Language is pretty ugly desu

>muh evil empire
When’s the last time China placed nukes in Cuba? Or invaded all of its neighbors and installed dictatorships in all of them? Threatened to annihilate all capitalists in nuclear fire?

The USSR was a far worse threat to the world than China has ever been.
Only fucking autistic Jow Forumstards or tankies would disagree.

Well, sadly, the poverty line in China is lower than the one in Chile or Argentina (and so is the living standard). Most of our poor people are urban who can afford food and something like an Android phone or maybe even a vehicle while in China they live in rural areas and can't really afford much.. The CCP is aware of those problems and is trying to eradicate them.


Yes with a 5.6 million population. Why haven't they rebelled against their evil dictatorship yet?

I think whenever people say they love the Chinese language they mean they love the characters and the history behind them, I've never heard anyone praise the spoken part of it.

I'm not sure. China is mostly a menace from an ecological standpoint due to their extreme nightmare pollution and obsession with poaching endangered animals for traditional medicine.

>The CCP is aware of those problems and is trying to eradicate them

Do you seriously think the party has ever given a shit about people's quality of life? Even Deng Xiaoping's reforms were mostly designed to strengthen the state which had been badly weakened by the Cultural Revolution. The actual needs of the people in China were never really taken into consideration.

And why would they anyway when they rely mostly on brute force to retain power.

You forgot about those poor Hong Kongers and Macauns
Just cuz ISIS support the Uyghurs doesn't mean the Uyghurs support ISIS.

>I think whenever people say they love the Chinese language they mean they love the characters and the history behind them
The real characters as used in HK and Taiwan, not the dumbed down commie characters on the mainland.

Because from their national narrative perspective, the PRC retain its power by promising to the people that they will lift them out of poverty and by promising them employment.

This is why their state ran banks loan so much money to SOEs to employ as many people as possible, its why their SOEs prioritize throughput over profit.

Buffoon. Ironic because I was not referring to how well read, smart or educated people were during early 1900's. If we were talking about that it would give me great pleasure to say that even your average proletarian in 1930 was better read than a modern american. International news spread comparatively quick and the world was not as insular as your peabrain likes to believe. But that's not what we were talking about.

What I was referring to was the absolute control modern ICT systems give totalitarian governments. A single chinese commissar can determine what hundreds of millions of people read on their phones while on their way to work. Computer guided social credit systems encourage and control behavior better than forcing at gunpoint. A few thousand chinese internet moderators can do more mass surveillance in a day that what the entire east german Stasi managed in 30 years. A million uighur are held in camps and your average chinaman has no idea. Try asking anyone on the street in beijing about the tianamen massacre. Nothing, because it's been scrubbed from both history and memory. You will NEVER see anyone rise up from this level of control. Who knows what happens when sophisticated AI is brought into the mix. They might be able to some day predict who is most likely to try and rebel, and preemptively remove you before you make a single disparaging comment about great leader xi.

The success of China generates existential angst which is derived from a worldview entirely dependent upon the mythology of America being an undisputed world superpower without rival. China to Western right wing ideological chauvinism is what science is to religious beliefs: it causes those with already deeply entrenched beliefs to morph into irrational spastic cunts.

It basically treads on the fragile egos of certain people.

Whatever reason they're doing all this for.. China is improving in every aspect and is soon gonna take over America as the most powerful country in the world.

>Because from their national narrative perspective, the PRC retain its power by promising to the people that they will lift them out of poverty

The promises that never end up materializing. They build luxury housing development after luxury housing development that no one will ever actually live in.

Such a shame they're no longer used in mainland China, traditional characters have lasted so long and are way more aesthetic than simplified. You'd have to own a Mao Zedong bodypillow to disagree with that.

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