Sergey has been busy working on a side project

Sergey has been busy working on a side project.
You heard it here first, user.
Now buckle up.

Attached: DERO_slack.png (890x222, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:;a=search;s=Matthew Sykes;st=author

dero is trash

>announcing an announcement
>TRUST ME, when the team is revealed, INSTANT MOON
>the vitalik of X

Someone post the pepe plushie

Oh look, it's a coordinated small cap pump n dump. kys faggots

Attached: 234234234.png (640x616, 435K)

What does Dero have to do with LINK? And if the Dero team is supposedly so amazing, why wouldn't I just invest in that?

Think about it.
SmartContracts are useless until they have some sort of privacy built in (and not just a layer on top of a public blockchain)

they are useless for some applications yes, doesn't mean it explicitly applies to all possible usecases

When devs actually deliver what they say they would, w/o an ICO (cause they're rich from BTC anyway), and on time, all you biztard do is whine & bitch and shout "scam". And then you buy high.

This unironically is your last warning, poorfag.

>working on a side project
i think it's called LINK. definitely not his main project or he would have made more of an effort to veil the flaws.

The use is much larger than we can even imagine.;a=search;s=Matthew Sykes;st=author

> Smart contract support on chain. Q3 2018.

Attached: 1517543262679.png (600x902, 488K)

So DERO might be his main project then ?
In any event, the DERO team which he is a part of has rewritten CryptoNote in golang, and then they changed it so deeply that they need to get a new name for their protocol.

how is it different/better than Enigma?

Yes, Chainlink insider here. Steve has been busy the last months working on the consensus algorithm. Thomas and another, unconfirmed, team member are working on the usability.
Sergey has had a few side projects, all involving smartcontracts. But it's here it gets interesting. Deros final version is basically link.

Their ico weren't hacked

DERO has no ICO, only a premine progressively unlocked
the founders are rich from BTC, they don't need funding for the dev process, only a salary for genius work

So Chainlink is ded and sergey moved AGAIN to new project

Tell me something new

>mcdonalds oracle to put the entire worlds big mac supply into the blockchain

Dero is shit tier vaporware. You may as well buy Mobius.

Please do, Sir.

Attached: image.png (1000x1000, 88K)

user please explain what all of these links add up to? What are you saying here?

Check out all the genius work this guy has been putting out. In 3 months he has managed 6 readme updates, and a 1 line code change. Truly groundbreaking

Attached: readme_genius.png (1122x871, 64K)

I've been thinking a lot about the incredulous Satoshi thread that popped up in March. I didn't believe it until I carefully read through the entire thread and came to the conclusion that Nick Szabo, being the madman that he is, was behind that thread. I've read a lot of his blog posts. Similar writing style as that OP.
Anyway, he said a couple things that interested me:
> I personally work on implementing certain financial contracts on the blockchain
> I personally work on implementing certain financial contracts on the blockchain

Could Nick possibly be one of the mysterious devs behind Dero???

I have done zero research into the coin. Dero shills please chime in.

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Shit, sorry, I meant to post this line as the second green text
>Yes, I am working on implementing financial contracts using smart contracts.

What project? He said earlier "he didn't care about oracles" which was obviously misdirection to obfuscate any involvement he might have with Sergay.

wow, you really know nothing, uh ?
I'm not done accumulating, so I'll let you in the dark here, sorry.

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Stop smoking you fucked up again. And link me the thread.

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wow, user, you really know nothing about this project, let alone why the github's been silent... I'll just leave you in the dark, I'm not done accumulating. Have fun cherrypicking which ICO scam you'll invest in.
the take away is that Szabo is ACTIVELY working on a project

Actually you didn't fuck up at all what the hell? but gib link

lol third times the charm, fatty

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He deleted the redundant replies, so what?
I feel there is some powerful knowledge lying dormant in this thread, compelling me to dig deeper.

>not done accumulating
>obvious coordinated shilling on biz

Attached: HOjbEaOZ.jpg (227x222, 7K)

I'm just gonna copy and paste this from Bitcointalk:

The idea isn't to build something that is fancier than it needs to be. But the idea is to innovate and keep pesky asics off the network in a way that shows everyone the dero team's technical ability. If making a new algo for each block is unreasonable/crazy then the team doesn't need to spend months banging their head up against the wall trying something they cant make happen. But if we can differentiate dero, before smart contracts are launched, from other cryptonote coins that says a lot about the Captains ability to make new tech. He has already proved he has insane ability. Re-writing a protocol in a new language from scratch is not easy. But if he can make a new protocol before smart contracts, at that point I would need to sell the farm to go all-in.

anyone who thinks this isn't that big of a feat, go back to the monero hydra we forked from originally and try to understand the code. Dependencies on dependencies on dependencies, you have to understand blockchain, cryptography, bitwise operators, cryptonote public/private key schemes which are very complex. This guy re-wrote everything in a short amount of time, he can make computers do crazy things. He can also make a blockchain however he damn pleases

dude... all they understand is "lambo when"
nobody is technical enough here to grasp even 1% of what the rewrite (which *is* on github, btw) really means. people here prefer getting scammed by hyped up ICOs. I am screenshotting every FUDer here for later use. The pwnage will be epic.

lel. sounds like early LINK shilling, that's for sure.

they're both shitcoins, but this one is clearly vapoorware on top of that. one of the few code changes is hard coding a blockheight decrementer. total hack job kek

decrementer... what the hell are you on about ?
you wouldn't even know where to begin if someone asked you to rewrite cryptonote in any language

>find unknown project
>say it is somehow involved with link
What a stupid fucking thread.


The english of the Dero dev does not sound native. More like from former soviet union or eastern block. Probably was in KGB and has ties to Putin

Thank you for sharing, user.
Will keep an eye on it.

I own some deros. Why not? Had some btc to spare.

user please, I’m a brainlet
I can barely read

>side project
Probably a way to exit scam without being tracked and murdered by Jow Forumstards.

its cute you borrowed daddy's laptop to bump your thread,
Typing for two, while eating for four
Jesus dude, just because mommy died doesn't mean you deserve my pity.

wew, how surprising, another schzoid tardlet on /biz

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So you got absolutely nothing to back that claim.

Hyperledger needs to bring off chain data into their fabric, what's the best solution for that and how do you validate the data...

>What's X?
I googled it couldn't find anything is it on Binance, kucoin?

Holy fuck the Dero slack is easily the highest IQ crypto following I've seen yet. Jow Forums btfo'd, though you faggots set the bar pretty fucking low.

I got btfo'd by dero. Some user shilled this shit way back in february in some kind of wierd code. I found out what he meant and bought in. Then I realized that it was just clever pajeet shillig in disguise. So I held for two months and then decided to sell because it was doing fuck all. The next day it got listed on CMC and ultimately did about 9x from where I bought it. Worst trade of my life.

Fuck man bad luck. I'm get a really good feeling from this coin. I can't shake the feeling that some serious OGs are behind it.

Sergey doesn't know how to code. How exactly is he "working on projects".

Someone who doesn't know how to code cannot write software or manage programmers. It's like someone who doesn't speak english managing the writing of a book in english.

Sorry boys but you've been had. Sell now before it's too late.

I don't understand, how is Sergey working on dero and what does this mean for chainlink?


It means that chainlink is probably almost finished, else he wouldn't have time for that. This means that the LINK bull run will blast your fucking face off.

you don't know how Sergey manages his time.