Tfw you get accused of larping

>tfw you get accused of larping
>tfw its really just paranoia to post my address
Nobody can hack me if they just have my address right?

Attached: larp.png (655x345, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no, they can't

Thats what I think too, but then there is that directory site, plus my forum ID is linked to the address on from when I had a tip address.

Yeah ok. Stop larping, faggot

do you post your addresses?

wash your shit through binance and put it somewhere else if you're paranoid

bro you are a confirmed larp. send us your private key to verify your balance. anyone can fake a balance

OP is an obvious larping faggot

good thing you linked it to your carrier ID for 2FA.
should be safe as long as no one checks telekom backlog.

Attached: 1524013658164.jpg (699x485, 31K)

Shittiest larp ever. At least be entertaining

>that millennial that gets so offended someone calls him a larp he has to make a thread to prove he has enough bitcoin for a deposit on a house

here is me:

I am not larping because I posted my address. Plz don't hack me.

If it matters to you that much, what we can do is you can pay me and you have my word I'll believe you.

this is my real confirmed address. no larp swear to gdo

dont click this, ALL MY LINKS ARE GONE WTF

Attached: happyfacestoner.png (258x246, 84K)

are you me? that's also my address

>good thing you linked it to your carrier ID for 2FA.
no I meant there is some meme name at the top of the page because I used the address on bitcointalk.
>should be safe as long as no one checks telekom backlog.
Sounds like flux capacitor overload to me.
what good will that do, you need my password.

Attached: pk fire.jpg (740x611, 138K)

>$6.5 mil in HOT
god what a fucking shitcoin

I really really hope somebody falls for this again

falls for what? They can't break the encryption on the key without my 12 word passphrase

nice meme bro, you have yet to post an address to disprove your massive larp

why would I deanonimize further? Linking a forum username to a thread on Jow Forums seems foolish.

larp is foolish. sage

Just send them to a offline generated paper wallet and stop being a faggot - we have way too many of those around here

> 144000 coindays destroyed
why do this

dont worry fag we already know this is a larp. besides, your measly 80 btc wouldnt even make any volume move. summer time is here

>measly 80 btc
lol, like you have more?

For reals OP, I believe you, but I don't understand why you get so autistic about having to prove it to people who aren't going to know who you are tomorrow. You earned them, gratz.

the fuck you hold HOT tokens worth 6M$.

>why you get so autistic
I just am autistic.
>people who aren't going to know who you are tomorrow
the same logic applies to calling out a larp, why claim someone is larping when they post a question in a thread? It is a waste of a post at best.

technically everyone has your address

Only about 827

Anything that starts with hypothetically gets people the wrong way because LARP triple reverse psychology. You know there are LARPers around. But if you ask a question and he doesn't want to answer then fuck him. That's how threads get derailed.

>posts an address


prove it.

only corect answer in this entire thread