Tfw nationalism is dead

>tfw nationalism is dead

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Quebec will never be a nation anyways, so what's your problem?


Becoming a souless multicural anglo state.

>Quebec will never be a nation anyways
The blackpill is too strong desu

13 years ago to be precise

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It is the anglos duty, wheresoever on God's green and verdant earth he may be, to give comfort and succor to all minorities of any flavor, as has been decreed by the Most High God.

Dont quebecois racemix like crazy tho and bring in tons of haitians and arabs?

I don't think they have to bring them in

at this rate most of you speak english to a degree in your slang

it's only natural, france is very very far away

I would've liked another country nearby that spoke something besides that repulsive-to-the-fucking-ear Spanish crap

>tfw alberta nationalism is only getting stronger

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How far is Quebec affected by the multicultural lunacy?

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how far has the multicultural meme penetrated into your province?

>from 0.1% of the population's support to 0.2%

only in edmonton and calgary tbqh

You should see Idaho, they literally tried to create a white ethnostate a few times.

wtf is that shit thread with the shit replies?

Legault is the first step to ignite nationalism again (he says he wants to stay in Canada, but he'es a nationalist.)

His plan goes like this
>ask for more autonomy on minors and majors things
>we already know that Trudeau will just toss our claims away
>thus, Legault proves to everyone that Canada is a shit deal

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I believe wide access to internet sealed our faith. My little sister always speaks english for no reason because of those faggot youtube like whore she listen to. I keep reminding her.

meanwhile the bloc quebecois literally split in half and the new half isn't even nationalist anymore
quebecKKKers on suicide watch

Attached: quebec.jpg (1080x1350, 149K)

>he doesn't know what the word "nation" means

Quebec is a nation. Canada is a country of many nations. Retarded nigger

>13 years ago

Every Tim Hortons is run by Filipino imported but white rig-pigs who can't get a real white woman.

>Mfw nationalism on the rise

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Quebec french is the funniest language in existence