>Someone gives you $500,000
How do you turn it into $1M or more as fast and securely as possible?
inb4 crypto, blackjack, etc.
I'm a quarter of a century old and have no ambitions aside from helping people. Srsly wtf do I do with all this money
>Someone gives you $500,000
How do you turn it into $1M or more as fast and securely as possible?
inb4 crypto, blackjack, etc.
I'm a quarter of a century old and have no ambitions aside from helping people. Srsly wtf do I do with all this money
80% into good hedge funds
Rest into crypto (hint: do not buy LINK)
All in MAN.
just pick up a nice fund.
If you really want to help people don't waste it on gibz.
Create a sustainable business that offers jobs and preferably creates something of value to humanity.
Buy XMR when it hits $180
You are taking up a loan with high intrest and want to double the money fast so you can repay it.
How right am I?
You could margin trade with it. But you'll have to be ok with putting half a mill into bitmex.
If you have that much money floating around you could make some phone calls to a couple investment firms and see what they can do for you.
With that kind of money though you could find a high yield Dividend stock, buy it all in that and set yourself up for life
All while mainting payments on your loan you got .5 mil from.
I mean with that kind of money though, you could flip 1 btc into 10 through a couple gambling sites.
buy a synagogue and turn it into a 7-eleven
100% wrong.
I just paid off all my loans using part of what I just received. I'm now technically worth under 0.5M but hey it's close anyways
build a synagogue to trap the jews and poor lava into it. works like in minecraft
> inb4 crypto, blackjack
Why is he trusting me with this shit then? Can I be a pimp at least? I want to live.
See, this is why Im losing in crypto. I cant predict shit.
jesus fuck do you fags want proof or something?
There's now way I'm even close to the actual wealthiest person on this board. I have very little financial experience, my background is in engineering.
I won't ever sell crypto. Just keep buying it and build a legacy for your great grand children.
By 50 cent LINK. Sell it for $7 LINK on Tuesday.
Roulette if you want close to a coin flip. Crypto is worse than gambling.
Honestly user, set aside 5 figures for crypto, then head to reddit for better advice than Jow Forums at the moment.
The influx of newfags has shifted this board from people giving advice to people asking for advice and it's a shitfest of people not knowing what to do but pretending they do.
www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance will help you out quite a bit.
Keep in mind, they've a very oldschool way of thinking which many newfags on this board will call out as "boomer mentality" or whatever the fuck.
This is why, as I said earlier, split your investment between crypto and (comparatively) oldschool investments like index/hedge funds.
Buying Bonds is pretty good too if you don't think your country's govt is going to collapse anytime soon.
This guy has it tight
Did I just get directed from the chan to leddit?
That's a first. Holy fuck.
Did think about asking them but I worry a lot of reddit sheeple think they know more than they do as well.
thanks for the estimate on how much to allocate into crypto though. That's been about what I'm thinking. 10%ish, 20-25% max. Widely diversified but heavy on ETH and a solid foundation of BTC until it hits Fort Knox status and starts to decline in value.
Put it in a 10% etf that reinvests as it goes
Why do you need it fast?
I would: pay off all debt, consider buying a rental property, put it into solid, dividend paying stocks or mutual funds. Bonds don't pay shit, but are stable, so 20% there depending on your age. Yeah it's boring af, but this sets you up to retire early.
Lol yeah. Jow Forums is about making money. Reddit is the deathbed for memes and a lot of other things, but it's also a great aggregate for information. It's up to you to sift through it as they'll also redirect you to actual websites that can give you a better handle on how to place your money.
Jow Forums stock market threads are sometimes golden too as the crypto autists don't even bother clicking on them, which makes them an ironic safe space for good discussion on Jow Forums... sometimes.
You're right that a lot of people on reddit tend to assume they know more than they let on, but it's better than;
I would dump it all in eth.
I own 711 eth so you would have an almost exact position
*exact same