How common is it for Australian and Kiwi Whites to have Indigenous Australian or Maori ancestry?

How common is it for Australian and Kiwi Whites to have Indigenous Australian or Maori ancestry?

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very common
we are fuckin' mutts

about 56% likely

i bet a lot of them don't admit it

Ausfags basically zero. As far as Kiwi's go it's more like the opposite. There are no full blooded Maoris left. They've all been bleached.

There are austarlians who have never seen a abo before, how many do you think have actually fucked one?

>There are no full blooded Maoris left. They've all been bleached.
I knew I guy who was only like 3.25% white

Still fucking pakeha'd.

Why would a Maori guy be in Canada

not often
there's barely any maori people compared to the rest of the races here, especially outside of the biggest city
if someone has maori in them it's more than likely from the last 150ish years so you can tell if someone has maori in them or not by skin colour or other traits like a really light blue eye colour with dark hair

so if someone looks white chances are they don't have any maori in them

iggy fucked an abo

When did that happen?


Not hard to believe. She has a thing for men with dark complexions.

I literally cannot comprehend why you would made up a statement just like that

Stop using braindead burger terminology when referring to places beyond the shitscape that is North America.
Also stop posting Jow Forums garbage outside of Jow Forums.

Are you talking about your specific part of NZ? Because Maoris are the largest minority at like 15% of the population.

Sorry, I don't speak your language.

He's probably a fucking aucklander so he thinks that chinese are 40% of the national population.

a lot of the time those statistics are pushed up by people who have a fraction of maori in them
like said there's no full blood but it's very obvious to tell someone who is maori from someone who is 1/12 maori and just identifies as one because of them belonging to a tribe that occupies that land

there are not many Asians outside of Auckland but the same can be said for Maori outside of the North Island

Is there much of anyone outside the north island though?

What would you say is the real percentage of Maoris? Or at least people that look Maori
I've always wondered why the South Island is much more Whiter than the North Island. Did something happened to the Maori there?

There's substantially less people but the fact is you'd struggle to find a Maori at all there. It's why some cities like Christchurch are known for being a bit more racist because there's not many people who aren't white there.

It's hard to put a percentage on it because sometimes the lines blur between Maori and other island ethnicities (Samoan etc) but like I said, they're not the largest minority in Auckland, you won't find many in the South Island and the rest of the North Island has lots of dots of Maori-orientated towns but they're all small even when you add them up.
Regarding the second question, when it was just Maori who were here, they had lots of tribes as seen in this picture but because they were from a warmer climate they often stuck to the North Island where the nights and days aren't as cold in Winter. So there's only a handful of tribes in the South Island and plenty in the North (some have formed into bigger groups now for economic reasons).

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As far as I know they never settled it much. Too cold and too far from where they started at the top of the north island.

Also one fact I always liked was that Maori really liked Croatians when they came over because they generally had good relations which led to marriages etc. They were so close that they gave the Croatians a name for their own tribe called "Ngati Tarara" with "Tarara" having no meaning but being the sound Maori thought they were always making since they couldn't understand their language.

Was there a significant croatian settlement in NZ?

lol it's like another country up there. SOuth island is white af and just fill of old people or cunts who moved down to help re build christchurch
The numbers weren't particularly high but they came fairly early in NZ's timeline relative to other European countries. It was more that they did lots of labouring jobs and married the local Maori women as stated in the link, often leading to genes possessing green eyes that you still see today.

Interesting stuff. My dad is from Croatia so he'll find that interesting.

It's kinda unknown here. I only heard about it myself from a single conversation I overheard that I decided to look into.

Interesting. I remember reading that the southern most point Polynesians reached is the Auckland Islands which are further south but they were inhabited when the Europeans discovered them. Probably, something to do with the climate as well.

How come there's no pure Maoris left? Was there never any stigma against mixing?

I know Lorde is partially Croatian

>Was there never any stigma against mixing?
Not really. Brits broadly respected the Maoris because of their orderly yet war-like society with kings and military discipline and so on. It played into the british ideal of a noble savage.

>How come there's no pure Maoris left?
Race mixing. Nothing much to it passed that. Although, even with no pure Maoris you'll see some that are 1/2th,1/4,1/8 etc embracing the culture as if they were so it doesn't have that much of a negative effect on the culture. The only real victim would be the language that is spoken by less than 5% but that's both a result of decentralised Maori and it not being the most useful language in the modern world.

Does that stupid ritual you guys do at rugby games come from Maori culture?

Even the blacks in South Africa always thought that shit was gay.

Yeah that's a Maori war dance type thing (the haka). I find it kinda needless but if it hypes them up then that's good enough since they tend to win anyway.
I find it really stupid when the media get pissed off about an opposing team or player ignoring the haka and continuing to warm-up though, saying it's disrespectful.

Didn't some french people do it back to them awhile back or something?

France approached them and got in their faces while they did it
resulting in a $5000 fine for no good reason.
Pretty based of the French if I choose to forget the Rainbow Warrior.

How did the haka become a rugby thing? Was there ever any controvesy about non-Maoris performing it?

>How did the haka become a rugby thing?
Because a lot of Kiwis are weenies clinging on for dear life to anything that will give them some distinctiveness on the world stage.

Not sure how it became a rugby thing considering it was more for war originally. No one has ever cared about non-Maoris doing it, it's only disrespectful if it's some drunk guy doing a crappy impression or something like that and not taking it seriously.
You're not wrong.
It's really sad how much NZ tries to get all happy about the slightest mention of NZ on the world stage. If Lorde does something we'll see it, if Australia does a smart move (like the deporting of ((NZ'ers)) for crimes) then we'll go "wait, but we're like Australia's little brother! How could they do this to their best neighbour?". Admittedly, sometimes it can be cool like when a world leader expresses favour to this small nation.

How attractive are Maori women?

Is Lorde basically a god in NZ?
Also, why is Australia deporting Kiwis?

Jacinda has shown up in Japanese media a few times emphasising how “progressive” New Zealand is

nah you count as abo if you're even 1/16th and get extra gibs and scholarships so anybody who can get away with it calls themselves indigenous

That must be nice.

yeah i go to tafe with a kid who looks basically white but is technically aboriginal so he gets an extra 100 a fortnight in student money from the government

vast majority of whites i've met are white through and through, no abo in them, and trust me, they'll let you know that they're abo

Haven't heard much about Lorde recently but at her peak she would frequent the news.
There's an ongoing conflict between some people in each country's Parliament at the moment because there are some Kiwis who have lived in Australia for virtually all their life and when they commit relatively small crimes like beating your wife they get sent to NZ where they're our problem even though they barely know their country of origin and often have family in Australia. If you ask me it's fair to do that but it's up for debate at the moment.

Probably not the most attractive overall because there's a lot of obesity but an attractive Maori woman would look like pic related.

Same here with Maori or Pacifica scholarships.

It's been pretty progressive throughout history such as being the first country to give women the right to vote, one of the first to legalise gay marriage etc. I think the big difference between NZ's progressiveness and a stereotypical left wing progressiveness you might see in certain U.S. groups is that in NZ you don't have wild and crazy groups pushing an agenda or anything. People just vote for a change if it doesn't affect them because people are pretty laid back and are strong individuals rather than a collective hivemind. It's a nice kind of progressiveness.

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What kind of white person fucks abos? I'm really not racist but they're just an ugly people. Can't get around it.

haha my uncles like that where he was born in NZ but never bothered getting citizenship here for 45 years for some reason so he could be deported still

Aus can be pretty tight with handing out citizenships. There was a short time period a few years ago where if you had an Australian parent then you could claim citizenship but that ran out. I wish you could claim it if you had Australian grandparents although I'm mostly just saying that because I wish I could claim it since a majority of my ancestors leading up to my grandparents came through Australia from Europe.

i imagine it was mostly abo man/white woman, the men aren't necessarily that ugly

it only takes a few really weird people over hundreds of years and then once they're mixed they turn into generic slightly brown people really quickly

>relatively small crimes
>beating your wife
This way of thinking is why New Zealand is number one for domestic abuse in the developed world.

I didn't say just a small crime because it isn't a small crime. I said relatively for a reason. It's relatively small compared to murder/manslaughter etc.

> I said relatively for a reason
Lmao seriously? I thought you were making a joke.

A majority of Aboriginal paternal lineages are European, actually

What do you mean?

Well lets be fair, beating your wife is sometimes needed.

Rude post.

Australia and NZ don't have jus soli?
Why is NZ like that

Which Iggy? Only one is respectable, the one with a massive drug addiction.

Surely it can't be that hard for a kiwibro to live and work in Austarlia? Don't even consider them forigners desu.

>Australia and NZ don't have jus soli?
They do it's just the Kiwis getting deported from Aus were born in NZ then usually moved to Aus before they were even a teen and then got deported well past their 20's.
>Why is NZ like that
Not too sure but there are lots of facts like that which most other countries don't know about. For example, we're the third worse country on the OECD for obesity and I think we're the highest for suicide rates in some age range.

>the men aren't necessarily that ugly

I don't know the specifics but I know a lot of Kiwis first options when moving is to go to Aus so I don't think it's to hard to move, it's more that you don't get many rights in terms of benefits, non-internationally charged tertiary education and you can easily get deported.

also I forgot to mention high child abuse rates and the like

I’ve heard about those kind of statics, isn’t because of the Maori? Or is the white population affected, too?

I remember a NZ user talking about that kind of stuff once and he said that it disproportionally affected Maoris and not everyone else, is that true?

Most New Zealand "men" are very passive towards each other, so they be mean to those physically or socially below them (women, children, social outcasts).
I despise how cowardly and passive-aggressive guys in New Zealand are.

>A trifling offense, just beating your wife. How is that even a crime? She's YOUR wife.
That sort of joke

*physically or socially weaker than them

You'd assume that they get full rights when they come over here but technically no. They automatically get a special visa that lets them work etc but has no path to citizenship. They also don't automatically get permanent residency or qualify for medicare I think.

On the other hand, ausfags in NZ get all the perks. We automatically have permanent residency and can immediately vote in their elections. After 5 years we get NZ citizenship.

I’ll admit I romanticize NZ a lot. I really wanna move to Aukland.

It's a nice place, but thats about it.
A nice enough place.
There are more romantic places to dream about moving to.

Maori disproportionally have much more of these problems than whites. However white South Islanders have lots of problems as well.

im 1/73rd cherokee

I lived there for five years, it's full of chinamen and soiboys. There's a reason it's called entry level Sydney. It does however have a lot of very good outdoors stuff within a very short drive. I'd recommend living a bit further north if you need to be near Auckland, or South Island if not.

It's proportionally larger for Maori and other island ethnicities but it's pretty bad for white people too, although it's more extreme obesity for Maori and functioning obesity of white people more than often.
Oh sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't want to state they were doing crimes and leave it at that because there would be no debate over the matter if they were murderers etc, you'd want them deported. I chose the wrong words there.
It's a very big city landwise and I recommend it because you won't find the same kind of city hub in any other city in NZ because of its mashpot of all types of people. It's also pretty green with I think 53 or 63 volcanoes so it's a nice landscape. Living in Auckland is very expensive though and is only getting worse.

Who /shithole/ here?

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Is the South Island less developed and poorer?

Looks like Ukraine or Russia desu

Compared to the rest of NZ that's not Auckland or Wellington, not really.

It's not less developed just more laid back and less of a city feel to it, even in its major cities like Dunedin and Christchurch it's much more chill compared to Auckland.

South Island is way more to affordable to live in, therefore ordinary people have more money. However outside the thriving student scene in Dunedin and trendy Nelson, South Island seems dead and decaying, and the attitude of the people reflect this. People aren't cocky like northerners and pommies are.

*nelson doesn't have a student scene, it just has lots of rich people living there because it's sunny

Nice to see you grabbed a piece of affordable auckland housing

There used to be a horse in there, that would have set the seen very nicely.
Fucking gross.
Couldn't pay me to move there, would feel weird being the only Kiwi in a big city.

i wonder if any surveys/mass DNA testing has ever been done. You'd think Aboriginal DNA would be more common than it is considering our history of "assimilation" and so forth

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no in New Zealand

Where is that in NZ?

West Coast, South Island.

there was never a government policy of racial assimilation, just like there was no government policy of a 'stolen generation,' in fact more white children were stolen during that time than aboriginals.

I went to south island on a cruise, it reminded me of scotland/england felt way more liveable than Austarlia.

Greymouth? I took the train from there to Christchurch once.

to be clear, children were taken, but it was not because they were aboriginal, as we are often led to believe.

What happens there?

Sounds fucking lovely.