Do you want to find love in Switzerland?

Do you want to find love in Switzerland?

Attached: swiss.jpg (1000x1000, 96K)

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Nah fuck the swiss

i'd abandon my whole family if i could live in swiss-land

I've been watching videos about Swiss culture and they all say that swiss people are as autistic as japanese and that everything is crazy expensive, is that true swiss bros?

Also I've heard that swiss people are even more racist than the americans

Attached: 1534987844842.jpg (640x640, 48K)

>that 700 yr old boomer who still wears a mechanical watch

Fuck off we're full

maybe not as autistic, but equally sadistic
Japanese are also friendlier and more creative

because I'm 169cm manlet

Attached: pepe.png (624x610, 414K)

Nope, japanese are waaaay more autistic.
And everything is crazy expensive because high wages.
This, but it's a good thing.
This also.

is it true that the Swiss have a diplomatic protocol for wooing?

you are rude

tell my about the swiss
why are they so rich
is it the jew gold

Shut up jap, you know it's true.
Also, what the fuck happened to your culture?

Attached: epic_fail.png (409x451, 358K)

>Shut up jap
You look very autistic

>what the fuck happened to your culture?
Do you have any concerns?

>You look very autistic
Thanks, you too
>Do you have any concerns?
Pic related

Attached: jtv-01.png (800x450, 584K)

yes, already did, but I don't want to move there

no because a brakku perope are oprressing me, i hate wleihte peorpe, but brakku perope are far worse

Oh, no no no
You are more autistic desu
You win :333

This is a TV program show
There is possibility that those shoes were sweets
Other items were true ones, but one of these was a fake sweets
So that Japanese comedian had to guess which items were sweets and eat it

>This is a TV program show
>There is possibility that those shoes were sweets
>Other items were true ones, but one of these was a fake sweets
>So that Japanese comedian had to guess which items were sweets and eat it

>You are more autistic desu

Are you angry? (o・ω・o)

I want to find love in Soe

Attached: h7G4IBy.jpg (1080x900, 73K)

are you trolling me?

Attached: 1516358548153.png (544x638, 619K)

But I'm enjoying now (*˘︶˘*).。.:*

Attached: jap.jpg (1000x666, 396K)

I don't want to find love anywhere. I used to think I wanted to, but as I get older and life erodes you in every way possible including your self-subscribed delusions, I came to realize I'm terrified of love. I've fought it every time it presented itself. I've broken so many girls hearts, and often my own at the same time. I'm not willing to make myself vulnerable at any point. Love is not for me

>i'd abandon my whole family if i could live in swiss-land

not worth it

ガッ ヽ( ● ・∀・)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ + `д);∴


>Swiss ""German""

Attached: 1534888594048.png (240x228, 84K)


Does she exist in real life?

Attached: ow-mercy-gold-video_1.jpg (1920x1080, 138K)

You better fuck off. We don’t want more undereducated foreign shit here.

Ia she brunette? Cute? I saw girl in swiss shirt in WC, she was cute


I guess...

I am too clever to spend time in Uni and get degree, am I welcomed?

btw would make 90%+ of STEM SAT requirements, way easier than russian exams

of course. best country in the best continent on Earth.

Europeans dont want more Asians to come and settle.

Yes but it's so hard ;_;

pretty sure most would choose Asians over black people/arabs. better to choose the lesser evil

My trackfu from Swiss dating 4/10 Swiss guy from her uni. She is 12/10 subjectivly or 9/10 objectivly. He was just not afraid to aplroach her when she was in Uni.

Two swiss biathlets date slavs(higher than average slavs btw), one even married.

Lara Gut literally married Albanian

Swiss women seem to be down to earth. Sometimes even too much.

They dont want to chose between two evils, they want to reject both evil. Non-whites from asia, middle east and africa shouls understand it.

What's the problem? Love is love.

this is inevitable in our society today Sergey. embrace or be displaced.

Finding a swiss woman is extremly difficult.

Are you migrant? Migrants like to write such shit.

Noone wants you in europe. The only truth. They dont want their kids mix with asians too. They wanr white neighbours/collegues/townmen/countrymen and thats a good thing.

how about a swiss man? OwO

What's better, French speaking Switzerland or German?

What do all Swissaboo's have in common? They've never actually been there

I have heard about that too, a lot.

It seems like the Swiss are allowed to have the same priviledges as Israelis have.