Based Denmark btfo Burgerland
How will mutts ever recover?

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Based lmao

jesus christ, americans are such a joke.

benis :-D

Why do basic bitch Amerimutt liberals fetishse Denmark and Sweden so much? It's so cringy

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For a second I thought it was Infowars, but it as an actual Fox news report?

How can Denmark be 11 spots higher than us in unemployment when we have effectively zero unemployment? It doesn't add up.

Also, I wish yuros would keep in mind that your welfare states are only possible because we are footing the bill for 99.9 percent of your national defense. If one day we just decided to stop, you would be completely fucked. I would love to see this guy's face then.

But I am on mobile, user.

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i am growing increasingly jaded and depressed every time i see this much stupid shit on the news
can everything just burn already
i don't care


And what will happen? Spooky Russia attack Europe?

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god i hope so

>Also, I wish yuros would keep in mind that your welfare states are only possible because we are footing the bill for 99.9 percent of your national defense.
Both Finland and Sweden have a similar welfare system as Denmark and aren't part off NATO, and the only reason the swedish one isn't working is because of sandniggers

meeeh boring

Donkey Kong 64 fucking sucks.


Why is she so fucking orange?

I wonder how all those cringy socdem amermimutt redditor college students that worship Sweden will explain the Swedish Democrats coming first in the upcoming election

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>we are footing the bill for 99.9 percent of your national defense
You are welcome to leave.

mostly homogeneous white society
>size of western Europe less then 60% white all major cities are nigger hives

hmm... no wonder i want to keep my guns

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but in the US system the talented ones do go on to college because of scholarships

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i wish we would i want to see euro poors shit themselves when we toss them to Putin

is that a fucking lever nugget?

>mostly homogeneous white society
I thought we were drowning in refugees. Make up your fucking mind.

Winchester 1895 you pleb.

>höhöhö we protec yuu stopid eurous

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Your damn right it is it feels fucking great not to be a poor fag

Holy fuck
Mutts got destroyed

I don't get this

UK alone has a bigger military budget than Russia, so how are you protecting the whole of yurop with your mediocre untrained american troops again?

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cities of a handful of European states are

because we think we have to police the world. its fucking stupid, cut that numer down 200 billion and put that into our roads

No explain to me how you're spending all this one policing the world

Because the UK has just as much military bases as you

Attached: Army-bases-online_2614912a.jpg (620x388, 102K)

Not if Europe attacks Russia first.

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that list is incorrect USA has 38 Named bases, the actual number of military bases is 5000, 600 of witch are in other countries

>counting military bases in your own country

All I'm saying is, you're not protecting shit, stop using this excuse

Based dane


Who's invaded more countries in the past 20 years again?

They have 11 of these though.

Attached: USS_Carl_Vinson_at_Malabar_2012[1].jpg (2700x1794, 1003K)

>430 ships in the USA NAVY
>74 in the UK

Air force of the United States
Fixed wing aircraft 5414
Fighters/Multiroles 1840
Bombers 162
Early warning (radar aircrafts) 52

Navy Air Force of the united states
Fighter/Attack 1,030
meanwhile UK total Aircraft strength 832