1. ur country

1. ur country
2. What was a time when you were proud of your country.

1. France
2. When Chirac stood up to them

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ahhhh, Jacques... now that was a president *sips*

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lmao fucking amerikikes

1. The UK.
2. When we kicked the Argies' ass over our people and our land in the Falklands

>the Falklands
Îles Malouines please. It's a French clay btw.

He's a quality weeb


Wasn't Chirac one of those mainly responsible for mass-immigration into France?

>1. France

Go back.


That time we dabbed on Saddam so hard that other countries literally agreed to pay for us to do it.

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>one of those
Yes, one of those, but not the worst. The one who made it massive was Giscard d’Estaing.

>Yes, one of those,
Normally I would say that I hope he dies of cancer, but too late for that.

Actually he just did nothing to stop the previous politics, just like every french president since Giscard. They all deserve cancer.


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Come on, we know France had business ties to Saddam Hussein. Everyone knows it. Why else were they so adamant about him staying in power.

Fuck you

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-1918, 1933-1945

>-1918, 1933-1945

What isn't clear?

Congress of Vienna - WWI. Those were our glory years, when we ruled the world and made everyone else bend the knee. They'll never come back. I cri evrytiem :'(

wasn't thatcher closing many industries in the uk causing riots around that time?

1918 = end of WWI, Germany in hell
1933 = Hitler in power, Germany in heaven
1945 = end of WWII, Germany in hell again

Honestly I can never think of a time when I was tbqh

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>1918 = end of WWI, Germany in hell
Yeah, the -1918 was supposed to symbolize the time before the end of WW1.

The 1933-1945 was again a time period.

>Any year before the Iberian Union.