Called overvalued at 32m mcap by the most universally agreed gifted mind in cryptospace

>called overvalued at 32m mcap by the most universally agreed gifted mind in cryptospace
>CEO has no background in programming
I’m not FUDing, but how do linkies rationalize this?

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I mean, he’s right.

Vitalik sold his Eth at $7 and he said it was overvalued at that.

Don't trust that AIDS autist with speculation.

>muh background in programming
this appeal to credentialism is stupid, vitalik is a fucking university dropout

Money Skelly givith and taketh away

Vitalik is so autistic that he can't realize how much value his own project has. For him Ethereum is overvalued at $15.

At the time Chainlink was only providing centralized oracles.
A decentralized network of oracles would be very different.

It gets worse and worse for LINKtards HAHAHAHAHA. Im loving every second of this shit

>muh paper says I'm qualified

Also Vitalik underestimates the value of smart contracts.
Ethereum is undervalued even at 1000 dollars.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

>brainlet responds to post he didn't understand

> the most universally agreed gifted mind in cryptospace

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you're deluded

ETH is garbage tech at this point.

Who more so than Vitalik? I don’t mean speculation, but being a truest gifted mind that is exceptionally literate in the tech, only Vitalik has that level of admiration

The fact is, chainlink will link the blockchains and that makes it easier to make smart contracts that can interact with ethereum ecosystem smart contracts from smart contracts on other blockchains, which threatens ethereum's de facto smart contract monopoly.

this is old fud you ninny twat

Really understanding the speculation game probably escapes everybody in crypto and that's how we discover prices. However, the Linkpool estimates weren't too neat and those are a bit more scary to me.

Also, I honestly grasp less each day what Casper is. I can't even criticize it, it's way beyonjd me.

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this is called autistically backing off from an accidental endorsement. there are regional pizza franchises worth more than $32MM, of course oracles are worth more than $32MM

take that back

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Laramir, because he not only understands the tech on the same level, but he understands economics and marketing as well. Vitalik is a delusional idealist who doesn't give a shit about mainstream adoption.

Vitalik literally does not know jack shit about money.

What did Vitalic say that made soneone think he was endorsing smartcontract? I saw this tweet flying around here in november when the fud was stong.

When did decentralized network come about then?

>calling ground breaking tech garbage.
Do you even know what you are talking about?
Why don’t you go make something better you worthless fuck?


He sold his stack of ETH at $9..... so he has a habit of undervaluing tokens at a rate of almost x100.

Vitalik is so autistic when the waiter gives him his order and says "Enjoy your meal!"

Vitalik answers "You too!" without feeling ashamed.

He also shamelessly calls his teacher "Mom" and still has nightmares about going to school without shoes. Vitalik prime autist.

Nick Szabo aka Satoshi Nakamoto, which is following the project on twitter.

not true at all
this is his address

Centralized and completely overvalued for a vaporware erc20 token. It will be completely centralized with 21 hand picked nodes running the network. The voting system is rigged as votes can be bought.

Name me a genius who wasn't a weirdo in a way or another

LINK is gonna turn out to be the biggest kick in the balls in crypto.

Is this good or bad?

Is there some reason serget couldn't tell us if he's under NDAs? Obviously not the nane of the companies but just if he has to remain silent.

lol Sergay? the philosphy major? Dude flunked out of Community College!

if he is under NDAs why would he even bring it up? it'd be dumb to put himself in a position where it's publicly known he's under NDAs

did you not see what happened to JNT when all they did was talk about NDAs? They proceeded to never even get listed on Binance.

Good thing they have a working product and are already listed on Binance.

Has anyone asked him? And if he says yes, then what? It's not like you can ask the number.

sirgay must have signed a nda with the world of marketing

>repeating the same terrible FUD from when I bought back in February
step up your game pajeet

I'd really love to hear Vitalik's explanation for this comment. "Trustlessly connecting blockchains to the real world, allowing data feeds and payment APIs to communicate with ALL smart contract platforms, is worth LESS than $32 million." I honestly can't make heads or tails of it.

It makes sense once you accept that Vitalik has no concept of economics.

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Its not fud if it's true. Vitalic proved a centralized coin with a voting mechanism can't work because you can buy votes rendering voting pointless.

>Economically illiterate vitalik proved that his biggest competition is "broken" even though his own shitcoin is centralized
You should consider doing independent research and trying to actually understand things instead of just sucking the cock of your crypto heroes.


>Vitalik sold his Eth at $7 and he said it was overvalued at that.
Bullshit lol

You do realize ethereum is still in devealopment right? They are fixing everything. Eos has no devealopment solution for its problems as they have no working product.

And if you were tech literate you would understand why Ethereum can't be fixed. Band-aid solutions won't be able to compete with new technology built properly from the ground up.

It sucks eos is not that tech.

>Eos has no devealopment solution for its problems as they have no working product.
They've had a working product since last year. The test net is feature complete.

What is Eos doing to fix the fact that it has a voting system and is centralized?

where is this shit coming from? isnt the point of ETH for smart contract use? Wouldnt he want to hype it as much as possible

Hes probably jealous

He wasn’t addressing the future value of the token, just the initial amount raised in the crowdsale. Token economics will do what it does, but 32mil liquidity is outrageous for a small startup who can’t hope to know how to spend the capital effectively. Tim Draper I think said it’s one of the big issues with crypto startups that they have so much upfront capital that they are prone to poor and inefficient decision making that can cripple the project in the long run

LINK is over hyped trash and Sergey is a shady, self obsessed weirdo.

> what is Tezos

You need a subscription but he says he has made very bad financial decisions in this FT article I read last month

Trust me if you don't have a subscription

At least he isn't a pathetic philosophy major.

Lmao you fucking newfags are you the ones fudding link? Absolute state.

>OP listening to a commu-autist who sold his eth way too early demonstrating his retardation regarding economics

He only sold 25% at 10$ to diversify, also trasnferred 300mm worth in Dec to Bitstamp where he may have sold at the current ath but in the very least used it to pay contractors

youre right hes not smart enough