Do Asian girls like tall and ripped Latino men?

Do Asian girls like tall and ripped Latino men?

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Are you one?

as long as you aren't balding & don't have a recessed chin

I'm tall and in the process of getting ripped.

>as long as you aren't balding

Here comes an asian girl
Honestly I’m not into Latinos but CR7 is very popular here

Yeah asians love waitto piggus

Asians love light skin and lack of bodyhair. Aka White people.

We don’t like piggylike American

Ur women do

>lack of bodyhai
True and we don’t like lack of cleaness so we hate Viking look and stereotype Aussie (long hair, beard)

I’m an asian gurl
I find European guy cute (not anglos)

>I find European guy cute (not anglos)
Absolutely based and redpilled
How will Angl*noids ever recover?

>tfw beard so tough that I still got visible stubbles after shaving

>I’m an asian gurl
you aren't

Lets fuckysucky

I don’t like them because they take it for granted that everyone speaks their launguage on earth
I hate how they look too(I mean outfits), so they can never recover cute euro bois

Belgian bois are the best

pity, since CR7 is not latinamerican
(technically latin-european but yeah, no)

They are literally arabian rapebabies

All the Belgian guys I’ve met in Tokyo looked like movie stars tho
They weren’t as arrogant as frogs so I like them

>Belgian bois are the best


i have a belgian citizenship, can i be your bf ?