Group of American and British prisoners are marched through streets of Paris

i wish i could punch some random Anglo only to show my loyality to German ubermensch.

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The germans treated the brits/americans much better than any allied country treated its prisoners.

The chad Anglos versus the beta manlet jerrys

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Remember Dunkerque bastards.

not true afaik
iirc German POWs were treated best by the US and ok by the UKs, they were treated badly by the USSR ofc
Soviet POWs in Germany were treated horribly, American and British POWs in Germany were treated ok

lol no

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US were the only one to collect human trophies...

You mean the thing that only happened because your pathetic government capitulated faster than anyone thought was humanly possible?

Big agree

Frogs had more men and tanks than the krauts and still bottled it

what the fuck
fuck the french
piece of shit losers