Is Japan as clean and safe as people say or is it just a meme?

Is Japan as clean and safe as people say or is it just a meme?

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i think so

It's most definitely safe if you look at the statistics. I don't know about clean since I've never been there, but Tokyo does seem clean in vlogs and whatnot.


no, it's awful, and stay in your shithole.

Been 4 times in Tokyo. It is. If you don't fuck with the wrong people it's definitely very safe.

Go on google street view, spotless.
Apparently if you go to a vending machine you're expected to drink your drink and eat your snacks right there and throw them away right there. If you walk with food people give you dirty looks because they assume you're doing to litter.
These are a people that are taught to pick up after themselves as soon as they're old enough to walk, they're going to keep shit clean.

Yes, unless you never got a Chink ghetto.

They are Korea but if you do not want to come to Japan, you do not have to come

No, they were africans working for japanese "entrepreneurs" and fake monks. Cut the crap, I'm tired of reading about the korean boogeyman.

yes, but not so different from Western European standards

don't you realize I'm lying to try and keep people out of Japan?

I'm helping you here dude.

Yeah it’s safest and cleanest as far as I know, even public toilet is clean and no poos floating unlike white savage countries.

You never know, always wear a rubber m8

the nigerians offering "services" are a bunch of fags, were you really afraid of them?

Didn't think Argies were such pussies.
Maybe Brazil truly is the most violent shithole on earth lol

not even the USA have I been afraid of going anywhere, not even Colombia for that matter.

>but not so different from Western European standards

you've no idea what you're talking about.

I've never been in dangerous situation, I know how to say "no". I said it because I've read a lot of stories about people getting scammed.

>Western European standards
So you're saying that Japan isn't safe.

"Being scammed" =/= violence

he's a moron

Its amazing how the toilets here arent covered in piss or completely clogged with shit
Completely different to “first world” white countries

yes, as long as you keep your gaijin status. If you make them think you are no different from them, life will be very stressful.

I worked for a Japanese boss. As for me I look and try to act little different to Japanese people, I got to bitter taste of Japanese work culture.

While I showed many results, and contribute a lot to group work. They were very critical to me. I work from 9AM to 9PM, and they are truly perfectionist. Never satisfy with any results there was always more work to do.

Stressed out, lonely in foreign land I almost think that Its better If I don't exist at all.

I only realised that they treat me special when my boss admit that in farewell party. I was very happy then.

So prepare yourself if you. Japan is comfortable and safe, but I don't think it is for everyone. There might be things you don't like.




Fuck no, don't fall for this meme. I was shocked by how dirty Shibuya was, same goes for Seoul.

You can't express yourself clearly, try again.

You said

>if you make them think you are no different, life will be stressful

then you said

>i look and try to act different from Japanese people, I got to bitter taste

I assume you meant "I got the bitter taste" - anyway, these statements are contradicting each other, so what is it?

Also, at the end you say

>they treat me special
The fuck does this even mean?

Shibuya is always dirty.


imagine being this retarded

asian looking people, or people from asian countries, have it worse than white gaijin in Japan.

Its almost like there is a correlation between the number of foreigners in one place and its cleanliness

It mean that you will recieve no "special treatment" if they think you are gaijin at first time they meet you.

If your eyes look like vaginas and your name is Kamuto Hirovato then yeah, sure.
Otherwise they consider everyone an animal.

still makes no sense.
Reformulate what you said please, I'm curious but it makes no sense.

lol what a weeb thread

Okay, as long as you acting like gaijin, life will be fairly easy and effortless.
If you make them think that you are little different from them (culturally and spirit), they will treat you like any other Japanese, which might be stressful to some.

The Koreans here are very nice people You ought to know that Korea is number one in the world Korea is the best country in the world so both men and women are beautiful in Koreans

that's well known.
Basically, if you're "ignorant" they treat you better than if you actually appreciate their culture. It's very common in Japan from what I've seen.

But as I said, this seems to be specially true if you're "asian looking" - whites have more room to "play" with this from my experience.

Do you look like a typical Viet?

No I look Chinese.
Got talked to by them in airport all the time.


lmfao that's your problem right there dude.
I knew several really hard working Chinese people who spoke perfect Japanese and were respecting literally every cultural norm of Japan and they still got shit-on by their bosses, whereas whites from Australia/Europe had much better treatment.

Not sure what to tell you, it sucks but it's the way it is and from what I've talked with people who've been there for years it's not going to change.

Me, I'm moving to Japan next year, but I'm aware that there are downsides to it...

Though since I'm from Brazil, the upsides are higher than the downsides.

thank you.
I don't think my look have anything to do with how they treat me.
I'm happy that they treat me that way so that is OK.
Because there is pressure there is self-confident, bro.
I might corrupt if they treat me too nice.

you sound like a nice honest man.
Hope you have a good time if you decide to go back to Japan.

Maybe we'll pass by each other one day kek
It was nice talking to you bro, I'm going to sleep now it's really late here.

See ya, Vietnam is a great country btw!

When I was there, I didn't speak Japanese at all. My Japanese is still very weak.
So yeah, I think you can do it too, bro.
I hope we will meet each other too.

Not even funny.

>It proves the facade of Japan is a lie so it doesn't count.

Let me guess, I list 20 more cities and you go "Nuh uh, doesn't count" and then you list some village of 8 people on the foot of Mt Fuji as proof that Japan is a paradise?

it's clean but not safe especially for a cute boi like me



Why do Japs dye their hair brown so often?

Want to be white