rainy pics from your country
rainlets not allowed lmfao
Attached: d40iaoyx2wh11.jpg (1080x1350, 301K)
you're cheating. denmark is the country where it rains the days in a year.
Attached: gastown.png (1359x801, 2.79M)
Attached: 52561900.IMG_3786.jpg (720x412, 114K)
Is this a brit thread in disguise?
Attached: 0e834-1531717068-800.jpg (594x396, 84K)
Good thread
Attached: DSC_0135.jpg (1000x667, 242K)
fuck r*in
Attached: espa.jpg (1600x1067, 358K)
Attached: o-MELBOURNE-RAIN-570.jpg (570x376, 81K)
copenhagen gets 522mm precipitation a year
sydney gets 1,222mm
brisbane gets 1,021mm
perth gets 732mm
melbourne gets 602mm
Attached: 5aebfff2c73eed38cccc00e101e3bf03.jpg (640x640, 145K)