What is your German name Jow Forums

>Mine is Siegfried

Attached: oktoberfest.jpg (720x405, 144K)

mine is Sigmaringen

Otto the Handsome

Oswald Herpp von und zu Derpendorff



Jurgen the beaner

Der jüdenjäger

Otto Ahlmann

Johann Schlosser (that's actually a surname in the family since I'm Slovene and all)

>Unironically giving Latin/Hebrew names
kek plebs

mine is sigismund steinhäuser


Adolf Eichmann.

Fritz Spritzen

Gottfried Holzhauser

Hans Landa

Helmut Brummer

mine is eugen

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Otto the Chinless

Ludvig von Baguettefeld

Mine is Falke

I used to know an old Volga German named Holzhauser
the man was based as fuck

Gottfried Wilhelm Schmiedbauer

>muh Juden
>the Hebrew-derived name Jo(han)ne(s) is literally the embodiment of the German worldwide
>being this much of a Sturmschwul

Karl Stahlmühle