Play online game

>Play online game
>mention i'm french
>american starts rambling about how paris is full of black people (he didn't use that word) and "france has fallen"
>tell him i'm physically cringing at his autism in an online game and he should shut up
>he starts ranting about his sacred free speech

Thankfully the party leader kicked him after that

Attached: 88f[1].jpg (604x516, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be french
>play online game
>speak french exclusively

>play on European servers
>always Russians and turks

Attached: 1530389635220.png (408x282, 193K)

>play online game
>two party members are russian
>one of them keeps talking in russian
>the other one tranalates from english for him
>party leader takes himself out

>play online game
>don't use voice chat
>don't mention anything
>the end


>black people (he didn't use that word)
hello nigger

>he ACTUALLY posted IT
dude... you're CRAZY man... how can anyone live their lives on the edge like you ?

>>american starts rambling about how paris is full of black people (he didn't use that word) and "france has fallen"

But thats the fact(?)

why would you mention the word without using it? we all know what youre referring to and youre just putting it in our heads like the true coward you are



i agree that ops roundabout way was ridiculous though, just found his post even more pitiful than ops
>But thats a fact
Not really, no. The pictures of crowds of blacks in Paris are always taken in the same exact area of town, its like an African district. Ive lived in Paris for 20 years my dude, you see way more asian tourists than arabs and blacks combined, the northern outer districts are the poor/popular area that have loads of immigrants.

I have always wandered what french niggers feel about themselves. Do they feel that they belong in europe? Do they feel the connection to French history, Napoleonic Wars etc?

Do you really fucking need to ask?

Yes I do, otherwise I wouldn't ask. Do you really fucking need to ask?

>play on North American servers
>full of Brazilians and Russians

Are the yakutsk patroitic russians that dont go a day without remembering the glory of the kievan rus or the repelling of the napoleonic campaign?

Depends, some of the 2nd and 3rd gens fall into this deification of their country of origin when they havent ever set foot their. But actually most of the black people i knew felt more attached to France since they were born and raised here. For the history, really varies from person to person, but I think most would kind of follow history like their family's travels, they'd have a connection with mainland France's history before they came here, but wouldnt be a deep one. Overall, id say it's come one to find a black person say he's French while it's rather rare for an Arab.

In the real world nobody says anything, but if a burger plays on a European server they will absolutely never shut the fuck the fuck up about him to take a break from fighting among themselves. Yuros like to hide it but their servers are absolute cancer

>play on russian server
>random euroshit joins the game
>starts sperging out le epic pewdiepie style hahaha cyka LOOOL
>gets permabanned
what makes europeans so retarded and unfunny?

>play online game
>nobody ever uses voice chat
why the fuck do cunts do this

Chucks, I ran out of memory

hello louis ck

Doesn't really matter what is going on in Russia, since it might be different in France. Moreover, asian minorities in russia live in asia, on their ancestral land. French blacks live in europe. There is a difference.

Thanx, frenchbro.

Maybe the game you are playing is cancerous.

>r*sshit complaining about euros on his server
Oh the ironing

This. I only ever play on North American servers for this reason. That and the language barrier. In European servers everyone either speaks English poorly or are too proud to speak English to you (Mostly French and Spaniards who do this for some reason). You try to communicate and they just hurl abuse at you.

Fuck Russians especially, they should be forced to use Asian servers. They are the worst Europeans.

>There is a difference
No not really when it comes to blood. You might as well argue that Newtons second rule of motion might not apply because France is *different*

I have a pretty low but very mumbling voice and feel conscious of it

who cares man
just talk
lets communicate and have good times n sheeit nigga

why doesnt anybody on AU servers use the mic reeee

"Herro tiim, we haff tow capturr obektive an kirr enemi"

ping to asian servers was bigger than to european servers even when I was in siberia

>What is server jumping