Are they really homosexual ?

are they really homosexual ?

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We're not Swedes project their gayness on us

If they are, they need to be gassed

Most obvious faggots I see are muzzie migrants with trimmed eyebrows and skinny jeans

No, they are disgusting roleplaying w*men

They are boipussies :3

Yes. But they are tops while Swedes are bottom twinks

Based but cringe


i'm pretty sure the average swede is taller than the average finns

We're taller on average and we have always been their masters. This shithuanian is coping because he knows what it's like to be dominated by a bigger stronger country ( Poland ) for most of his cunt's existance

We are almost exactly the same height with Swedes, or actually we are few mm taller on average if it really matters.

You're mixing with brown manlets while Finnish bulls keep getting bigger and better

>more cope

Attached: image.jpg (600x315, 36K)

They are very gay

Swedish men are pink and short compared to Finns.

>stereotype of swedes in finland is small feminine men with high-pitched voice and tight clothes
>stereotype of finns in sweden is big masculine men with low-pitched voice and dirty old clothes

Attached: 1533749693761.png (332x332, 148K)

>1cm difference
*starts stretching* :DD

>is big masculine men
we stereotype you as short but kind of heavy ( alcoholics) or short stocky men who sit in sauna

that guy is Swedish though

I know but thats of you portray us.

fuck swedes for having so many tall attractive people

Attached: 1523336358404.jpg (400x386, 29K)