Tfw california

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at least you can get your fauvorite race of gf there

I went there on vacation last week and there was beautiful nature in Carmel and Lake Tahoe but we were in SF for literally 3 hours and our car got broken into while at a restaurant lol
The police caught the guys and got out stuff back but apparently this happens 30,000 times a year there
This is also a great point


Where I live my options are limited to trailer trash.

my favorite race doesnt exist here, only goblinos and the SJW race

celto-frank phenotype gf bls

CA isn't so bad, stop your whining. At least we aren't Massachusetts. All of New England is shit tier desu.

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cape cod is the best place in the country

then look harder, ffs stop shopping at target and ikea because that is where shit people congregate

so is bodega bay

California is the best state in the Union and the world.

I know rite? Lol jaja FUCK white people. Wypypo be like oh California too spicy lmao. #baylife

i live in The City and shop in higher end stores, dont even think there IS a target/ikea in the city proper probably only in San Bruno/Daly City where poor people/commuters live
good taste, north bay is excellent

too close to bay area degeneracy for me though

>this is your brain on Jow Forums

90% of the people I encounter in my daily life are white people because I live in a suburban area. Also watching mexicans and flips fight chinks is fun because it causes SJWs to break down and get shit on for being marcias.

>i live in The City and shop in higher end stores, dont even think there IS a target/ikea in the city proper probably only in San Bruno/Daly City where poor people/commuters live

the poor people were shunted into EPA which is now 50% white because of Facebook. It's also how I make my money as a landlord.

smart man

Facebook's campus looks dystopian btw i visited last week

No one does this.

>Jow Forums poster

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EPA was mostly ruins, spics, heroin dealers and taquieras when I was growing up. I lost my virginity across the highway at Whiskey Gulch. The whole area is doing better than it has been in it's entire history, consider that it previously looked like the abandoned town next to the train tracks outside of Fremont.

thots who wear $500 designer sunglasses do, but most of them are socal transplants and need to go back

Hahaha I live in Sonoma County; Bodega Bay is alright. I remember going out in it to do crab fishing in a zodiac and the fog cleared out to reveal the sun over the bay and it was epic

california is the only place worth visiting in the USA imo
>hollywood, Los Angeles and all their landmarks
>all the nature

you don't know the true pain

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solo porque hablas el idioma, y tienes más de 20 misiones para visitar más las partes originales del camino real que tu país construyó

The grass is always greener on the other side. Cape Cod seems nice.