ITT Whit*oids are colonized by foreign powers and now live in colonies.
ITT Whit*oids are colonized by foreign powers and now live in colonies
>doesn't include finnish lapland, which is the only relevant part of lapland
what the fuck am i looking at
It's on purpose lads, since Euros ignored the natives when they colonized as well.
what is this
the red one wants to make a trans-mediterranean railway but the blue one is preventing him from doing so thus starting a world war that will eventually lead to our liberation
Do the colors mean anything? Who is doing the colonizing?
what does the color represent?
Red, Blue: Rival major colonizers
Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple: Minor colonizers
Grey: Independent states
Because there were hundreds of different tribes and most of them were Bantus in origin. They had no unifying civilization, concept of nation, only Neolithic tribesmen