The USA is becoming/is Latin American

>the USA is becoming/is Latin American
>but Chicanos can't speak Spanish or speak horrible Spanish

So which one is it? How can we be Latin American if the one demographic that has Spanish knowledge can't even speak it well?

Attached: american-flag-map_603956.jpg (3960x3240, 803K)

englishmen were also very afraid of the wave of german immigration and they thought that german would become the new norm. 100 years later and almost all of those german speaking towns that littered the midwest are completely assimilated

yeah but germany is far away and mexico isn't

They mean it's becoming more violent and unequal. Only the latter is true

I'm just trying to get the dichotomy that we're LOS but we also can't speak Spanish correctly apparently.

Germans are ethnically similar to the English and share a similar culture.

Latin America, not so much

Hispanic immigrants are based, they will become conservative patriots within a single generation and no different than any other natural born American


I'm Native American

why do wh*TES think I'm Mexican?

Back to the reservation