Latvia is a nice country

Latvia is a nice country

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I agree. Latvia will rise.


For sure

I agree, I was in Riga and Kuldiga Latvian people are pretty ok

Latvians are great.

It is, even though it smells of dill. A fine land and a fine people


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Probably the most underrated country in the world, seems insanely comfy

>foreign diaspora hates the country he lives
>refuses to leave
Imagine being this pathetic


what did he say?

he said
in a condescending manner, in russian

which means he is a bydlo subhuman scum and should just fucking leave already

вepнyтьcя, блять

leave the latvians alone and stop preventing them from being comfy.
Send the oligarch tax evader shitheads back to us and seize their Jurmala villas for the rejuvenation of the BALT race.

and send šprotes too

binland is beste countrie

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based and redpilled

I like you, self-critical Russian user. You should be running the country. Maybe under people like you it would actually stand a chance of not being a corrupt shithole.

reddit the country

>t. Vladimir de la Vigne

tbf I'm just mad because a Latvian bird called Ramona broke my heart

Latvia looks cool.
I feel sad because it's too small though, and if shit starts again what will happen?

your mom is a nice lady.

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im currently seeing a latvian girl, very based.


Why doesn't Latvia rise up and conquer Estonia and Lithuania?

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>вepнyтьcя, блять
Leave Russia, what are you doing here?

anyone today who has a university education (a real one, not some sovshit excuse for one) and spends even the slightest time learning about things in foreign countries and history from other perspectives thinks like this too

sadly, there aren't as many people like this as we'd like :(
the russian middle class gets fucked over by oligarchs and people who took advantage of the post soviet chaos just as much as you guys do

I think you just fell for the ole lith*anian switcheroo mon frere
We're fucked, like most euro cunts. Truth is, given the nature of warfare and economics in this day and age, the typical euro nation state is just too small to be effective and stand on its own. The meta favours imperial builds like US, China, Russia or even hueland.


I hope one day you'll take your country back from the oligarchs russian user
I hope for the day when Latvians and Russians put their past animosity behind and work together for a better future.

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Soviet Union had good education system though? Unless you mean modern Russian universities which don't have any of the old soviet professors after they all fled for western salaries.

good for producing rigorous engineers, chemists, etc, but didn't develop critical thinking or analysis skills (in fact it did quite the opposite, taught you to drone about for the state). A bit like the current chink education system where it seems to me you emerge more autistic than you enter, even if your technical skills improve.

so do I, my friend.

I meant analysis in the general sense, not the mathematical one, in case some /sci/ fag is browsing here. I need to precise this because some of the greatest minds in mathematical analysis unironoically came from soviet academia, but that is simply because maths was the only field where there was no risk of being censored because no one understood what you were doing and it was all purely for the beauty of it anyways, which made it very appealing to intellectuals

Baltics are nice.
Plus, the absolute prettiest girl I've ever seen in porn is Latvian.
Just google ''Miss Russia 2006 porn''
She's not Miss Russia, she's a Latvian girl, according to some arduous research.
I'd give my nuts and my kidneys to kiss you, Oksana

I assume all Latvian posters are Russian.