Feels good to only be surrounded by nice countries and Poland

Feels good to only be surrounded by nice countries and Poland.

What do you think about your neighbours?

Attached: ysj8m3dG_400x400.jpg (300x300, 19K)

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all shitholes just like us
likable shitholes though

Bretty good, and while their all inferior, they do have their little advantages in their own ways.

Well Transsylvania ist based, but i agree that the rest ist a shithole.

Please kill them all

based but still a shithole by any metric


I meant "Why?"

FFS i hate autocorrect!

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have no fucking clue thb. too many tariffs and mean wordss :c

Let's see
>Drunk Mongol savages
>Mentally defective people
>Copy-paste of said mentally defective people
I think it should be obvious.