Are pajeets and other south asians the lowest of all races? They don't even have any positive stereotypes.
Are pajeets and other south asians the lowest of all races? They don't even have any positive stereotypes
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I don't know but I don't put any trust in people who wipes feces with their own hands and then eat with them afterwards
at least they're not fatty americans
Australian aboriginals but they are beyond cringe, they have transcended.
You should see the Pakistani PM.
lol what
indians in the west are pretty rich, smart and educated, specially in the us
only muslims are generally trash
t. salty sandnigger
indians are unbelievably weird
india looks like a big poo
I respect your opinion but I don't agree with it.
how are they worse than muslims, though
Not representative of average poojeet
t.pajeet. Also not a sandnigger they're just as shit.
>I respect your opinion
never said they were, i don't think they're bad at all, they're just weird, and as someone who works on a restaurant and have to deal with many of them i don't like the fact that they're vegetarian for the most part, even less when they can't speak english
ok fag
I mean do you consider North East Indians to be pajeets
rude. i'm vegetarian. what's wrong with it? also
>colombian chi complaining about people not speaking english
give them a break desu
I doubt anyone does.
They think that "South Asia" is just made up of a single ethnicity.
India itself is multi ethnic as hell, not to mention when you combine that with Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan there's so many more ethnicities and races.
Wh*toids see one WEBM of some Biharis behaving like the subhumans they are and assume that the entire region of South Asia is made up by people who look and behave like them.
i don't care but is really annoying for me as a worker
>indian comes into the store
>sees a vegetable bar
stop complaining and serve your masters mutt
Hit a nerve didn't I?
ok pajeet
I mean modern day Pakistan(save for Sindhi) was just the Durrani empire and the Sikh Empire who were stuck in a stalemate
that's the truth though. you shit and eat cow dung.
I'm talking about the people na
There's so many subcultures, ethnicities, etc
It's not a homogenous region is what I meant to say
Epic remark, thank you for your contribution to the discussion.
Maybe, but does it really make you feel like a better person posting this?
Yes, you are the subhuman as fuck and I want you to know that.
I'm joking btw don't take anything personally m8.
There's smart Indians but they're smart enough to leave India.
>they don't have any positive stereotypes
have you tried the food?
you want contributuons? Here they are.
fyi, you eat the beef, not their dungs and piss.
>the subhuman as fuck and I want you to know that.
Says the mutt
Oh WOw!! So amazing!!
You have truly proved to me by posting these videos that an activity practiced by maybe less than 0.001% of the populace is something that all Indians do!!!
I apologize for ever having challenged your intellect, would you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?
PS: I eat beef. There's a bunch of states in India where beef is considered a delicacy, but of course why would you know that?
>being proud of being a meat eater
Hindu Americans are the highest earning "subgroup" in the US.
I bet you're a self hating pajeet desu
t. soiboy
Meat is too tasty to give up, I'm sorry.
It's all a part of the circle of life. What exists, must cease to exist when it's time comes.
What is tasty, must enter my gastrointestinal tract after being marinated with spices and cooked on medium heat.
t.muslim subhuman betrothed to his cousin
were you trying to be funny with this
this desu
Hope you're younger than 13
No, there are far worse. Are many socially awkward? Yes. Does the subcontinent magically produce armies worth of people with STEM degrees that are incredibly incompetent and often a negative to the companies they join? Yes, they are like a cancer factory.
>Muslims are generally trash
>His country was partially built and heavily influenced by Muslims.
>it was a Muslim that standardized the currency in the subcontinent
>it was a Muslim that the subcontinent become united for the first time. Muslims and Hindus alike revere this great man by the name of Akbar
What have dindus done for India?
>proceeds to shit in the street and bathe in the "holy" shit water of the Ganges
>implying I have any cousins or living relatives, ever
You're telling me that this isn't the master race?
In 2030 the average Bihari will be the average Indian
Disgusting. Pajeets are animal tier
Based. Cuckatholics like Mexico is a bunch of dumb retards anyways
Yeah, they are way worse than niggers, and sudacas, if someday I get a terminal illness I'll get a credit card and travel to india to kill those animals
>India withdraws Al Jazeera channel’s security clearance. The channel has to stop it's operations in India. The reason for the cancellation is broadcasting of a documentary about militancy in Kashmir. Between 2015-2018, 147 channels have been asked to stop their operations in India.
>Blasphemy law being introduced in parts of India, convicts face life-time punishment
>"A case of sedition was filed against Sidhu in a Bihar court on Monday for hugging the Pakistan Army chief during his visit to Pakistan"
>"Trying to provide oxygen to Pakistan is absolutely objectionable and deplorable: National Spokesperson, BJP(India's ruling party)"
>Pakistan withdraws all political censorship in state-run media outlets
>“Although not prohibited by law, there is an unannounced ban on the slaughter of cow, which is sacred to Hindus. This ban is however not forced but self-imposed and reflects the centuries-old interfaith harmony,” said Abdul Ghani Bajeer, a local journalist.
>Making an unprecedented move on the stalemated matter, Pakistani PM Imran Khan invites India for dialogue on Kashmir
You have to go back
Based and redpilled
t. Pedro
the british did a lot more for india than the muslims lmao. muslims did jack shit other than bringing gay poetry.
Um, yes?
wtf are you
you have to go back
Had a bad experience phoning dell support?
kinda. pajeets are the americans of the east asia