>went to do some grocery at local family-owned grocer
>spot two wh*toids femoids tourists entering the store
>the foreign femoids stopped a middle aged chinese lady
>these femoids speak to her, probably asking questions
>chinese lady replies them in manglish
>foreign femoids keep insisting on using the foreign chinese accent as a mean to communicate
>chinese lady feels uncomfortable and decided to points them out to whatever they're asking
>everyone, including the cashier looking, no, stare at them as those two wh*toid thots went out, feeling carefree, probably thought they has "immersed the local culture".
>once they're out, the chinese lady speaks in malay to another shoppers about how confused and rude those foreign femoids are.
>"they're like thinking just because I'm chinese, I understand those from mainlands?"
does this happened in your cunt?
do you get this type of "diversity empowerment " fail visitors?
personally I feel I died inside when these foreigners think that we're china.
Went to do some grocery at local family-owned grocer
Two white women spoke chinese to a local chinese woman?
Your writing confuses.
>complaining about wealthy tourists spending money in your country because they can't speak your backwater creole
You need to read again. Yes those wh*toids speaks china's accented chinese to a local chinese woman.
>wealthy tourists
More like exploiters to the kindness of thirdworlder. You're not making us rich.
>went to Montreal
>said “Salut” to shopkeeper
>get replied to with unintelligible stream of French
>”E-english please”
>tfw I was acting stereotypically
is this english things?
Most of the tourist that come here are students with low paying jobs or low class citizens that probably work as clerks
wait, do Malay people not consider themselves Chinese
Yes we're NOT CHINESE.
The ignorance is thick...
There is 6 million (or even more) chinese diaspora that were bought here by the Brits. The country is literally 50% malay, 10%~ other bumiputeras, and the other 40% is either Chinese or Indians
If they speak Mandarin you can’t really label them as typical ignorant American tourists. They are educated women then.
>"they're like thinking just because I'm chinese, I understand those from mainlands?"
Don't blame them.
>More like exploiters to the kindness of thirdworlder. You're not making us rich.
That's bullshit and you know it.
>They are educated women then.
Did you read the insistent part? They forced her to converse in chinese despite her replies is in (at least coherent) English. That is ignorant, not educated. If they're as you claimed, educated, they must have researched prior to their visit that this small town is not chinese majority part of Malaysia. They should speak Malay instead.
You said Manglish. I understood that as something similar to Engrish.
Why would they speak Malay to a Chinese woman? Why would they speak anything but Mandarin?
mfw somebody talks to me in an American accent instead of just using Swahili
I'm well aware that from your upbringing and origin, there's no such thing as Mexican language but Spanish. You'll never understand concepts such as the national language or the market languages or the aunties languages.
Manglish is a mixture of Malay and English
>Why would they speak Malay to a Chinese woman?
Cuz you ARE in Malaysia
>Why would they speak anything but Mandarin?
If you have Chinese in America, do you speak Chinese with he/she?
Chinese people in Malaysia speak Cantonese or Hokkien. They came from Southern China long time ago.
...and then?
are you the Lord KARABOGA
I'd kill to have someone speak to me in English in a shop and not have to use Mandarin
Engrish is very unintelligible.
>Manglish is a mixture of Malay and English
so butchered English?
more like a creole.
Why. Mandarin is a beautiful language. Much more classy than the choppy babble that is English.
You just need to tone down your tones and speak like Taiwanese people. It sounds pleasant.
i was just making fun of you for saying trying to speak a different dialect with somebody is one of the worst things tourists do. My grandma did accually speak Swahili though but she was an anglo there
>white girls speak to chinese lady in chinese
>chinese lady understands them, doesn't want to speak chinese and instead speaks terrible english
>white girls cant understand her, continue to insist on chinese since it was already established both can understand
Literally nothing wrong with this
They spoke to a Punjabi lady in Hindi.
Do you get it? You do. Good.
you get it wrong, she doesn't speak mandarin.
>Using Mandarin as lingua franca
Maybe they didn't speak English or Malay.