Post your life in a nutshell

Post your life in a nutshell.

Attached: mylifeinanutshell.gif (496x500, 598K)

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Attached: never.jpg (466x349, 15K)

Attached: 16.jpg (640x361, 23K)

Its ok I guess, could be worse.

Attached: 1527425854321.jpg (720x405, 19K)

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Now it hurts more because I want a hug

Attached: 1534938870158.png (500x532, 264K)

Attached: 7.jpg (370x468, 42K)

*puts on the big boi coat*

Attached: 263.jpg (332x416, 70K)

I'm on my way

Attached: c0b.jpg (1148x746, 217K)

Attached: 佛系青年.jpg (960x717, 73K)

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Attached: beerthenliquorrule.jpg (800x500, 168K)

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really chops my wood


Attached: 1535028588377.jpg (755x998, 122K)

huh... woah...

Attached: 1533761113185.png (397x575, 122K)

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Attached: 3e1.jpg (600x446, 39K)