Save the white south Africans

Save the white south Africans

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Kill every single of of them.


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They all need to save themselves. Why would you ever want to live in such degenerate shithole in the first place?

Ironic cpming from you

>Save the white south Africans

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Every single "white" person on the right side is a kike.

Believe most of those were during the party's beginning.

Also, traitors die first

They can just escape if they want to. Both Russia and Australia are willing to take them in.


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Kill all boers also

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Well no its not a free pass. Australia still requires normal immigration procedures where you're measured to be an asset to the country. They're just more vocal on SA's situation as it has a large amount of south africans who are right leaning, which led to the right leaning politician to make the proposal of faster immigration for south africans. It hasn't been passed yet i believe.

In Russia's case it is solely for farmers that intend to farm where they still have to bring in capital and only allowed to own the land after a few years


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Getting this triggered no one is supporting you're spergy ideas lmao

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Cool. Interested. Amazing. Enjoy ban and dead thread.

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Or else we'll chimp out

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>Niggers avoid south african land because they're lazy
>Boers move in and make it liveable
>Niggers follow and leech off of them

Why are niggers like this

>whites made south africa
Good one, mac

based and redpilled

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