One country, one culture, two languages and its beautiful
+Eesti :3
One country, one culture, two languages and its beautiful
Mmmm, how about no?
How does it feel to been born outside of this glorious part of northen europe?
bad, desu
It's hilarious how finns wil deny our common culture when they literally have the same houses,nature,architecture as us. We are literally the same
Its because they're your used up cum rags
Only finland and eesti.
They are just some neets from east, but dont worry there is not many of them
>house architechture
commieblocks look the same everywhere
nature looks same here as in estonia
Obviously not what he's talking about
Pohjoispohjanmaalainen aisisko se siellä taas vinkuu ruotsalaiselta lisää kyrpää perseeseen?
other nordics were getting pretty sick of us trying to conquer them and are even sicker of that mentality somehow surviving to this day and age
These are not built anymore they are just relics of a bygone era
So red houses made from wooden boards are now somehow specifically your thing? I bet you can find those in Germany or Lithuania too.
It's still part of your culture. Doesn't matter how many commie blocks you build
You don't see our real Finnish culture in our buildings and city planning you feel it
As soon as you cross the border to scania, these houses are very scarce and find this style instead
Enlighten me then
We have our own attitude towards life none of that fancy Swedish shit
You guys are literally a bunch of princesses sipping that wine
here's an example
This is kinda true. Superficially we are very much the same but in the end we are not. The Finnish mentality differs quite a lot from Swedish.
And I know this shit. My dad is a finland-swede and my uncle lives in Sweden. I have experience from all these cultures.
What's stopping you, build a brick house?
My parents have house like this
No, uusimaa. We are equal, but better than others
Can you elaborate
We have exactly this
Swedes are better at some things which require a Jewish-type of brain while Finns are better at things which require hunter gatherer masculinity and male brains
We are not equal since Swedish minded people are bound to go extinct
Finland is the same as sweden, just whitout the HOMO.
>whitout the HOMO
hehe, of course, no homo bro
Sweden and Finland seem to be the complete opposite in mentality to me. Sweden is culturally advancing into its own destruction at a rate nobody thought was possible, and Finland is like a time portal into a barbaric world.
The Swedes will die with some cool historical accomplishments like a cool king and Linnaeus. The Finns will survive but be lonely drunks who accomplish virtually nothing. Just my prediction.
Did you learn all about politics on Jow Forums?
Lol maybe us finns are more rough, but end of the day we are 90% same. Only different language
Different skin color too these days
I have quite same situation
T. Half of the family lives in sweden, finnjävel family
Just because you and your family are sullen bönde shits doesn't mean whole Finland is like that.
That said, we're not as childish in nature and gullible as swedes.
Urgh, what could have been...
Without these bönde shits we'd have 2 million Russians here now
You're pretty gullible but not as much as Swedes
>We controlled and levied tax from modern day Russia
>None of the other nordics ever did this
Swedes are gullible because of social pressure, Finns more so because we assume other people are good people like ourselves.
No cuck cross here \m/
>t. peabag between Danmark and Sweden for most of history.
Swedes also assume other people have good intentions just like us.
>Finland speaking
oh no no NO NONO
Atleast we had a period of a couple of hundred years between end of viking age and the start of Kalmar where we expanded, where we colonized and where we ruled over overseas territories. The crown of Norway had its glory days in those 4 centuries.
You have literally nothing.
But you are like that because you want to prove to society you're a "good person"
Not really, you are just assuming things you have read about us online.
Trust me I'm a cultural expert. Swedes also lie often so I don't believe your denialism.
But you didn't fight any good wars though you just went to distant fishing villages and demanded tax from them, not exactly very glorious
>learned from Jow Forums and Jow Forums
i swear these threads are so fucking cringe for someone like me who went to school and worked some time in Sweden.
There's literally no difference when comparing city people to city people and bönde people to bönde. In reality we are all the same.
>Trust me I'm a cultural expert
Oh well that settles it then
Never said the norwegian empire was glorious. It was pretty pleb tier compared to other empires of history.
My point was that we atleast had a glory period - we (unfortunately) annexed Iceland in 1260, we expanded into the territories you see on my picture(s), and we generally had a good time.
Your raids against br*Tain were pretty glorious though. I really wonder how Norwegian culture and language would have developed if you had been left untouched by the Danes
You clearly like Sweden very much and speak Swedish at home so you're pretty biased
Finns are inherently like that
Swedes had to have a societal and government sanctioned way to force that on them, they're literal mental slaves.
You clearly hate Sweden very much and speak Finnish at home so you're pretty biased
Psychosis alert
Oh yeah, I wonder about that all the time. Too much wondering about that makes me feel physically ill though.
Honestly I also wonder what would have happened to northern Scotland had we not been forced to give it up to the scots. Iceland speaks for itself, but the conquest of the Hebrides in particular are a relatively unknown chapter in the history of the crown of Norway for other scandinavians.
t. doesn't understand collective pathology of peoples
>speak sweden very much
yeah no. Easier to speak Enlgish in Sweden than broken swedish.
I think northern Scotland would have a super comfy hybrid-culture of sorts if you had kept it
>thinking finns have a single collective pathology
It's easy to be conquerors when you have no opposition. Once Danes and Swedes got their shit together, you were the first bending bottom boes.
Takku-thread of the day?
I'm just thinking out loud.
So invading others and making harm to them is your idea of glorious. We really have a different mentality.
What is Takku?
Varmaan tiedät enemmän takku-ukoista ja miksei transuistakin muin mä mutta oletan että ne todennäköisesti rölläisivät ruotsalaisella ylivalta-aattella kuten
They are communists so it's weird that he thinks takku's would like Sweden that has now more conservatist political climate compared to Finland.
No they wouldn't.
No they don't. SD is an online meme.
Finnish green-left has always been pro-Swedish and pro-bilingualism but now more than ever.
You're a psychotic little fuck if you think Li Andersson is anti-Sweden
>SD is an online meme.
How? They're the biggest party and their biggest supporters are boomer males. Online right wingers here like AfS because muh jews etc. What percentage did the right wing party get in Finland? like 8% and that was the QT chick?
Where do you retards come from?
Green party's leader literally wants to make Swedish language optional.
Really good desu
Anarchists, or communists to be more precise.
>What is Takku?
Leftists. Takku means frizz resembling dreadlocks that is a common hairstyle among hippies and leftists. It's also a name for their biggest website in Finland.
Can you imagine the smell?
Ohh, yikes.
They still have only 20% support and falling
Greens aren't the most extreme punavihreät though, Li Andersson wants to keep Swedish.
Who cares? Vasemmisto is a fringe party.
I can literally smell him through the screen.
uhh they polled at 26% just a few days ago and polled at 28,5% in June
Polls also tend to underestimate SD by roughly 5-6%. Prepare to get disappointed lad, I know you want us to burn
Sorry. I read it wrong. Yes. That's what they do, and is in line with what I said too.
>Li Andersson
She's QT, I wish she was my gf
FUCK viro
She looks like a fucking jar jar binks what the fuck is wrong with you?
Yes and they are the party far-leftists like takkufags support
fake photoshopped propaganda image
holy shit you're right
Jesus, it looks like actual shit
It would be fine, but Finns are too isolating to become part of something great like that.
I wish I was Swedish
You can move there preferably very soon
I wish I was Finnish
no you don't