i cant picture anyone with the strenght to overtake them, like they will do with americans
what then?
i cant picture anyone with the strenght to overtake them, like they will do with americans
what then?
Other urls found in this thread:
>what then?
american jewish interests are replaced with asiatic jewish interests
Let the dynastic cycle take place and see them as they plummet back into another Century of Shame.
Nobody grows an economy this fast without it being a bubble, it's going to crash and burn.
wait for someone incompetent to take the reigns and their complete lack of ability to oust them fuck them
or maybe it's the end of demogracy, what the fuck do i know
>wait for someone incompetent to take the reigns and their complete lack of ability to oust them fuck them
So like what's happening right now?
>Lol stupid fat Americans, you will never get independence
>Lol stupid fat Americans ,you will never Manifest your Destiny
>Lol stupid fat Americans, you will never become a world power
>Lol stupid fat Americans, the world is multipolar now, you will never be a superpower
>Lol stupid fat Americans, Aryan German masterrace will crush you
>Lol stupid fat Americans, Soviets will bury you and spread the revolution
>Lol stupid fat Americans, Japan's economy will overtake yours in 5 years time
>Lol stupid fat Americans, CHINA will be the new superpower
>like they will do with americans
press D to [doubt]
Indian Pooperpowers
>any day now!!!
super pooper by 2050
7 years and counting of political and economic stability?
It is possible if you start as a very poor nation. Lots of productivity gains to be made.
>I trust Chinese economic statistics when they fulfill what I believe and not when they fulfill what I disbelieve
xi jiping is going to save world from globalists and nationwreckers, he is hero you need but not you deserve
For example, South Korea/Japan/Singapore/Taiwan/Vietnam.
All whom happened to grow 10%+ for decades without any severe recessions.
Xi is a nationalist who makes Trump look like the draftdodging pro-russian traitor he is.
they're way past that. China's deficit spending make's America's look responsible. They're building entire fucking cities on government IOUs and nobody lives in them. They're out of control.
you showed nothing that would change my mind.
Same thing that always happens with China. Falls into internal decadence, then into civil war, then one of their neighbours cucks them for a century or three.
Basically this
China has too many problem compare to US
The problem seems to be stealthy because of state-control media and heavy iron-hand policies.
Xi is a very talented and incredible person, but like Deng. Once Xi down China dream is also down to the sewer, at best China can go on for max of 1 decade.
>hurrr china bubble!!!
Doesn't this sound familiar?
>China's property bubble is about to burst
>But today, China could be ripe for a crisis of its own that might resemble the collapse of Japan’s “Bubble Economy” in the early 1990s — and have enormous global impact, analysts warn.
>Chinese art may face bubble trouble as prices soar
I mean China TOTALLY crashed in 2008 right? I mean CHINA has a crisis in the subprime mortgage market in CHINA, and developed into a full-blown international banking crisis with the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008.[5] Excessive risk-taking by banks such as Lehman Brothers helped to magnify the financial impact globally.[6] Massive bail-outs of financial institutions and other palliative monetary and fiscal policies were employed to prevent a possible collapse of the world financial system. The crisis was nonetheless followed by a global economic downturn, the Great Recession. The European debt crisis, a crisis in the banking system of the European countries using the euro, followed later.
Can you explain how they afford to import 20% more each year?
uh oh
>Xi is a very talented and incredible person
emerging middle class. That doesn't negate the fact that they have a huge housing bubble on their hands
No their communist government kept pumping money into the bubble so it hasn't popped yet, that's why it's fucking massive.
Good thing the CCP is still paranoid and China is still in the ascendant stage.
The 2040s will be different
>muh bonespurs
>more than a decade later
>more than a decade later and it's grown from being 2.5x national gdp to 5x
>muh russia
>They're building entire fucking cities on government IOUs and nobody lives in them. They're out of control.
China however works differently. There's literally nothing that will prevent the government to write off all internal debt in one stroke of a pen.
He is a chemical engineer, so most probably way more talented than you are, Amerimutt.
THIS. For all its flaws, the Chinese system is a performance-based meritocracy. The guys at the top do know their craft.
they could, but then where would they get the money to keep giving out loans?
Did you ever consider the fact that private real estate property did not legally exist in China until 2006? Have you considered what might happen to its “share” of GDP when it is legalized?
>four (4) convictions so far
Print it? Like I said, that country works completely differently that what you are used to.
Chinese savers
The people who have saved 700% of GDP in deposits earning basically nothing. It’s free money for the government (and the reason for too much debt).
However, debt for one borrower is an asset for one lender. And China lends to China.
>tax fraud in the 80s/90s
>nothing related to president
Nah we did the same thing with Quantitative Easing 2008-2015. The Central Bank sold 0% bonds to Treasury who then lended them out for 2% and printed free cash to pay back the central bank.
>campaign manager
>financial lawyer
>personal secretary
>National Security Council Director
>implying you can't get anyone on tax fraud
where's the smoking gun that trump deliberately worked with the russians to get elected? every single connection i've seen is flat out reaching
LookChina legalized private property in late 2005. Do you know what happens when a previously banned industry is then slowly legalized? It’s share of GDP seems to boom, even as that is just making up for prior supression.
It’s a rebound effect, and has fallen rapidly since peaking in 2010.
Aaaaaaaaaany day now..
>russian interference means trump was involved
your kind will keep on shifting the goalposts to remain ahead of the evidence
>russia couldn't have interfered!
>just because russia interfered doesn't mean trump was involved!
whats next?
>who cares that trump and russia colluded?
I never said there was no russian interference. You'll have to reread the posts. There is no evidence Trump was involved with the Russians, and this is all bullshit
you didn't, but trump supporters have, i'm not addressing this at you per se, but at his base.
you really have to wonder where their loyalties lie
The Russians did try their best to interfere (as we and other nations often do in each others' elections). There's just no evidence Trump was involved, and the investigation surrounding it is a partisan attempt to delegitimize him
>and the investigation surrounding it is a partisan attempt to delegitimize him
This is the left-wing version of birtherism. However, considering that Trump himself rode the wave of birtherism, I say it's serves him right.
So far as anyone can tell, Russia wanted to just cause general election chaos, but they had no particular inclinations for or against either party.
I suppose they preferred Trump but didn't hold his hopes high. Trump's victory was a surprise for everyone, including Trump himself.
Trump's bellicose America first foreign policy doesn't seem to be of any benefit to Russia that I can tell.
You're crashing and burning too mate. Your bubble has already popped. Coupled with stupid military spending with no real influence in East Asia other than holding a defensive line in Korea, no influence in Africa, crashing and burning in the Middle East, actually thinking you can spread Christianity, democracy or "Freedom" to an extremely historic Middle East.
Let's look at your strengths that sets you apart -
1. Naval Power and Military bases in Europe/Japan/SK
2. Number of Nuclear weapons
That's it.
You're a sickened down version of the British Empire.
There are no more superpowers, it's now an endurance period. Can you sustain your economy against people who have the experience of having been economic giants for 2000+ years?
I'm surprised the UK user has the arrogance to claim this when he knows the longevity of its own empire. The decadence facing the west is spectacular, industries closing down in mere half a decade of time period.
The last point, I see no technological revolution which will give the west anymore advantage.
>someone incompetent to take the reigns
user, the country is lead by a man who flips his shit everytime someone compares him to a cartoon bear.
Man, the new Christopher Robin film looks great.
The absolute shitshow of Trump’s America was completely expected however. Is it Trump’s fault? No, he is a symptom, not a cause.
>by a man who flips his shit everytime someone compares him
Any source for “flipping his shit”?
Because Chinese leaders have next to nothing to do with the lowly censors who make these decisions.
Only an idiot would think Deng, Jiang, Hu, or Xi cared about a certain insult in particular. The censors ban all insults without a second thought.
"chinas bubble is going to burst any day now" says the nervous american for the 546th time
You know what, you're completely right, these leaders have nothing to do with censors, and never put individual input into them.
Next time I go on weibo, gonna post a fuck tonne of rubber ducks, from my rubber duck collection.
I say let them have it, even mid to high level people work six days a week there.
I know people who are college educated, speak English well, and work six days a week making like 34K RMB a year (~5K USD) while an apartment in their lower second tier city will cost around 4000 RMB/$600 USD.
>saving us from globalist by conquering the world
mid to high level people can't afford american cities either.
All while working six days a week and sometimes 10-12 hour days? Not even close.
That's pretty normal in Asian societies.
It's less being personally offended and more like trying to prevent all possible dissent and covert discussion.
with the rise of India and Southeast Asia, China is going to have problems dominating Asia, let alone taking on the US. they're not even on the same level as America, only the EU is
It's normal for Americans too.
Even if America goes all to hell, it just becomes Brazil with access to the highest technological base on the planet. China is still fucked.
All of them have agendas, and none of those agendas are prowhite.
They can all fucking die.
>any day now, you just wait, any day now, you'll see
the Soviet Union never had a single recession. maybe elements of state socialism in China will also prevent them from crashing and burning.
Okay? You are delusional if you think high-level Chinese leaders care about memes spammed in Western countries. The censor policy is to ban all insults of Chinese leaders, and it has always been that way.
The EU + LatAm are 50% more GDP than the USA, and yet we dominate the shit out of them.
Fuck off back to your containment board
>The Soviet Union never had a single recession
That’s a literal lie. Soviets openly announced recession during the 1920s with land reform, WW2, and the oil crash during the mid-1980s. Gorbachev literally stated so.
They're called "periods of transition" you capitalist pig. The ministry of well-being had it well under control. Not even a million people died. They were all greedy anyway. They shouldn't have hid the crops from the people.
>China's deficit spending make's America's look responsible.
The deficit is largely irrelevant, this goes for all modern economies. When politicians rave on about deficit and surplus, it's about appealing to voters, not their economies.
>They're building entire fucking cities on government IOUs and nobody lives in them
>They're out of control.
How many trillions of dollars does China spend on wars protracted wars overseas?
They're called ghost cities. It's to keep their massive construction work force busy
deficit spending is a huge deal. You do know that the interest on the debt still has to be paid right? The US has never missed a payment, otherwise we would no longer get approved for loans.
>It's to keep their massive construction work force busy
Wait, so they're producing jobs for countless people? That's productive government spending in a nutshell.
>deficit spending is a huge deal.
No it's not. We are living in a modern monetary theory world, which is why your government has no real issues with creating trillions of dollars to fund wars and bail out Wall Street.
>otherwise we would no longer get approved for loans.
Don't be so fucking naive.
Nice try, Chang. I give China a couple more months before they come begging for us to end the tariffs. The trade war is literally fucking them up the ass and they're on the path to another Cultural Revolution.
lmao do retards actually believe we spend more on military than handouts for democrats?
>I'm surprised the UK user has the arrogance to claim this when he knows the longevity of its own empire. The decadence facing the west is spectacular, industries closing down in mere half a decade of time period.
I have no problem admitting the British Empire was an aberration. We like being left alone.