Be me

>be me
>be Londoner
>be hated by rest of the country which my city has to subsidise
>have to hear their stupid accents all over the BBC due to political correctness
>have to pretend these runts have any culture outside of supporting. norf fc
>constantly told how shit London is
>never have to leave London to have a full.happy life filled with cultural events and having an economically successful life

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t. Rajpal Madhur

yeah this was a worthwhile thread to make you boring paki runt

which part of london lad? Dont tell me its ruislip.

>have to hear their stupid accents
Fucking this. I took the IELTS test at the British Council here and for the listening test, they used a Welsh sheep fucker recording. Cost me a few points of my results.

'ate skyscrapers
'ate tourists
'ate crowds
'ate bankers
'ate loud noises
'ate pret a manger

love me morrisons local
love me factories
love me norf fc

simple as

love tower hamlets me

London is literally a shithole.

>filled with cultural events
Culture that is not your own though. Imagine being this much of a culture cuck.


Alright paki

hate pakis. Love the paki lass who works at the corner shop sometimes.

why are you pretending to be british? do you enjoy being a lapdog?


Kill yourself Paki

lmaoing at these jealous ruralfags

based based BASED
love pengdon me


Like Canada has anything even remotely resembling culture. Can’t wait for the next st patties day and cinco de mayo!

>be hated by rest of country

Meh, the North West mostly just laughs at your shite football teams. The city itself is fine.

Now Essex and Kent, those are two counties that can get fucked.

>Stab the united kingdom in the back for bantz, or you're a traitor

Scouse mong

Enjoy flat sharing in your thirties

dunno how anyone can actually enjoy city life. it drives me a little insane seeing thousands of strangers on a given day, like being a mold spore in a petri dish.

it's just a tiny little BOI country m8

haha....don't britain kinda look like a little dick?

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>tfw used to live in South Kensington
Someday, I will return

Fuck off trillionaire

I love London, I know a Tumblr boy from there :3


for me, it's souf fc


When I visited London, I got the impression it would be shit to live in

• too diverse
• too big, the tube quickly became a chore so I imagine commuting daily on it is pretty depressing, especially in winter. Means lots of walking too
• too humid, would probably get used to this though
• too crowded, applies to all cities and not just London but I hate walking on crowded streets since a lot of people are slow walkers

Good nightlife though, you don't get places open until 7am here. That said, it's expensive as fuck so unless you're a retarded millennial with money, you would only go out like two nights a month there so I don't think this makes up for the daily inconveniences. Nice to visit, shit to live in - like all big cities

>London "Cultural life"
>Huffing bongs, being stabbed by niggers and slurping houmous

Fuck you

OP is statistically likely not white

Used to hate London but recently moved to Clapham and its one of the greatest places I've ever been. Only 15 minutes to get to work too. Shit's expensive though, I make £66k and still share with mates.

Clapham is awful, as are the vast majority of areas south of the Thames