I unironically believe in genocide for all incels on this website

I unironically believe in genocide for all incels on this website.

The world must be cleansed from those sick, deranged, twisted vermin before they cause more disasters.

Round them all up and mow them down. Line them and guillotine them. Gas them. Burn them alive. Mutilate them and let them suffer for as long as possible. I don’t care, just fucking kill them all.

Attached: 1BA37183-6D26-449C-A178-C4615E90E4A9.png (400x398, 185K)

Genocide the incels by means of a mass precise strike on their virginity.

You first

They still live that way, so no, deprive them of life so they go to Hell quicker.

this but unironically

>innocent incels

>Line them and guillotine them.
>Gas them.
>Burn them alive.
>Mutilate them and let them suffer for as long as possible.
In the last thread you weren't this cruel femanon. What happened?

There’s nothing cruel about cleansing the world from diseases before they do any harm.

There’s no such thing as an innocent incel, they’re all ticking time-bombs.

post feet

how about we start with sandniggers

Post feet

No, we’ll start with Europeans, and then North America.
I’m personally etching your initials onto an anti-tank round right now, so feel honored, incel.

post feet

edgy but agreed

t. incel

wow arab women are really agressive, makes me horny

Post tits.

what leads you to believe that i have tits

>There’s no such thing as an innocent incel, they’re all ticking time-bombs.
just admit that this is about eugenics and not about the safety of others

I’m serious, this is about the safety of others.
Incels always target innocents before cowardly taking their own lives, or asking others to do so. You saw it with Elliot Rodger, the Pittsburgh gym incel, the Canadian van rammer, they’re all cowards who took lives and made other lives miserable because it’s somehow the world’s fault that women don’t take interest in them.

All incels must be violently purged and wiped off the fucking planet.

post feet

You will never get me

This is true.

And before you start whining about "I just want a qt gf (╯︵╰,)", understand that you are not an incel just if you don't have a girlfriend. Incels are not just people who are "involuntarily celibate", despite what they will tell you. It is a specific community and mindset, dedicated to selfloathing, inward aggression, abject misoginy, and nihilistic acts of terrorism. Don't fall for it, and don't delude yourself into thinking it is they who are being victimized and bullied just for being virgins.

Attached: incel terrorists.jpg (800x450, 35K)

you'll never get me either

incel solidarity thread

Attached: weliveinasociety.jpg (1060x1587, 313K)

does being asexual make me an incel? I've never masturbated and I find the thought of sex repulsive.

not really but, they would lump you in with us regardless

Nope. That is just being a normal person living a normal life.

Attached: incel comic.jpg (491x479, 52K)

> (╯︵╰,)
Stop it with the proxies, mentally ill mona

And a new legion of chad virgin will born while the gigachad is the only capable of fucking a 5/ 10 girl

Why are you talking with yourself, schizo? Estrogen pills hit you hard?

I'm not her

You mean """""her""""""?

Ok lol


I'm not them, nor am I a woman.

Attached: -_by_Javad_Alizadeh.jpg (388x600, 103K)

Is that an Arabic word at the bottom left? Nice try for a retard

First we meed togas f*minists, n*ggers, m*slims, chri*tians and j*ws. And g*psies. In fact, gas g*psies first.
Also, OP is a giant faggot.

And he sound like and incel too kek