Imagine raising your daughter for 18 years so she can get fucked by some 35yo dude

imagine raising your daughter for 18 years so she can get fucked by some 35yo dude

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that's pretty natural actually

i would rather imagine myself being the 35yo dude

this tbqh

Shouldn't have given her daddy issues.


It's called a sexual fetish.

He's way better looking than her and looks rich, why didn't he aim higher than this 4/10 ?

because eliza is so quirky and her fav film is trainspotting and she pretends to have a heroin addiction and has fucked 1 black, 2 spics and has images of her naked 14-15 year old body on the innurnet and she worked as a cashier and had dozens of beta orbiters sending her money she said she """scammed""" because shes so intelligent, streetwise, so much more better than the other girls and cute!!11 and who didn't brush her teeth for 3 years and hardly cares about her appearance because she doesn't care about being like the other girls instead looking like a boy with massive bags under her eyes since 13 because shes so kyewwwtt xdd

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why do you know anything about this random uninteresting girl

the joke
your head

>raising your daughter
she won't carry your blood and name, there is no reason to put any effort into her education

this is the autist version of celebrity gossip

I and my 16 year old wife (which is 34 now) would be happy because we have find a stable gentleman who can be a strong support for our daughter both finacially and emotionally.
If you open your mind, everything will be positive and wonderful.

based boomer

why do you care if your daughter is 18 yo?

quite the oposite

I couldn't date down agewise

>there is no reason to put any effort into her education
Is this why algeroids get yakub'd? If you send your women to slightly better schools they won't see any niggers I bet. I'm guessing this is why there are so many wmaf couples. There are a lot of Asian women in north american universities and they hook up with white males.

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then they will go with wh*toids, like our last arab woman education minister, white husband

sorry, wh*te

No, the girl have goblin face features and would definitely be ugly if she was a boy
The dude is probably a bit above average

She has the "crazy stare", so she is pretty much hopeless anyway, might as well let some older guy take care of her.

Damn son, get a life