What did you learnt on Jow Forums so far?
What did you learnt on Jow Forums so far?
That I'm attracted to black women
Indians can't use toilets and Americans aren't white
that we are apparently hated by everyone
A lot of euros hate themselves and a lot of americans are insecure.
Autism exist everywhere in the world
I learned to memorize how some flags look like & I've seen new flags too.
Westerners are obsessed over "white" thingy they are the same racists as they were during the colonialism epoch. It's the place where they can remove their masks and be real.
That people from first world countries can’t suffer
What race are kazakhs?
Kazakh means refugee
They are the lowest of the low of turkic tribes, never created an empire or a great conqueror while their neighbors have plenty.
Nowadays they’re a russian colony in denial
Americans are even worse people than I thought
everything else is useless information that will make people mock you if you bring it up IRL.
Dang. I just thought they were south siberian or something. So they are turks?
Exactly what this guy said But it doesn't really matter since this place made me hate everyone.
Russified turks, yes
Almost 40% of kazakh are ethnic russians
Mongoloids, but I'm not Kazakh and belong to European race. Nevertheless this fixation on whiteness annoys me
Wait now I am confused. Is race a non issue in kazakhstan?
I learned that Russians are pretty decent. Also most Americans ain't stupid.
The reason this generation's birthrates are lower is because everyone is really fucking gay.
Nobody cares about race here. You will never hear when somebody discuss about whiteness.
I learned that my racism is justified
Most of the time it isn't the white phenotype qualities people actually mean, but rather the behavior and culture associated with it.
The more white or refined you are physically the more you're regarded as advanced from the primitive animal state. Whiteness as most people defend it is more along the idea of being a step in the right direction for the advancement of human kind, and things opposed to "whiteness" is regarded as primitive and short-sighted in the idea they're driven by animalistic tendencies and instincts instead of trying to transcend them and tame themselves. And people are terrified of a conflict since the progress of taming and shaping this civilization and state can be lost if it's not upheld.