Talking to European girl

>talking to European girl
>She studies some useless shit
>Ask her what are her plans with this degree
>"None, I just study for fun"

Are Euros truly okay with this? I think free tuition is good, but shouldn't you penalize people who abuse the system like that?

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Nothing wrong with learning new things.
I took two years of archaeology simply for fun.
Also gives me other options in the future if my current situation would change.
The more you know the better.

What's wrong with studying? It's better for the youth to study than become unemployed and live on welfare..
I have friends who just keeps studying year after year because the work situation is crap.

>learning something is bad

>Learning something that won't help you find a job is useful
>Wasting tax money is nice

Free tuition is a privilege, you shouldn't use it so stupidly. It's okay to make mistakes and study something you end up not liking, but purposefully going for a field you KNOW will force you to study another to get a job is retarded.

>using free tuition to endlessly learn without paying taxes back in so others can learn


How was studying archaeology? Would you recommend? Difficult/easy?
I have also been considering that and I am very interested.

Currently studying other stuff, though.

>but shouldn't you penalize people who abuse the system like that?
System's fault if it has useless tuitions.

If you can call it a fault that people are more educated. Almost as if you are implying that it is the peoples purpose to exist for the system and not vice versa.

you become a public mockery and a useless slave in a diner for doing that. she knows it. everyone else knows it. but she puts on the 'le gurls wanna huv funz' act like she doesn't know her life is going to fucking suck shit for being a literal retard

>only fields that employ you well have value to society
>money money money

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mine vittu ajukääbik. või mine tööle

She is doing Middle Eastern studies. I bet you're glad your tax money is going to brainwashing someone into wanting MORE REFUGEES.

(learning Arabic also)

Thing is that schools often get tax cuts and financial support/government funding if they reach certain numbers of students.
So it's not really costing the school anything to have these "for fun" students, at least not here. They actually benefit from it giving more students the chance to study.

It was really fun and relaxed.
I had already taken two years of history before that so the archaeology classes were great fun.
Lot's of physical work, hands on in the field.
Difficulty wise I'd say medium. As long as you keep track of the basics it's pretty straight forward. The more difficult bit comes when you need to learn how to identify objects in the ground. For example bone from wood, old wood from new, pottery from just hard clay, coins etc etc.
But it's never boring so I would absolutely recommend it.

>She is doing Middle Eastern studies.
Was she Swedish or German?

>financial support/government funding
>not really costing the school anything
so who delivers the cash user?

>implying tax money wouldn't be wasted anyway
I don't know how it works in Europe, but here we have a limited number of free positions in every field of study. The less your profession is needed, the less free positions are in it. So if you pick something humanitarian, you need to pass your exams really good to study for free.

>She is doing Middle Eastern studies
What does it include? Languages and history?

There is nothing wrong with that

It's encouraging to hear that. Actually sounds like a dream.

Perhaps I'll pick up archaeology too and do some freelance programming on the side so my current education doesn't go to waste.

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Achmed give me a girlfriend.

It's wrong studying useless shit if others pay it

Society benefits from having educated people anyway, even if you are not work in that field.

She is just learning the future language of Germany. A great choice. German is so 1980, Arabic is the future

society don't benefits because this education is too expensive for what society gets, if you ant to know new thing you pay the studies or read wikipedia

Studying is literally living on welfare you idiots.

Well a mix of tax payers and government earnings.
But nothing that would cause problems for other students and people are happy to pay taxes here when it goes into education.

Go for it user, it's great.
No, it's really not.
And the cost of a few students who might not study for the benefit of society is well buried by the gain of many, many well educated people who thanks to free tuition could study to begin with.
I'm all for learning new things, when society thinks money is more important than knowledge (what ever that may be) it has started to fall.
Knowledge built our world, even when people didn't agree


The anglo world becoming rich was a mistake

You don't see french, german or spanish people shun those who want to learn about the world. Only anglo countries hate on everyone who is not making them money

>fat fuck in basement getting 10 000 kr/month while jerking off
>student getting half that and a shitty student apartment 10m2 in size while actually studying and learning

Sure, same thing..

I will be the one to come and get myself a girlfriend john

so when the lowly truck driver asks the highly educated philosopher why the central heating isn't working and the philosopher replies with "but what IS heat anyway" we all get a little bit warmer?

It's a problem imo.
You would not believe the amount of girls who study literature, art history or other useless shit and end up not even working.
Frankly we should have quotas depending on the skills needed for the free tuition. If you wanna study for fun, you pay.

>people actually hating on education

Jesus.. Has the world really gone that far?
Money is not everything. If it was I would move since I pay 24% in income tax here and unknown amounts of tax on everything I buy.
But we benefit from it.
I rather have educated people living in this country than be forced to sell a kidney for the tuition fee..
Even if it means a few "selfish" people who enjoy learning outside the norm instead of becoming doctors or lawyers...

I have nothing against learning things, quite the opposite.
But you don't need to be in a university full time to learn new things. If you're accepting a spot in a free university and end up not contributing to society when you're done, you are a dead weight for your country.

Information and research has massive value to the world, which can not always be measured in money.

Expenditures of the Finnish gov. are around 53 billion euros per year, and higher degree education is only around 3 billion per year from that.
When you take in to consideration that the vast majority of those educations DON'T go to waste (and actually bring value to society), it really isn't a problem that someone somewhere does a little bit of research about group behaviour of amputee transgender hippos in Africa.

Well done research never goes to waste and it will exist for the benefit of humanity as long as books and the internet also exist.

A society can never be truly civilized before its people learn the importance of research and education as a whole, and before they stop trying to put a monetary value to everything.

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Sometimes I forget education is just a good goy boot camp in Anglocuckistan.

Most people are dead weights to society.
Even the most simple NEET here pays back in the shape of taxes on all goods.

But let me just say this, for every student that studies something "pointless" there is 1000 people who skip school completely and just dive straight into NEETing.
Yet again, I rather have those people in a uni where they might, just might make a future for them self. Or at least make some friends.

>Money is not everything.
Easy to say when it's not your money. You are literally using up the money of people who worked and didn't stay a perpetual student until 35.

>If it was I would move since I pay 24% in income tax here and unknown amounts of tax on everything I buy. But we benefit from it.
Social democracy which is what enables you do to this was traditionally built upon materialism. Which is why it worked. You were to be productive and education was a means to increasing your productivity. It was also said that while taxation did not equal theft, it was if it was poorly invested.The system is now utterly derailed, creating people like you. Now you're hardly the biggest issue this country has, but the mentality behind it all is at the root of the troubles.

Nobody is mad about education, but it seems like there should be an implicit give and take between society and it's individuals. Society provides you the ability to become educated for free, and you in turn use this privilege to contribute back into society. But if you are spending eight years switching majors from basket weaving to women's studies, all you are doing is wasting the resources everyone worked and paid for. It just seems rather decadent and wasteful.

Of course.
Only two things in the world are ends in themselves: education and sex

>creating people like you
You mean someone who has been working construction for 8 years paying taxes even though I studied something completely different?

Taking without repaying is wrong. You're making the system unsustainable, and unavailable for future generations. YOU'RE benefitting-- nobody else.

So you're taking more than you need, and giving less than you're able?

Is there a country where humans do not have to work to survive? Keeping food on the table and a roof over your head requires work. You may live in a system where you yourself manage to avoid actually doing any of the work needed to support yourself, but that doesn't mean that someone isn't doing it. Nothing in this world is free.

But why is the schools offering such educations then?
Don't blame the students, blame the system which gives them the option to choose basket weaving.
Like every single other human besides the homeless and starving.

It's only useless if you don't know how to use it.

Shut the fuck up. So what if that 1k€ is taken from your salary for the betterment of society as a whole?
What would you do with that money otherwise, spend it on pringles, snus and dragon dildos?

There's plenty of Grugs wandering this planet as we speak, even in civilized countries. The last thing we ever need to cut money from is education, really.

It will more likely make her hate Islam because of what it has done to the middle East and it's cultures.

yes, all europeans are produced in the same factory
everyone in europe does the same thing and thinks the same thing and are truly okay with the same thing

That's actually goo d though. You can get good position in international companies/organisations/government.

>seeing education solely as glorified job training

Education is largely free here. Whether it's school, vocational training (you're even paid to do so) or university, and that's a good thing, because every state benefits from educated citizens.
Perhaps Americans have a slightly different view of it, as college or university is immensely expensive there.


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I don't know, Sven, sounds like your system and population are equally shitty.

So it IS about jobs, then?

>tfw my sister took modern art for 4 years
>dad was pissed, her friends like "wtf"
>9 years later, she is selling her work for 10k Euro per piece and lives in a huge flat in london

I'm not the guy you asked but I can answer. It was scientifically proven that people with uni degree (even useless like philosophy, black history and so on) still tend to commit fewer crimes, help others, don't throw garbage (or do it less) and so on.
Long story short, you want to see people around you well educated,

And that mentality is why post secondary education is suffering.

No, education is about education. If that leads to a good job and a career. Good. If not, well at least you learned something and had a good time. Something we happily pay for here in form of taxes.

>spend it on pringles, snus and dragon dildos?

How about Snu scented, pringle-floured dragon dildos? Is there even such a thing?

>Course List:

>Call to Prayer 101
>Praise for Allah 215
>White Privilege 201
>Advanced Discussions in IEDs
>Quaran Studies 911
>Call to Prayer 201

I didn't say that. I said that education isn't free.

wow that is impressive.

can you show me one of her works?

Is this one of those threads where people from third world countries argue that everything that doesn't immediately contribute to your personal enrichment is a waste of time?

That's a completely separate issue.

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If everyone takes more than gives (if at all), how will the system stay afloat? This isn't complicated.

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>i dont know what a bubble is but i must post, the post
truly disgusting post, svenhammed

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>tfw Yuros aren't slaves to the dollar

Heh... pathetic humans with their "dignity" and "shame". Thank god I'm a shitlicking faggot who has none of those things.

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I studied psychology and theology for 2 years "for fun" because I value the information I got and how it shaped me as a human. It also gave me time to consider my future. I did work to pay for all the expenses part time but technically I still "leached" off of our almost free education system. If you actually think that one shouldn't be able to use the system to better themselfes without directly bettering society afterwards I am kinda sorry for you. It's not like the system collapses under this practice or huge losses are being taken. If that would be the case I'd understand rationising education however.

It's gratuitous and minor expenditure in the largest scheme of things. Just because americans are drowning in student debt doesn't mean everyone else has the same problem.
t. finn on vacation.

Education, health care and infrastructure are never financially viable. These things have to be financed by taxes and are the most important tasks of the state after security.

>education must only exist to create a workforce
no wonder this country is fucked

Reading this thread I come to understand something.
People look at education differently.

Here in Scandinavia it's not just a "work education camp" or whatever others seem to think it is.
We see it as a chance of learning new things (not just for a future job), meeting new people, making friends, sharing ideas and expanding your general knowledge.
Doesn't matter what you might be studying, doesn't matter of it is gonna lead to a fancy job or unemployment.
Fuck it we say, you wanna learn for the sake of learning? Go ahead, we give you that option since it's better than having no options at all.

Almost none of my friends (of which I all met in uni while studying history) work in the same field as the one they studied.
Nothing wrong with that.
Having a degree in anything here is proof enough for most employers that you are socially skilled and smart enough to hold a job.

Because the jump in salary due to education pays back more. If you become a welder then your salary is like higher then an unskilled labourer's income and if you take more education in welding such as more certification or getting diving training for underwater welding that goes into even higher levels.


A high and varied level of education translates to economic growth and through that increased tax income. It does pay itself off, but trying to oversimplify a complex process like that is idiotic.

It's spreading to other places too.

>economy works on muh feelings, muh hobbies and happy thoughts
>i just want free shit, dont you fucking dare ask me who will make all of my free shit, i just want it but i dont want to think about who will create all of it
>dont you guys think capitalism kinda sucks? more like crapitalism amirite guise? we should really try this hip new thing called communism
>in communism, i see myself as a poet or an artist being supported by the workers, not seeing myself as the workers who gotta pull 12 hour shifts every day to satisfy my feudal overlo- erm, party leaders

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Calculate how they are taking more than they are giving? It's nice to say that user, but what if we calculate the expenses incurred by those 3 years to the taxpayer. Free tuition 2000-5000 euro a year, then anywhere from 5000-10000 euro for maintenance grants (if their country gives those). Maybe that degree will make them a higher earner, then they'll contribute more net tax in their life.

Also free education is never bad. Every nation wants an educated work force, and even in useless meme degree like gender studies people are still learning to read/write to a higher standard.

How so? It seems straightforward to me?

I am not against useless college degrees on their own. If your dream is to get a bachelors in primitive hut making that's all well and good. What I have a problem with is the idea that people who are doing actual work in society get their money taken away so little Sven can fuck around for eight years "learning" useless shit to avoid the dull reality of human adulthood.

We're talking about perpetual students. People who give nothing back. Why do you allow capable people to take without giving? That's wrong.

Do no checks exist? Limits or requirements? Throwing money at people who never intend to contribute isn't good

They aren't many in number.

Again, it's not that simple. A well functioning education system, healthcare system and public infrastructure are necessary to upkeep a healthy economy, in addition to all the other nice things it does, so it does pay itself back in a way. It is an extremely complex process that can't be summarized in a 4chins post though.

Why do you love being a slave?

>The worth of citizens aren't measured by their economic value to society
Naive user I...

It's even worse in the Netherlands desu. We have the most female part time workers in the world (about 80%). So they will never make a career.

They study for fun and get a simple job for 24 hours a week.

Come back when you live in a country where you don't compete for the table scraps of first world countries.

>perpetual students
There are limits to how many years you can spend on a degree and a limited amount of time a state will financially support your studying.

At my former job most women worked 20 hours a week. Half the building basically left on wednesday around lunch lol.

An educated population provides more value to society than just toilberg's bottom line

>they study AND work

And this is a bad thing?
Why do everyone need a career?
What's wrong with just learning things, working as much as you need to makes ends meet and be happy with that?

I'm not trying to argue here just genuinely asking.
I think that's great.

Man you mutts are really sad creatures. A simple worker with better education is always better than one without. Simply the bigger amount of information he possesses allows him to potentially work better. Perhaps it is a system that looses you money somewhere but the benefits are pretty obvious. Lower crime rates just for example. If this system was actually unsustainable then we'd have to change it. But turns out it works mighty fine for now.

It's a mentality you'd expect out of colonial administrator in some tropic colony where you have to focus on the bottom line.

I like you Sven, - there are more important things in life. Fuck Capitalism

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I agree, therefore the purpose of education is to catalyze innovation and productivity to prosper the state and society.

Self fulfillment is the important factor to the individual.

I don't really have a problem with it. But the other half of the population is paying for their lifestyle.

I do have a problem when the EU starts with female quota's in top positions though. Without taking our fairly unique situation into account.

That's what I was arguing user...

>going to college

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>at least you learned something and had a good time
holy shit just kill yourself