
pussy nigga edition

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niles crane

In a speech in South London, she pledged £4m in support for the local economy, to create jobs for young people.

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aaaah yes.....brit
now that was a thread

I think alan is wrong 99% of the time but he is actually right about gay bars as a straight guy, way easier to pull there (as long as you're not some thirsty weirdo) than "normal" places

off to the chipper mum
*winks at the camera*

sounds utterly ridiculous
it must secretly be true!

this isn't your facebook status

>that cool straight guy who hangs out with gay guys and gets all the girls

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>I think alan is wrong 99% of the time but he is actually right about
Used to this exact comment ("Actchuallyy") every time I drop some piece of wisdom on the runts.


Not sure why Alan thought it was a good idea to proudly proclaim he goes to gay bars "for the women"
It's like going to Primark for a bottle of water. Sure, they have the the drinks by the tills but if you've gone all the way to Primark you've probably passed 10 better places.
But I've never been to a gay bar so I don't know if it's actually a good lifehack.

Of the nighttime (Wake up, wake up, wake up)
Of the nighttime (Wake up, wake up, wake up)
Of the nighttime (oh-oh, in the nighttime, oh-oh)
Of the nighttime (oh-oh, in the nighttime, oh-oh)

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Yeah essentially except with more and more hair

anyone remember the off to the chipper mum meme

Is Alan autistic?

This isn't actually a thing, is it?

any relation to the cuckio gimmique


yeah you put wood in one end and it like smashes it up and that

I don't believe you, just how far north do you have to be to call a chippy a 'chipper'?

it's chippy you poncey twats, not a real northern lad like me you lot, go down to the chippy for a chip barm

I mean I'm on brit way too often probably 8+hours a day on average for the past few years but this is genuinely the first time i've seen alan post something correct, so I feel it is worth mentioning.

you listen to some reet dogshit lad
get some taste will you

Yes it's what it is. A Lifehack! It's most precious when in regular bars the male to female ratios are fucked up. Like that time in Valencia it was full of British tourists going out with 12 of their friends all wearing the same boat/preppy clothes and drunkenly hitting on the girls and making them nervous. That's when the Trudeau manoeuvre comes into play.

its chippy in t'north mate

i'd fight you if i heard this in person

chipper? what?? dickhead.

So how much time do you spend in Silom?
good lads

only ever heard chipper in the republic of ireland

wtf, did he actually wear clothes like that?

grim up north

pretty sure it's an irish thing

fuck off you fake north/south cunt, evreyone in the south calls it a chippy as well don't let some moron make you think its a north south divide thing

only southern benders say "chipper"
it must be

can imagine some southerner saying it, sounds like something they'd do


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paddy tricks again

might have a cheeky work wank
a toil soil
a tug on the cock while I'm still on the clock

it's the chippy, not the chipper you absolute dickhead

reported to gchq

stop strawmanning you pathetic run

a brief visit to the chipperorium for lunch, I believe

ah yes, one battered sausage with garlic dip please vendor


>So how much time do you spend in Silom?
Ah good remark thailad. Never actually been to the gay bars in silom. Because 1. It's scary. 2. I don't actually pick up girls in Thailand. All the proto girlfriend have mostly been from online dating

off down't yonder chiptorium

we call it the chippatorium in my area

day's basically over already

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We say chipper in essex and no northern cunt can change us

is that Steve Jobs?



An occupation masturbation
An employment deployment

wtf - i don't normally get up until 2 so have a new lease on life right now

This was in south Africa you retard

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A new study by the British Medical Association has revealed that a northerner's brain is typically made up of between 29-66% chips

Just placed my booking online for the first class heat sizzled chipotois experience at the local chipperia. Yes, I'm from London if you couldn't tell.

I've been around there drunk on a night out but never actually into the clubs. An old gay grandad randomly started holding my hand on the street.

ah yes, South East Asia

My mama called, seen you on TV, son
Said shit done changed ever since we was on
I dreamed it all ever since I was young
They said I wouldn't be nothing
Now they always say congratulations

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At a time it was Steve jobs then mark Cuban and then Elon and now that they have killed his character I wonder which billionaire with a vision figure Yanks will adopt but they need one.

washed me hands 3 times but can't remove the stench of fanny or fannois as I've taken to calling it off

le amazon man

this i need to stop waking up at 9am waste so much time when u get up at 7 that's another 2 whole hours

giggled more than I should have


fingering smelly tuppy lad?

the yank experience

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>fan wah
fukkin frog cunt fuck off

would scran the whole thing

cant wait for the hworld cup lads reckon barry kane is gonna bring it home

>Thailad and alan go to gay bars together

seriously wtf is wrong with these nonces who go to south east asia

I think it's the prostitution aspect that makes it grim. Even for regular straight clubs. The three options are 1. Full of prosties. 2. No prosties but snob and expensive. 3. Khaosan.

they don't look happy :(

second knuckle plunge into the ol' fannola

having breakfast now, shan't go to toil today fuck them all

the only reason you would go to south east asia as a white western is because you are unable to make a decent life in a decent western country
the only reason you would date an asian girl as a white male is because you are unable to get a white girl

why does this look like a gta screenshot

>calling it anything other than a chippeturorium

neck thine selves

a gay twat alan screenshot lmao

had a ptsd style flashback today to a book i read as a kid about bums coming off people and trying to take over the world

Kid Chameleon. That was a videogame.

RCA isn't so bad

Steve Jobs was a piece of shit

Why don't you just make /sea/ for all this sexpat talk and fuck off out of /brit/ already, christ it's a bore

I actually like this line of thought. It's what keeps this place relatively safe from being flooded with fucking fallangs.


bashed out a few good rounds at the local chipnasium

Virgins well never get this

It's true though, that smell of sex does stick to you


What does this even mean?!

that book was epic
read the whole series, there's alien bums in the later books

/brit/ is actually officially known as /brit/+/sea/ we just unofficially drop the /sea/ part

was it one of chuck tingle's magnum opi

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alan you ARE a farang, all you do is date underage thai girls who want money

You're no better than barry the fat, bald, sunburnt british pensioner

a street full of tourists and bars etc.

fantastic post


I want to finger Emma Watson’s anus and smell the finger afterwards.

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fuck me that looks good right now
i'd destroy that

fuck me that looks good right now
i'd destroy that

JFs out