What are your predictions for the rape of Africa: Version 2 Chinese boogaloo?

What are your predictions for the rape of Africa: Version 2 Chinese boogaloo?

Who will be the players, the winners, the losers and which countries will cease to exist?

Attached: africa-political-map.jpg (2500x2282, 821K)

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China will invest in Sudan and Ethiopia's dam projects in an attempt to draw conflict with American sphere of influence in Egypt to try and get some form of influence over the Suez.


"Divide to conquer", as they say

Thc Lord Emperor of All Under Heaven, sir. Xi JinPing

The Netherlands already is one of the biggest investors in Africa.

we're doing pretty well at the moment. we have a lot of resources and the Chinese are investing and helping the economy. i'm just afraid the government will sell us out

Chinese are neutral. Not inherently evil like the anglo-french.

They already sold you out. "Investing" doesn't mean "giving away free money"

might aswell sell out. Rather my country develop illegally than stay a shithole.

What's your home country?

We are doing good but i am afraid my country will become like syria because there are rising tensions



What are the tensions about?



>the winners
The one that becomes tax haven for African politicians to hide the money given by China.

Chad will win

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not really, all the Chinese have gotten is gold and oil, which we were barely utilising
the Chinese helped urbanise the capital and they bring industry

China will be no more successful than any past colonial "power" because Africa is simply not a very inhabitable place for human beings to live in. They also lack even the moral pretense of bringing civilization to the natives like the British, French, etc did.

>Africa is simply not a very inhabitable place for human beings to live in

Attached: 1422876256728.jpg (580x580, 66K)

> i am afraid my country will become like syria because there are rising tensions

Pls no.

Attached: 920c8201d031c54d84725a399b7c4860.jpg (461x500, 36K)

>They also lack even the moral pretense of bringing civilization to the natives
>Implying the chinks care about morality.

>rape of Africa
Ridiculous and baseless.

Is it being "sold out" when Australia exports its minerals at good prices? It's no different when it's Africa. So long as China sets its prices fairly, doesn't aim to strangle the Africans with debt, and builds sustainable infrastructure, it's good for the whole world. Certainly it's more promising than Western """"""""""""aid"""""""""""".

>doesn't aim to strangle the Africans with debt
That's exactly the problem

That was the whole point of my post, was it not?

>poor soil
>endemic diseases
>dangerous wildlife everywhere
>harsh climate
Yes I'm sure it's as comfy as New England.