Europe’s First Driverless Taxis to Launch in Russia

Russia has everything. Did you know we have driverless taxis?

Attached: 1688dd3a7af24ea98abf82f7420ae076.jpg (954x537, 176K)

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They should build roads first

Attached: russian infrastructure.jpg (600x405, 92K)

Yandex is such a good company, I use Yandex.Browser with Yandex emails... Safe not to let NSA spy on me.

Looks like a stretch of road on the way to Krakow rofl

>Safe not to let NSA spy on me.

As if letting FSB spying on you was any better


So are you using a proxy?

>I use russian botnet instead of the american one, feels good man

Attached: giphy.gif (276x268, 237K)

I trust my data with "FSB" more than I would NSA desu

I ironically use Kaspersky for same reason. At least Russia is far the fuck away so they can't fuck with my data so easily

>using antivirus
Good goyim

Its death trap


It was $35 goosebucks friend :)

>Looks like a stretch of road on the way to Krakow rofl

Poland despite having hundreds times smaller territory than Russia has few times more highways already.

Poland's motorway lenght: 4700 km
Russia's motorway lenght: less than 4000 km

Meanwhile Russian territory is few hundred times bigger than Polish one, kek. Not to mention that most of their motorways are wasted

You already ridiculed yourself with your "russia can into space" trolling, leaf-troll

Poland has MOTORWAYS?
God damn!

Atlanta alert

Attached: Atlanta.jpg (411x516, 84K)

What do you use?

Oh yeah, when I visited my friends there I also gave them a hundred Euros cause they were about to have a kid and the salaries are fucking pitiful. Maybe instead of sucking on Russia you should fix Poland first

> first driverless taxi in Europe
> average salary in Tatarstan is $300-$600
Cyberpunk is cool

My friend moved to Canada to visit his family and get a job there as well. He came back to Poland after 2 months, highly disgusted. He said that relation of salaries to prices in Canada is even worse than in Poland. You live in your old imagined world in which Poland is still communist Russia-ruled third world shithole, while reality changes rapidly.

>what is population density and population distribution

Why can prius run in Russia?
Only domestic production cars have emergency reporting system.

Stopped using Firefox because my 16 gb is not enough for it. Even without scritps and typical ad blocking stuff it tend to freeze and even crashing. Now I'm using Pale Moon which is a Firefox stub but it's better. For now.

Poland unironically has better highways than Germany

Attached: 28072897816_085eabf28f_b.jpg (1024x682, 205K)

Looks mediocre

B-but Russia has 4x bigger population than Poland. It doesn't need motorways, because it doesn't have economy.

You both USA and Russia are failing countries and you both lost your empires. China and Central-Eastern Europe are much better places to live than your shitholes. You should better ask yourself why USA/Canada and Russia are turning into shitholes, while the rest of the world is blooming instead of creating alliances against the civilized world

Boring troll post

Just a friendly reminder, this poolish guy (with a lot of personalities btw) is the notorious schizo NEET from Warsaw who's obssessed with Russia, Germany, USA and of course Poland. He was shitposting on krautchan/int and now when it's dead, he brought his cancerous low quality bait posting here. Don't waste your time on him.

It is true, though. Russia and the USA are shitholes in comparison with China and Central-Eastern Europe. That's why you are now preparing ground for the alliance against the world that is outcompeting you. USA is a country of low IQ niggers and spics that has huge trade deficit because nobody wants to buy American shit anymore. Russia is literally a country without economy that invests all money into military because it hopes for WW3 and destroying countries where people live better than in their jew-oligarch ruled hellhole.

USA and Russia are enemies of humanity and today we begin to see it in full scale. Anglos and Russians allied with each other many times in history, always to make peoples lives around the world worse

For a westerner, especially American, that actually makes some sense. What would FSB do with your data that can impact your life? And NSA is basically your own government, so you're feeding it into the surveillance system that wants to keep you in check, and has every means to do it, unlike the FSB.

Here is probably safer to use Google stuff if you're not planning to get an American visa

This can't be wojak
He's like 50 now

Giddings me? He is not even 30 yo.

Oh wow a driveless taksi im totally moving to russia now

Not until we get more dams and windmills and tulips, amiright?

Yandex is Netherland's company and it works only ""tatar silicon valley"" literally village

how about instead of investing in useless technology, that will leave millions without a job and kill the economy, invest in medical technology, so we don't have to be so dependent on american products?

>millions of Russians die of starvation and lack of drinking water in their run down commieblocks filled with stalagmites made of shit

>Muscovites will ride driverless cars to their 500 m tall glass cyberpunk skyscrapers

It's in Kazan though, but yeah.

They unironically do that to though
There are projects like this small affordable MRI unit from I think Rosatom. Or Yandex provides subscription services for consulting doctors online, things like that

He's the feelsguy?

>not wanting to live in a post-work UBI society

It's not useless, it will end up saving hundreds of billions of dollars in the long run in Russia alone

now we cn drink vodka while in driver seat)))))))))