/balk/ - Balkans Thread

Slightly lewd edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>be romanigger
>go to sea to relax
>red flag up
>people still go into water


23 dead this summer, kek.



Oh shit, someone woke up

>balcanieni in tara mea
duceti-va inapoi

Dar tot postezi aici...


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Sometimes I think about random /balk/ memes like how that romanian let his cat die in his apartment for 2 weeks and it cracks me up

I think that whole "we die like real men" business is going a bit too far

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>M-macedonians are not Bulgarians

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Montenegro which has 4x less our population had 3 times more fighters

This means that they A) were welcoming of tatars or B) just didn't want to fight at all

daily reminder that tupac and lil peep are alive and well in serbia

No they are in Albania stop stealing our history

and tentacion is in romania

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cCcCcCc mashallah tatarlars

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Greek cypriots on suicide watch


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broof for 2pac youtube.com/watch?v=dkqTM4K68ME

you forgot old you fag

why is my mom so fucking hot jeez


>have nightmare
>wake up at 5am
>can't go back to sleep
>play pokemon for 5 hours and finish the game
>gf wakes up and is in the mood
>proceed to have hot morning sex

How was your morning anons?

t. vasluian

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What did Twitter mean by this?

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What does it say? I don't know tatarish


>apparently her father was a commie judge in the People's Tribunal in 1944 too

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His son still can't get all his private property, 75 years later.
Because, you see, since he was the king, this means that his privately owned house and land are now "state property" and his son isn't entitled to inheriting them.

Legally he should get his daddy's shit back but he's a cunt so I am not that concerned

I don't care much about the person, but his citizen rights should be upheld, and the only reason they aren't is that "communist heritage" pseudo aristocracy we still have in politics.
Should've forced all the commies to sign contracts on gunpoint after the coup that they will NEVER engage in politics ever again.

britfag here moving to plovdiv on the 12th september. is it true burglary is common in bulgaria? i am really scared of having my stuff stolen


>Should've forced all the commies to sign contracts on gunpoint after the coup that they will NEVER engage in politics ever again
>letting commies live
thats a yikes from me senpai
look at Franco he let a few of them live and now theyre digging up his grave

how come did DS choose this fucking meathead to be the kingpin of the mafia why him

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nah usually you can spot the people that could mug you from miles.
organ harvesting and gypsy-ran slave trafficking is what you should watch out for

Are you the russki Gopnik with the proxy "ban"?

He looks like a mafia member. But more like the valet.

you'll be kidnapped by a bulgarian gorilla which is going to do some very lewd things to you in front of a camera in his basement

I've lived in Bulgaria for 30 years minus 2 months, and I've been burgled once. Construction workers left the building door open and 3 apartments were burgled, each losing a laptop and one losing cash.
That was in Sofia, I've also lived in Blagoevgrad, Kyustendil, Plovdiv and Pernik.
None of my friends or relatives were ever burgled, excepting one friend who had his DOOR stolen from a small shed in his out-of-town garden. He installed a fancy new heavy door to replace the rotting nailed planks one, and some people just took it lmao.

It really depends on where you live, I imagine, but in my personal experience you are more likely to lose things than to have them stolen.

>drops mic

I've lived in Lyulin and have never been mugged or burgled

>had his DOOR stolen

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Are they that desperate in there?

nah, i just like to try to post it every thread

but why. is it your autism that compels you?

But you are Turkgayrian.

t. mad turkgayrians

>Пpeз 1983 г. e peгиcтpиpaн oт милициятa зa кpaжбa, тpи гoдини пo-къcнo e ocъдeн нa 11 гoдини зaтвop зa yчacтиe в гpyпoвo изнacилвaнe нa гepмaнкa, кoeтo пpeкpaтявa cпopтнaтa мy кapиepa
I don't get it, shouldn't mafia higher levels of power be more "discrete" at the very least, how could they let someone with such a stain on his name run practically all the criminal operations in Bulgaria

>Your skills are really good. You will get your call and start working instantly, as soon as a position gets freed

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best restaurants and nightclubs in plovdiv?

It's the nice way to say "you have no chance bro"

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They probably don't care about image that much since they can bail the fag out of jail anyways


He kidnapped Dimitar Berbatov and held him in a basement, forcing him to sign a contract lmao. "Discrete" is not a word in bulgarian gorilla dictionaries.

i don't have anything better to do
yeah, and?

>i don't have anything better to do
have you considered suicide?

yes, many times, but it's just not feasible right now. perhaps in a few years' time

have you also considered an end to low-effort shitposting until you are done?


get back to redbit rite fucking now faggot

Daily reminder you have to be 18+ to post here.

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Only in abandoned village houses, if you leave you hose with no people for a few months it gets ransacked.
One of my friends in HS got his apartment burgled but that all of it.

What are you listening to, /balk/?

Nothing. I'm just very anxious atm.

youtoube videos

T.bulgarian student in newcastle



That's so hot mate

*knock* *knock*

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who dis

samo turciq momcheta)

just let that sink in

We know, lmaoooooooooo xaxaxaxxaxaxa tkurkkkk

no, I already have one

you killed my joke
now i will kill you

oh, well then. can we do it again?

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kvo praite we mangaui

zaribqvame diasporni kurvi bace


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slow fucking day

boring fucking thread



t. one country

t. urk

what is worse? Being a Turk? Or being a... Turkgayrian?

tatars are short, brown, smelly but very welcoming

all the normies from gr/bg/ro are now returning home after a long day of wagecucking, stuck in traffic in their car in the heat, or bumping into other smelly wagecucks in public transportation, only to return home to friends/relatives/roommates whom they will have arguments with before showering, cooking their dinners and putting on their favorite tv show or the news, where only negative stories of scandals and hurtful events are portrayed


>cooking their dinners
>implying turkgarians can cook


I am glad to have read the only musulmanic post ITT.

t. mad shqipalbo with food poisoning

da slagash krenvirshi na filiq s lutenica ne e gotvene

бoжe кaкви жaлки бoклyци имa нa тoя cвят бoжe