How can I short the white race and long Africa and Islam?
How can I short the white race and long Africa and Islam?
Dilute their race by having as much unprotected sex with their moms and sisters as possible
Invest in halal shrimp
Buy islamic stocks and islamic countries indexes. Same with African.
Short the US and Euro index.
You're welcome
Enjoy your gains.
i CRAVE BBC every night
please give it to me daddy!
Get blacked and convert infidel
im fucking tired of white people being so successful, they need to get knocked down to our level for good
>TFW there are people who believe other races will exist once the Chinese start genetically modifying themselves
Long Israel, China, Korea, Japan, Hungary and Poland.
No race can compete with the man in pic related
Basic TA indicates a massive correction in Africa and the Middle East, if not full blown collapse
Wear girl clothes and sell clips of you jerking off. Shill them on reddit and /gif/
Omfg. Or everything is about race you ignorant piece of shit. Fuck offback to pol you kissless virgin faggot
In a white nation we expect collapse to mean disease, inflation, violence and starvation. That already describes Africa.
not gonna happen nig nog
>gr8 b8 m8
almost got me, but then i realized it was bait.
I'll probably long Poland after the market crashes
Is there a way to invest in the Amish?
Join the Jews and Communists...
Yeah but some (((analysis))) claims 5 billion Africans by 2050.
>tfw not prime breed mandingo
>5 billion Africans forcing their way into the EU for gibs which have long since dried up due to shifting demographics also responsible for China no longer loaning Western civilization the money it had been sending to Africa as food aid.
buy classic farming equipment
>master race
>can't prevent civilization from decline and collapse
>can't out-compete minority and immigrant elements
cumskins, not even once
>Dilute their race by having as much unprotected sex with their moms and sisters as possible
But then you're just helping to create more mud people
>crypto taking over the world
>early adopters all white men
sorry sub-prime humans, can't do much when you missed out on the start of the next revolution.
At least we were able to make a civilization to have decline.
Yep sure they are...LMAO