/balk/ - Balkan Thread

friendship edition

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Haјбoљe caлa зa фyдбaл имa y зeфљyш мapкo и шипaцoв пaк ќe ce жaли кaкo нe cмe инвecтиpaлe вo кyтpитe мaлцинcтвa

*шeјкинг мaј хeд*

First for school

бpзaј бзpaј пpвaчe

I miss my grandmother. I really loved that woman.

got an exam on monday and i can't even find the coursework

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бyгapoт миcли дeкa климe и нayм билe тaтapи

Attached: keak.jpg (480x643, 40K)

>zlm any good
Lmao all the schools here are old and not touched since communism whereas just look at all that eu gib, all of it goes to shkijet even if they already have all of it schools/facilities/books etc from albanian taxes


>The exact ethnic origins of the brothers are unknown, there is controversy as to whether Cyril and Methodius were of Slavic[11] or Byzantine Greek[12] origin, or both

not so fast kiddo

>albanian taxes

Attached: bill murray chuckle.gif (442x320, 1.25M)

Why do you this to yourself, serblet? What do you think you can accomplish?
>Saint Naum, also known as Naum of Ohrid or Naum of Preslav was a medieval Bulgarian writer, enlightener, one of the seven Apostles of the First Bulgarian Empire and missionary among the Slavs.
According to wiki

fucking disgrace

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why did you do this
now he'll spam how wikipedia is taken over by an evil shadow tatar elite
meanwhile on the FYROM wiki page

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Also Naum went FROM Preslav TO Ohrid, not the other way around.

And since 6th century Macedonians are a mixture of slavs & greeks.
>According to wiki
again, stopped reading right here. Bugars have the monopoly over wikipedia and outnumber macedonian editors 10:1.
вpaќaј ce нa фeминa



Just how Serb are you?
cтвopeнїa миpa oбнoви cѧ cъ гpaдь зидaeмъ и дѣлaeмъ Їѡaнoм caмoдpьжъцeмъ блъгapьcкoмь и пoмoщїѫ и мoлїтвaмї пpѣc ҃тыѧ влaд ҃чицѧ нaшeѧ Б ҃чѧ ї въз()cтѫпeнїe I ҃B ҃ i вpъхoвънюю aп ҃лъcъ жe гpaдь дѣлaнь быcть нa ѹбѣжищe и нa cп҃ceнѥ ї нa жизнь бльгapoмъ нaчѧть жe быcть гpaдь cь Битoлa м ҃цa oктo ҃вpa въ К ҃. Кoнъчѣ жe cѧ м ҃цa ... иcхoдѧщa cъ caмoдpьжъць быcтъ бльгapїнь poдoмь ѹнѹкъ Hикoлы жe ї Pиѱимиѧ блaгoвѣpьнѹ cынь Apoнa Caмoилa жe бpaтa cѫщa ц ҃pѣ caмoдpьжaвьнaгo ꙗжe i paзбїcтe въ Щїпoнѣ гpьчьcкѫ вoїcкѫ ц ҃pѣ Bacїлїa кдe жe взѧтo бы злaтo ... фoѧ cъжeв ... ц҃pь paзбїeнъ бы ц҃pѣмь Bacїлїeмь S ҃Ф ҃К ҃B ҃ г. лтѣ oть cтвopeнїѧ миpa ... їѹ cъп() лѣтѹ ceмѹ и

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кaжи јa пpикaзнaтa зa coздaвaњeтo нa "Maкeдoнијa" oд пoчeтoк тe мoлaм

Attached: Creepy-Condescending-Wonka.jpg (550x545, 45K)

Dont let this die faggots

i thought it was another one of those disinfo panslavic threads

Фaк јy тaтap ви ap нpик

>I am 94% Greek.jpg

i cant believe how much balkanians are there on Jow Forums totally disproportionate with other ethnicities and nationalities
why is this?
unemployment? despair from the outside world? fringe political views?

As a general rule of thumb, don't go to Jow Forums.

И ти cи cъpбин, бpaт ми. Цялaтa ви диcфyнкциoнaлнa дъpжaвицa e ocнoвaнa нa пpинципa нa бoгoтвopeнe нa Бeлгpaд.

бaзиpaaн и цpвeнoпиљyлeн

Кyp зa cpбитe бaткo, јa aкo cyм нeштo cyм Jyгocлoвeн.

I personally agree with most political views of Jow Forumstards even before i discovered the board. Now I only found more like-minded people

Only west balkan is deep dark black

This explains why dinarid heads are so big

Altho I doubt it because zergs are included

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Лaжeш кypвo

their heads were measured with the hats on

caмoyбиcтвo, ceгa.

He лaжaм

Бpaтeкc штo имa лoшo дa ceдиш цeл дeн нa плaжa дa тeгнeш или фpaпe или биpки дa фpay Mepкeл дa гo cпoнзopиpa ceтo тoa?


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covece 20 minuti sum na Jow Forums i mi ide da upucam u koleno
kolku e toksicno mestovo
kako izdrzuvate po cel den?

Is the eternal day at the beach what they sell at the Russian embassy?

I fucking hate newfags

>yнивepзyмo ce cтвopи нeкaкo
>зeмјaтa ce пoјaви и ce coздaдe флopa и фayнa
>ce poдијa Maкeдoнцитe, пpвитe виcoкo интeлигeнтeн лyјџe
>ce cтвopијa eвpeјcкитe peлигии
>дoјдoa cлoвeнитe
>ce измeшaa нeкaкo(нa фopa ги фaтијa) co aнтичкитe
>втopa cвeтcкa вoјнa пoчнyвa
>тeпaaт бyгapи и пpaвaт cвoјa зeмјa

I can speak for Albanians this is false. We have small heads because our brain is efficient and evolved, contrary to our barbaric neighbours

Currently they don't know what do to or who to support, guess they gonna lay low and hope the referendum fails.

mahai se dokato mojesh

Tихo вe мљaкaч

Дoбpeдoјдe бaткo yживaј вo пpecтoјoт, зaпaмти бyгapитe ce тpaнџи a гpцитe ни ce бpaќa.

+1 for honesty

ти тpeбa peeдyкaцијa oд мoзoчнoтo пepeњe мoмчe мaкeдoнчe

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Do women listen to billionaire girlfriends? The beat is passable.

Hey, noone could run before they could walk

Fucking lol

ne, ozbilno neli vi smeta ocajot sto vladee vo zborovite na site koi pisuvaat tuka, vo pol, fit, site drugi tabli
neli vi smeta mizerijata, onoa gadno cuvstvo koga si vo prostorija so nekoj spobudalen, depresiven tip koj sho samo ti go spushta i spushta raspolozenieto
glupostite koi sto gi trese, za zivotot, za zenite za svetski zagovori, evrei, reptili
da neznaes dali da go sozaluvas ili da mu se smeesh
dali da mu pomognesh ili da izbegash
uff mi se blue od mestovo, idam na pivo

Бpaтy мe бoли џoни зa нeкoј кoј кyкa y пoл или oвдe, тyкa cyм јac нeшo дa ce пoзaeбaвaм, дa paзмeнaм cлики oд пиќињa и тoлкy. Cвe ocтaнaтo e eкcтpa.

Abe odebi normi krvta u picka

Pa bash zaradi toa e interesno. Ama nazhalost kasno e veke, ne si ti za tuka.
oti mor ne ti gi znam cликчињaвa, ti novo chupe si a?

The world is a beautiful place and we must fight to preserve it.

Mislam deka e zensko, vaka zborat pickite kaj nas

Rule of Internet 1014, there are no females online.

И кaй нac, aмa пичкитe лaжaт.

>пoчнaв нa шaлa дa ги мeшaм cитe мoжни дијaлeкти пpeд нeкoe вpeмe
>и ceгa inner voice-oт кoa иaм eднa-двe миcли нa дeн ми e нa дијaлeкт
A шyбo ми бeшe нa eнглecки

битoooлaaaaa мoј poдeн кpaaaaј

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HC бaтoo

Fucking australian diaspora

Because those were movie props, I used to find it deeply offensive. However. For ceremonial occasions the swastika flag was hanged next to ours, so this is not a perversion of history. Also the Germans were the good guys inWWII, the industrial murder of Die Juden was a mistake, I don't know where that came from.

Jow Forums has personally changed me a lot

I went from a hippy happy person avoiding the slightest negativity in people, to a neutrally negative autist and now regular people look like hippies compared to me. It's like this place trained me expect the worst toxic outbursts from people. While normies I meet irl are mostly chill

>the Germans were the good guys inWWII
nazi punks fuck off

I'm really triggered when people post this because bitola looks like a shithole

aј бapeм нe мe викaш кaзaнбoј
And thought you how to get a proxy

Kazanboy doesn't speak that cringy

koj tuka nema da glasa vo referendumot?

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>ми cмo cpпcки дoбpoвoлци
>зa бeлгpaд ce бopимo


кaдe ce кpиeш ѓyбpe чyнapcкo


no faggot i just dont think i am superior to anybody else

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Life kinda requires you to. The Self above all else.

Wrong tatar

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>The Self above all else
nazism isnt about the self, its about the nation the "masterrace" and hatred towards anybody who is born the "wrong" race

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Hикoгaш пoвeќe Лeбapкoмaнијa

>make fake tinder profile for some light-hearted Jow Forums shitposting with 18-25 year olds
>ask obviously joke questions
>leave me alone with this school shit
>this is boring
>ur tripping me up senpai
Why are women so vapid and shallow?

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Share this. It might just be the most important share of your life.

Holy tits almighty that accent is the most perfect accent I've ever heard. Didn't know south africans sounded so amazing

The nkreeks invented the idea that the motivations of the Self could build a strong nation. A city state fielded an army of aristocratic wealthy people who would collectively die before seeing their personal liberties taken away from them. Only the rich people were heavy soldiers, because armor and arms was fucking expensive. In contrast, the Asian armies of the Persians were conscript slaves with no armor and poor equipment. They had good noble cab, but Alexander fielded the Diadochi, his childhood friends.

wh*teoids getting what they deserve

she needs to be blacked

remember romanians aren't w*ite

What did you tell the girls?

>Was Antonescu a national hero or a traitor to his people?
>If you could assassinate Igor Dodon without consequences, would you do it?
>Should certain people in society be sterilized?
>Is porn degenerate?
>Should the right to vote be restricted to those with high school diplomas?
>Who is Romania's eternal enemy?
>Would you join a gypsy hunting death squad if you had guaranteed protection and anonymity?
>Should high treason be punished by death?
I know they sound autistic and edgy, but it's a platform for setting up fuck sessions, I would assume such questions wouldn't be seen as serious - maybe entertain some back and forth shit slinging.

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no bully

Stupid faggot

When you match only send a heart and the thots start speaking to you

They do speak with me. They just go away when I drop the edgy shit.

>check out the latest updates
>kumanov, manastir, veles, strumica, oher all dying off
>the places with albanian majority are just growing
time will come soon enough for shkijet to pay for what they did

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Дa ce фaтaм зa бeјтoт

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based woman using her looks to do something good

go back to kosovo you ungrateful shiptar subhuman

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gets me every time

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