Do you like polan

do you like polan

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well fuck you than

no u

Yes, hoping to move soon.
t.mexican that trashes the /polska/ generals

You'll die from vitamin D deficit.

Not going to make me back off, Lukasz, I have women to bean, and cucks to BVLL.
Pic related, I'll taint as many polish teenagers as I can.

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But you are weak, as a person, as a being, a fragile existence. You will get decimated by the locals.

Polish women NEED the best, brownest, most efficient LATINO seed

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Maybe I'll get torn apart by the ladies, sure.
On the other hand
>Poles still cry over something that happened 70 years ago
>Mexicans live happily with cartels that make the Nazis look like scoutboys
Sure, such strong locals. ;)

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yes, I like Polan very much


Polish women are the best dick suckers :)

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You just pulled that pic from a thread about Russian girls You need to control your shitflinging senor beaner.

They look the same to me, I just want to breed little mutts inside all slavic women.

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We're catholic bruhs so yes

cucked and bluepilled desu

also Krakow is very beautiful city but Warsaw is kinda ugly

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Based mexibro
I fucking love little skinny slavic sluts!

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>wanting to impose your seed in foreign women is cucked
>wanting p*les to dissapear is blue pilled
the absolute state of gringoys

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I do like my trusty poles.

They are fierce in battles and long for the same ideals as us.
Would wage war alongside them again.

Ukraine banned French vaccine for been labeled in Russian

The State Service of Ukraine for Drugs and Drug Control has banned the sale and use of the French vaccine for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus labeled in Russian.

The State Service of Ukraine for Drugs and Drug Control believes that this drug was imported into the country in violation of the law. Ukraine's pharmacies are ordered to destroy Pentaxim or return it to the manufacturer.

Diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and whooping cough are serious infectious diseases. However, whooping cough is especially dangerous for children under two years old.

Earlier it was reported that the infections that are being fought with the help of the vaccine in Ukraine are completely out of control. The number of cases of measles, meningitis, rubella, and poliomyelitis increased sharply. The number of vaccinated people in the country is just over 40%, which is the level of African countries. The vaccine is not enough, and those that are, people refuse to vaccinate because of their poor quality.

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Why would i like a bunch of arrogant germans in denial who claim to be russian and worship a jew on a stick like fucking fanatics

The lovely poles! :)

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fuck poland

Why you don't like your own country?
I wish to fuck as many poles as possible.

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why do you like polish women so much?

They LOVE latino cock.

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