
Wake up lazy bones edition

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primero por el hilo latino

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fair enough

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Good morning.

Please no noise.

Truly being racially superior has its upsides

Hey mate. How you doing?

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mm hmm

How are you today anyway

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pretty good, went lifting, ate a burger and a pizza, mad gains man

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Mmm I ate some pizza and did some push ups last night. Still spooky skellington mode though. I need a quick and dirty 10kg

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Same, i need like 10-15kg ASAP
don't care how, im just gonna shovel a lot of food inside of me

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Better off taking it slow and working out or you'll just become skinnyfat. I got the colliwobbles yesterday and I'd basically been only having the odd smoothie and rum for the last couple of days so I took the quick and dirty option

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yes I'm at a 500kcal surplus and I work out, should be alright, even if I gain a some fat, I'm a master at starving myself and losing weight, no problem.
>I got the colliwobbles yesterday
you alright now?

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Eh not really but I haven't had brekkie or a shower so we'll see how we go

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A good breakfast will make you feel better, I always get some bread with peanut butter, never fails me.

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Eating some guff that looks like nutrigrain atm. We'll see how we go

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Night rape at KFC

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kek I know you came out on the bottom. Faggot

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bet you enjoyed it slut

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No I didn't you emu

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Wait, no, it's me who performs the rape

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Eh I know my man well enough. Westy would have cut through you like a scythe through grain or whatever you Russians use

commie lies

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Whatcha talking about, I sold westy's ass on /ausnz/ black market multiple times for the record price of 1100 roubles

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Any advice to put some meat on my legs?

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Want something I can do now. I need to see physio and osteo before I commit to squats atm.

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Oof, you should've just told me if you wanted to buy kiwiposter so much, here's a price tags for you:
500 roubles for dunoid
700 roubles for chalmers
905 roubles for welliy
1100 roubles for westy
Chch you can acquire for free.

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Bet you got bashed and then sold for a chips and gravy at the KFC. They got ripped off

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Stop being jelly about me getting all kiwis for myself, I can share ya know

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You can do squats without a barbell, bodyweight only, has some variations too.
-Normal ones
-Split Squat
-Bulgarian Split Squat
maybe some more, I'd just pass the time with those, bodyweight only until you can go to the gym.

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Nah I'll be right thanks

Yeah I might actually sort myself out to get back into a bit sturdier routine.

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and after you made progress with squatting show me your butt

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Could have just had a normal conversation.

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>straight conversations
Domp eet

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I'm sorry I just can't help myself, don't worry I'll leave you alone now.

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Honestly I only like that cosplayer from Dresden and that's because we just talk about history and shit. He met a Prince of Saxony once. Pretty interested in that sort of thing. EU4 brain

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why do aussies animepost so much?

Enjoyment I expect

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Did NZ finally cop the wrath of God it so richly deserves or something?

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mornin' and heya all.

moving to sydney to work and live, visa almost sorted. can't wait to shitpost under aussie flag


I just woke up because I'm a lazy cunt.

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That's a shame, there's always next time

How you doing?

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Horrible, I'm back to being sick.
What about yourself?

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liberals or labour

That's a bit shit. idk. Taking it as it comes. Gonna do some exercise but also need smokes. Kinda sucks

God Emperor Wilke

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I need helping making a moral choice.

>apply for jobs for ages
>finally get two interviews about a week apart
>go to first interview
>they give me a job offer immediately and want me to start this upcoming week
>job is pretty similar to the other job I'm interviewing for but pays less and is casual (fulltime hours though)
>other job pays at least 5k more and is fulltime permanent so it would get leave and paid for public holidays
>still haven't interviewed for it though
Good alignment option: Ask them to delay my starting time so that they don't waste time/money on having me in for a couple days if I take the other job in the end. Future chances of getting work with the company stays good but possiblity of missing the job.
Less good option: Take the job, work for a couple days before going to the other interview and if I get an offer taking the better one or if I don't just sticking with the casual job. May damage future chances of working with that company but maybe not.
Bad alignment option: Take the job, keep working until the day before I start the next job (casual so I can quit anytime) and maximise the amount I earn but completely destroy bridges with that company.

Just be yourself
*Gives you the thumbs up*

Casual job but fulltime hours. Evil begets evil

the patrician choice, take the casual job, then organize the workforce to strike for 5k more, leave and paid public holidays

(you)ing myself but this actually irritates me on occasion. Play divinity original sin 2 and have Sebille in full plate armour and she looks like an exotic dancer. Bit immersion braking imo

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Terry Davis died.

This is good advice.

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Dads getting me KFC for lunch lads.

Sup emu raped kangaroo fucked piece of anonymous posters

1 all draw I guess

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Is he getting me something this time?

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Stop posting & go to bed rude Finn.

Tell him to grab me some smokes

If you give me your order I will send him a text.

he's not me and if anyone ought to stop posting it's you

What kind?

Are you a nice Finn? I imagine it would be like hanging out with Tommy Wiseau in the room if you had a Finnish mate

Champion Ruby 50g

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How am i rude when i offer honey made in Finland?
If i were trying to be rude i could easily get many much more replies from buthurt aussies.

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What sort of pollen is it made from?

Finns aren't worth replying to.
Haven't seen a single good post come out of them.
I don't even know what KFC has, I can count on one hand how many times I've been there...

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Zinger burger is the only worthwhile food there

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Its made of nortrhern flowers, something you soutrhoids will never completely get

We get Manuka honey. Best honey in the world desu

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I have had one of those.
Was bretty gud.

>Manuka honey
You've just made me realise I haven't had honey in a good while.

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Yeah but remember to get them to make it fresh

Yeah I just remembered lots of things. Feels good.

That said its like gold plated hens teeth to get hold of. Still there's a farmer at the farmers market with reasonable prices. Maybe one day if I'm in the mood. Nothing like a tea with a little honey and lemon

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>madookey homney

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Thats southroid honey, honey tastes different according to pollen bees use.

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Its medical honey. Like $50 for 50g or some bullshit

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Cute anime pics, can we have serious discussion withouth that?
Whats Australian medical honey like :DDD

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>$50 for 50g
It's not that bloody expensive is it?

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yeah what ever

It will be soon enough
All the bees are dying off, royal jelly is already several times its original price

Its pretty close.

Dude its a topical disinfectant. Do some research if you want to actually know things

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Good, fuck bees.
I'll have to go check it out myself.

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What if i cant give shit enaf for that, still doing more than your asian immigrants.
Could we have discussion in Chinish 2040?

dumb jafa scared of bees

Ummm no sweaty x

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Finished the KFC lads. Now back in my bedroom with laptop hooked up to TV as monitor.

just feeling bad for you basement dwellers

What did the old fella get ya?

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Post something lewd New Zeland


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Why not

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I just tried a Foster's lager today. Are Foster's popular in Australia? I got it because it said it was from Australia and I thought it was neat.


What should I eat?

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Sup assblasted zealaner, i hope you are least part native

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Rib eye steaks

The only thing you filthy, creepy street shitters only eat.

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Find a farmer and go from there. The shit you see in the chemist or woolies is a rort

No. Don't make shit up

Its pretty much export only I think. No one drinks it


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