ITT countries or cultures you dislike with a burning passion

ITT countries or cultures you dislike with a burning passion.

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Fuck India. Honestly.

Even more extremist than Afghans.

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Pretty much all of Latin America

Kek buttmad muslim detected.
We're not the one blowing up buildings and ramming pedestrians Muhammad.

Yes you are you kill people for slaughtering cows for food. You are worse than Mohammed's. At least they have a sense of dignity

>least they have a sense of dignity
Where's the dignity in shooting up schoolgirls in the name of your god?

>kill people for slaughtering cows
For stealing cows. You think slaughter houses being run legally are being torched and shit?

The Chinese are the worst plague to have ever hit this planet and all of them dying would improve absolutely everything.

>*blows up Sikh temple full of innocents*

>*blows up Christian church full of innocents*

This but completely unironically

God I wish. But we don't know how to make bombs. It's an entirely middle eastern art.

I hate all of the Caribbean and the North of South America. They speak a shit spanish.
I also dislike the protest*nts with burning passion. Fucking heretics.

Argentina, Uruguay, South Brazil and Chile are bro tier, btw.

Attached: garces.jpg (300x286, 68K)

Just El Salvador

Idk. I know some great Salvadorans but nothing great ever comes from that country

>Offer to help a country in the middle of a national disaster, whose own government isn't helping its people

This is why Indians need to be exterminated.

Hindus aren't the ones to talk m8, you're just as shit.

>God I wish.



Not so fast, Ameritmutt. You're the bigger terrorist of all. Remember destroying a country in the name of " finding weapons of mass destruction"?

i'm not deep enough into the spectrum to hate entire countries

So he could kill a few harmless Christians, Buddhists, and Sikhs before they gain independence.

This but replace Chinese with Americans

Only Israel, Saudi Arabia, and China, the rest of you are pretty OK.


why there is butthole on the flag, is it symbolize public shitting?

what kind of crack are you smoking nigger?

> speaks primary school english
> thinks he can """banter""" anyone

We polytheist Hindus know you Muslims hate us with a burning passion. We will one day treat you accordingly but right know we are led by weak liberal cucks.

These are all things that only happen in the mind of (Pakistani) Muslims.

Isnt india run by modi whos consvertive, and lmao you literally lynch people over a fucking cow

the reason he speaks english at all is because his people fought and lost a war whereas the reason you speak it is because your shithole country was the queens subhuman labour camp.

gg pooper

>We are the Macedonian people
>We speak the Macedonian language
the Macedonian language is Greek you fucking illiterate retards

Attached: 510px-Flag_of_Macedonia.svg.png (510x255, 6K)

lol pajeet mad coz its true, aint it?

>Isnt india run by modi whos consvertive
He is still a cuck that respects the secular constitution of India. Also he hasn't burned down the anti-Hindu media yet. He is liberal in all but words.

>you literally lynch people over a fucking cow
Muslims killed 95% of Hindus (and other polytheists) that used to live in their countries.

Your fellow muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh were also occupied by the British.

I'd just like to remind everyone that Indian is not a culture nor a ethnicity
its a nationality
these English Speaking christian baptist who look like Thai are also technically Indian

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why is there black color on your flag, does it symbolize your share of black population?

why is there red color on your flag, does it symbolize what a bunch of blood thirsty Nazis you fucktards used to be?

why is there yellow color on the flag, does it symbolize how shitty your people were up until mid 1950's?

Like you submissive canadicucks know anything about war! At least we fought for our independence.

it wasn't really a big fight
we(all those in the British Raj) were gonna get our Independence anyway even without Gandhi
the British just had a horrible war and they were not gonna have another one
The British Raj was considered the Jewel of the British Empire
considered more valuable then all the colonial territory in African

I don't know, probably Germans. A bunch of sadistic, narrow-minded and power-hungry jerks, I don't like that type of people.

Big or small, we weren't a bunch of spineless cucks like the leafs. They are licking their queen's cunt till this very day and that's how they got their independence, by licking their queen's cunt like th e submissive little doggies they are.

Attached: canadias god.jpg (660x356, 26K)


I wish there was 1 flag for all sp*cs so I can post it

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Mexico.svg.png (2000x1143, 190K)


I prefer Pajeets to Chinese tb h
FOB Indians are butthurt but second gen are bantzmasters, integrate better than Chinks too (except Pinoys).

Your country is literally named for India.

I don't dislike any country (that's fucking stupid).
I can unironically find at least a smidgen of beauty in most countries' cultures.

That's mild by the standard of Asian countries conflict

4 years ago, I hated Indian because they raped tourists and lived in filth. After all this time, I started watching videos about Indian streets and found India to be likable. India is unique whereas Southeast Asian countries and European countries are similar to each other. You gotta love them because of that.

Unironically this.

they named themselves actually
Indonesia is home to dozens of ethnicities if whatever they named their country it would seem like they would favor one ethnic group over the other
so they picked the name their colonizers gave them

Indo is named after Indie, dutch name for its region, named after indian ocean, indian ocean is named after India which means South Asian (pakistan afghanistan india asean etc)
So its nothing to do with modern India.

I hate shitskin diaspora. The ones who live in the West, but still sing the praises of their homeland, while enjoying the benefits of a first-world country. Disgusting hypocrites.

ahmed amreeki loves pakistan so much that he refuses to move there and fix that country.

Saudi Arabia

> Britcuck bitching about foreigners praising their homeland in his own country.

le epitome of irony.

You britards were no different when you were in India up until 1947.

I'm 2nd-gen Chinese, and honestly Jow Forums has been a big eye-opener for me about how fucked up the state of modern China is. I just don't go public about this opinion, because it would hurt my reputation with normies. Anyway praise me for not being hypocritical white man :^).

Muslim fingers typed this while mass raping girls and women in the West:


1500+ white girls were raped by Pakistani men in one single town:


Another case involving a boy:


>Muslim fingers
What if his feet or forehead are Hindu?

butthole is the most hindu of all

ok mehmet
Stop raping german girls, OK? We can't have Hans go full 1938 again.

stop replying to me pajeet



it's weird how I really don't hate any country or people or culture, to me they're all interesting at the very least, but at the same time just if I could push a button to straight up remove all indians and chinese I'd feel morally obliged to push it.

stop trying pajeet

why would i be mad farhan?


insectoid gook

Wow, you sure have a negative view of those countries.


Everything with Japan and Korea.

>be american
>get shot

That but replace Chinese with Germans.

They're literally bulgarians.

It'd be nice to see more Indian men fucking women from Korea, Japan, and women from Chinese speaking countries.

Chinese insectoids.

I'm sure you guys are good people who would never hurt anybody.

Pakistan is worse. It's the same thing + Islam


well that and the terrorist training
I mean every decent terrorist/insurgent group has been trained by us
The Mujahideen,The Taliban even some members of the IRA
thats the biggest reason not to like us

At least you are usefull at something, while india isnt even one.

I mean its the one thing were good at
that and men's filed hockey which is a sport that no one cares about
we have won more men's filed Hockey World Cup's then any other country in the world

They make good films like Baahubali.

>"We polytheist Hindus know"
>that flag

Attached: poojeet in denmark.png (1608x1265, 992K)

Bahubali wasn't good, just flashier. I stopped at the ten-minute mark.

they're might come a time when India starts picking off failing American companies, and this thread will have a new dimension

The hell is with your taste. Baahubali was kino.

Wasn't it always obvious? Jow Forums is a board full of people too afraid to post with their real flags. It's the most worthless board on this website but it's somewhat active because of insecure immigrants.

I absolutely hate bongs. The way they talk, act, walk. They are nothing but wrong humans
I also hate our (((neighbors))) but that's obvious
Go back to ksa faggot

Well, if you like cheesy action, maybe it is for you.
I personally thought they looked ridiculous, huddling up with spears and launching themselves from fucking tree catapults.

Attached: bahubali.jpg (328x154, 12K)

Tree catapults are more efficient than helicopters
Fight me

You'll bring a tree to a helicopter fight?

>The way they talk, act, walk.
do they skippedy-skoop before walking and twiddling their moustache

What ho, chap!
*walks past you*

Attached: mp_walk.jpg (220x174, 10K)

that walk is unironically very invigorating, feel like I can walk any stairs after it

I'd rather plant trees than destroy them

Based tree hugger.

You win. The next time there's a natural disaster, we'll use tree catapults to transfer the injured.

>ctrl-f "France"

You disappoint me, Jow Forums.

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lol black hand.thats why hes so aggressive. so insecure