
Bus routes edition


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trying to gain an understanding of english culture
so i'm listening to genesis


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Okay, now this is epic.

Why are you so fucking stupid? The rules clearly state no new threads until page 8, does the old thread look like page 8 to you? No wonder the janny is fucking sick of it

page 8 is over the top autism
reckon so long as it hits the bump limit there's nothing wrong with a new, simple as

Need an Emma Watson gf to fart in my face and laugh about it.

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>i'm literally gonna end it
>there's no hope
>I'm a 30 year old virgin at 5'5



and people will say "height doesn't matter" lmao, height is EVERYTHING, if you're sub 5'10 you're doomed

>still have 4 pages to go lad.

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Got a stiff willy

willy stiffy uh

When will b*its pay for their crimes against the Chinese People?

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Want an Asian girlfriend
Got yellow fever big time

Nigga I said I got a STIFFY willy huh

You're British yourself


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When will the Chinese pay for it's war crimes against the Taiwanese (ever heard of a little thing called the 2.28 incident?)

alri ugly neurotypical

always howl when in the shop and completely mundane items are adorned with star wars themes and generic nonsensical slogans

BTFO by a Yank

had a dream where I had an enormous willy
got upset when I awoke to find the old 5.5 x 4.5 still there

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Why don't women not date nice guys? - Well ACKCHYUALLY they are not nice but manipulative! Wahmym can sense these things ya know! - Then why do they date abusive guys? - Well that's because they are manipulative you stoopid inzel!!

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literally nothing wrong with shagging distant cousins mate

virgin freak
take your meds

the first lie I was ever told was that Ready Break filled you up until lunch

first lie I was ever told is that they're not fighting because of me

Despise my older brother
Encapsulates most of the vile hypocrisy of the contemporary left

genuinely untrue I'm attractive and not autistic

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pasty virgin fingers made this

So /brit/, what the verdict on captain beefheart then?

What is an hot mess and why was I called one?

Seriously what is wrong with them??!?


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Why are incels always depicted as ugly if looks aren't important?

Why not respond with a picture of this guy eh?

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then why do you have yellow fever? most asian women are vile

Love poop hatch


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'nice guys' are creepy and desperate.

first lie I was ever told is that personality matters more than looks

The Chinese have proven themselves as soulless insects devoid of human attributes such as honour, compassion, and kindness. Stepping in an ant hill is more savage and brutal than wiping out every single Chinese man woman and child.

opium is lush though mate

Yeah it's bad but is it true you all wear lampshades instead of hats

>be addicted to opium
>sell your coutnry to people in exchange for more opium
>somehow it's their fault



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No shit looks are important. Most incels only want to date 10/10 models and that's where the problems lie. A completely dry personality, no interesting hobbies and below average looks ensure that incels will never join the gene pool, thank god.

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Me BTFO'ing you with facts and knowledge

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just tried that flossing dance and i was rubbish at it

is this what autism looks like

state of this cope

lol state of this absolute cope, incels go for the same women as everyone else does

Women rate 80% of men as BELOW AVERAGE in looks. Ain't that just quacking crazy

wrong one
its been edited

lol yeah that's why you lot spend your days posting pics of literal models and complaining they won't date anyone but chads
everyone has an upper limit and adjust their preference accordingly, incels are runts who believe they deserve to be top of the pile for no reason other than it's how they feel
get a grip you grotty little worm

Yeah but incels don't have the same looks as most others. They need to lower their standards and be a bit more realistic

The point is more that incels usually don't go for any woman at all and expect a girl to fall in their lap

This is my brother. He hanged himself because he turned 33 and was still a virgin due to his awful personality and social anxiety. RIP, bro

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The RIPPED British sailor vs the TWINK chinese peasant

t. coper

This is pure strawman

the ugly /brit/ gf

nice strawman you've created there vile neurotypical copelord
most of them would do anything fro the touch of even an ugly woman, remember that ugly broad on naked attraction picking the guys last night? bare incels were saying she was cute/attractive even tho she was a 3/10
could not be more untrue have never heard from this from an incel

nice guys are manipulative and ugly

manipulative guys are maniupulative and not ugly

women just think they can "change" the attractive guy, then wind up getting beaten

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who's for mimosas at brunch?

Lower their standards why? Looks aren't important sweatie, it's all about personality x

>s-sdrawman!! he sayd a sdrawman!!
you can practically smell the virginity emanating from their post
incels are the biggest copers around


absolute state of this neurotypical copelord

Ben Shapiro runs bus FULL of school children off cliff using FACTS and LOGIC

Love it when women are beaten and killed by their chad bfs

Incest is a CANZUK tradition

absolute FACTS

these fucking faggots annoy me its weird posting on Jow Forums seeing it all the time

they refuse to adapt, they just whine and complain

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Does meth draw people to Nazism or does Nazism draw people to meth?
Genuinely curious because there's definitely a correlation between the two

I would be over the moon if a girl like this wanted to date me

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Yes LIFE ISNT FAIR faggot. They are women and we are men. Its easier for them. This is how it has always been.

Whine some more you pathetic fucking virgin
Meanwhile men do what is necessary and dont spend their lives "b-but its not faaairrrrr women get it easy wahahhhh they get to chooose :(((("

Fuck off

I've fucked my cousin

Gerry Adams was never a member of the IRA.


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that's a man, a very mentally ill one

The only thing incels really want is the world to admit that looks play a huge part in your life, if you're ugly/short/balding, you're practically doomed

Studies have shown time and time again, women prefer height over anything, tall/attractive people earn more, are more likely to be promoted etc, suffer from less mental illness and just generally live a better life

Instead of being appreciated, all the facts are swept under the rug to be replaced by "just be yourself teeheee, I LOVE ugly and short guys, it's just a coincidence my boyfriend is a 6'6 male model teehee, just be yourself, you'll make a girl very happy someday(but not me)"

>Meanwhile men do what is necessary

Yeah like commit suicide 4 times as often

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I want to have sex with Watson.

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if i lost weight id be attractive but im a fat cunt

I'll drink to that
*sips schooner*

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what the fuck are you talking about vile neurotypical copelord

just eat less you fat fuck

Yes LIFE ISNT FAIR faggot. They are white and we are black. Its easier for them. This is how it has always been.

Whine some more you pathetic fucking virgin
Meanwhile blacks do what is necessary and dont spend their lives "b-but its not faaairrrrr whites get it easy wahahhhh they get to chooose :(((("

Fuck off

>neurotypical copelord
translation: wahwah, no truths for baby!! baby want believe baby can't change situation!! baby want blame others!!

Waaaaaah shut up you fucking bellend
Cry some more

Some people lose, some people win
You're not supposed to be the loser. Simple as. You do what it takes to not be the loser.

Rest is cope

>Waaaaaaaaah ur neurotpical and not a loser like mee waaaaaaah
Fuck off to Tumblr you virgin cunt

this but unironically

car salesman: hello sir would you like to have a closer look inside?

black mate: fuck yo shit homie i put a cap in dis niggas face asking me to look inside and shit. tryna gett me to buy this shit

>you making my sportsidrect slazenger polos for 15p an hour more like

Losing weight is incredibly easy. You've been taught that it's difficult so you'll either keep consuming shit, or if you do try to lose weight you'll spend thousands on stupid products you don't need. Just eat less move more it's literally that simple.

A mahram is an unmarriageable kin with whom marriage or sexual intercourse would be considered haram, illegal in Islam, or people from whom purdah is not obligatory or legal escorts of a woman during journey longer than a day and night, 24 hours.

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Shan't be engaging with the incel any further
So excluded from society that now they're unleashing their virgin rage on anyone in sight rather than the women who ignore them